trial day 38: the defense continues its case in chief #110

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A question I have is, (according to JA testimony and experts for the DT) that if TA was abusing JA and had 3 separate incidents where TA physically abused JA, why would she let him tie her up? matter how hot a woman was or how amazing she might be in bed...if she hit me, choked me or physically abused me..i would not submit myself to be tied up....

And if SHE was the victim, why did he always stop when she said it hurt, and she also said he never would tie them too tight so she could always get her hands out, so sounds to me like he was always giving her control.
Taking a quick break from redding up. :wink:

I knew what "Jaeatyet" meant right away. Are you a fellow western PA'er? :biggrin:

hahahaha!!! I knew you were from here as soon as I saw "redding up"!!
No, it's not just you. I think it's creepy, too. Dr. Drew has talked about it a few times on his show. He says Jodi is "mirroring" Willmott and has probably been doing this her whole life with various people. If I have to hear Jean C say that the two of them have "really bonded" one more time, I will rip my hair out. I don't give a flip who she's bonded with; this trial isn't about that, it's about justice for Travis.

I also wonder if the jury notices that her own attorney nurmi won't even look at her... I think that speaks volumes
The only 'sense' it made was to position the knife in the bathroom, for Jodi's story, making it accessible during the murder. However, she didn't even stick to the knife being there. She said it may have been there, or in the bedroom, after the rope was cut.

Apparently, she never noticed a large knife lying around in either the bathroom or bedroom between the time the rope was cut and the murder. Yet, she knew exactly where it was when the murder happened, to be able to retrieve it and murder Travis in that 62 second time frame.

She knew she goofed when JM pointed this out, and she suggested maybe Travis had it, and she didn't say so because no one had asked her.
Who cuts a rope with a knife? Not me THEY slip! I use scissors or tin snips!
Just to satisfy myself, I emailed RS to ask about the authenticity of that statement attributed to him. Let's see if I get a response.
I hope he says no! I am so disappointed in him already!

Yes, lets face it there are several ways to do it, just not the way she said. I hope someone does some WS and tries to do it the way she said. My hubbo would think I had lost my mind...I think he would anyway.:what:

You better watch it! Ya might be a momof8 by Christmas! j/k
Was it ever revealed WHY JA was hitting and kicking her mom (besides the fact that JA is a psycho beotch)? tia

IDK, but Samuels testified that Jodi claimed her mother (or parents) loved all their kids except her. Jodi is a lot older than her younger siblings iirc, so when she was ~12 yo her mom may have given her more "baby" duty than normal, since the family restaurant required her time too. I can see resentment building up in JA over having to serve the more favored kids. The dog-kicking story as reaction to her having to clean up a yard full of soiled diapers supports that theory.
Amen to that Pensfan. :)

I'll double that AMEN!! As a nurse, I've run my butt off doing 12 hour shifts many times and more often than not, I barely have time for a quick bite of something in the back room while charting. I've eaten one sandwich over a a 12 hour shift taking a bite here and there.
I thought they said yesterday that she was served her "brunch" between 2-3 in the morn. It's 0430 there now.

Not sure who said that, but that's completely false. They talked to one of the jailers on HLN yesterday they get fed at seven.
Taking a quick break from redding up. :wink:

I knew what "Jaeatyet" meant right away. Are you a fellow western PA'er? :biggrin:

My Mom and grandmother always said REDDING UP too !!! She was forever telling me to "go red up your room" LOL :floorlaugh:

We are originally from Western PA (sort of ) too.. Punxsutawney area..
I'll double that AMEN!! As a nurse, I've run my butt off doing 12 hour shifts many times and more often than not, I barely have time for a quick bite of something in the back room while charting. I've eaten one sandwich over a a 12 hour shift taking a bite here and there.

I am not a nurse, but 12 hour shifts. Lots of time there is NO time for food. And I am also on my feet running around all day.

I agree that there should be no special considerations for extra food unless there is a specific need such as having to take food with meds.


I have never heard anyone say "might could" ever. Must be a Houston thing. That is not to say I haven't heard many a Texan say weird stuff. :giggle:

I dont know about it being a Houston thing. Ive lived here all my life and that is one phrase Ive NEVER heard.

We Texans pretty much have our own language, but not as much as Louisiana!!!


I love being from the South!
ok I'll bite.

I grew up with this one.
Every holiday, picnic, family get together!
now don't cheat!
what does this word mean?


No,ju? I'm fixin' to make me some eggs and I believe I have a taste for some biscuits. It's been a right good while since I had me some. Djall already have coffee?
Taking a quick break from redding up. :wink:

I knew what "Jaeatyet" meant right away. Are you a fellow western PA'er? :biggrin:

Haven't heard the phrase "redding up" since I was a little girl in Pa. My family didn't use it, but I had neighbors who did. And that's eastern Pa., too.

I used to work with a wonderful young man from Bosnia. He would often ask me to explain where common phrases came from -- he was very anxious to speak fluent American English. Usually I could tell him, but there were occasions when I was completely stumped. He would often come close to a slang phrase, but not quite make it -- once he called someone "fluffy" rather than "flaky." We laughed till we cried. Used that phrase around the office for a long time.
I've been lurking on this thread for a long time and see many familiar faces and have nothing but respect for all and the many opinions everyone brings to the table. So this post is put out there with love, I swear.

Not to beat this already dead horse :deadhorse: but;

Can anyone cite an example of a death penalty trial that has been overturned because the defendant was underfed and underslept during the trial (allegedly or in truth)?

I'm not saying there isn't one, but I just can't find one.

Here is a link to defendant's rights. Can't see any that are being infringed.

All that leaves is 'cruel and unusual punishment'. Is it to be believed JA is being denied adequate and timely nutrition and opportunity for rest to the tune of the trial being overturned. Cruel and unusually underfed/underslept?

Has this actually ever happened, ever? As in, can anyone cite an example of
a murder trial being overturned because the defendant's blood sugar was low during the trial (at the fault of the jail) and they went without sleep and these two things impeded the defendant from getting a fair trial?

I have to add did we get here? She allegedly had a headache yesterday and felt like throwing up. (Note:IMO, Fakey Fakerson)

Now we're at the possibility of her trial being overturned because of JA's being abused/neglected by the jailer? Fer reals? :waitasec:

That was my point yesterday as well. This has been going on in Maricopa County Sheriff Joe took over in the 90s. There hasn't been one case overturned due to the schedule and feeding, or they wouldnt continue to do it. She doesn't deserve special treatment.
I would imagine the days she gets up earlier are the days she showers to allow time for her hair to dry, get dressed and ready for them to bring her to the courthouse for 7am. She then is given her breakfast and she has to change into civilian clothes to get ready for court. It looks as if reality is starting to set in for her and she does not like it.

I also think it is setting in that she will no longer be in county jail, but instead she will go to prison. New rules and possibly solitary confinement, which I believes terrifies her the absolute MOST. NO attention for Jodi in the death cell.

Sooooo, she is pulling every trick in the book for one more night in the plush county jail. With her buddies and groupies and familiar territory.

Being alone terrifies her, and that is exactly what she will get at the end of this trial.
I dont know about it being a Houston thing. Ive lived here all my life and that is one phrase Ive NEVER heard.

We Texans pretty much have our own language, but not as much as Louisiana!!!


I love being from the South!

houston here too, and i HAVE heard 'might could.' as in 'i might could do that.' totally wrong, but people do say it.
There are many laughable, OMG does she really claim that, lies that JA has told with her testimony. For me, the one that makes me lol is that, <according to her testimony> after she dropped the camera, that TA got really really mad and bodyslammed her so hard she lost her breath BUT she was able to roll away, run down the hall...into the closet, close the door reach up and grab the gun and then go back in the bathroom and HE NEVER CAUGHT UP TO HER! C'mon, really?!? If he was really as angry as she "claims" he was..his hippocampus was going into overdrive and there was no way....noooooooo waaaaaaaaayyyyyy....she was able to outrun him! He would have caught her long before she reached the end of the hall. *walks away shakin my head and mumbling to myself....
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