trial day 38: the defense continues its case in chief #110

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Not open for further replies., I'm just sitting here drinking my morning coffee, browsing Facebook, and somebody on the State v. Jodi Arias page mentioned that Dr. Samuels posted on that Jodi is innocent site...wowza!

I'm sure you super sleuths already know about this, but wow...that is so unethical!

It seems that ethics are absent from all over that side of the room. IMO.
I couldn't sleep last night and all these random questions were popping up.

They probably haven't told her but I agree she has looked more Of a mess than usual lately,I think the penny may just have dropped for her that this isn't going to end the way she thinks and that she's probably going to be put to death.

Can't believe they will actually add another 500 cals to her daily 2600 who needs 3100cals?! The RDA for a woman is 2000 she isn't some sort of body builder or something like that. Give her an energy drink or something and be done with it.

If all attention isn't on her she has to cause a scene. She reminds me of a spoiled child having a tantrum because she hasnt gotten her own way.

And as for Dr fauxgs statement wth??? Just shows even more how unprofessional he is imo

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It's not just about calories it's about when you get them and what else comes woth them. 2600 cals of pop in the morning and nothing else the entire day isn't going to do you much good. She has been prescribed meds for the migraines or something which means a doctor has seen her. Just give her a couple energy bars throughout the day, not for her but for the sake of Travis' family and getting the trial through with properly.
I do not think there was a rope. But I've said it before its not hard to tie someone up w a sleigh bed. And you don't use the rope around the whole bed. Just by the corners.

Yes, lets face it there are several ways to do it, just not the way she said. I hope someone does some WS and tries to do it the way she said. My hubbo would think I had lost my mind...I think he would anyway.:what:

It's not just about calories it's about when you get them and what else comes woth them. 2600 cals of pop in the morning and nothing else the entire day isn't going to do you much good. She has been prescribed meds for the migraines or something which means a doctor has seen her. Just give her a couple energy bars throughout the day, not for her but for the sake of Travis' family and getting the trial through with properly.

I have never taken migraine meds, nor do I know which she is taking but could it be possible she has to take the meds with food or something to avoid nausea or something? Thats what it is all about?

Kelly, I'm just sitting here drinking my morning coffee, browsing Facebook, and somebody on the State v. Jodi Arias page mentioned that Dr. Samuels posted on that Jodi is innocent site...wowza!

I'm sure you super sleuths already know about this, but wow...that is so unethical!

He did send an email to the operator of Jodi is innocent site but it really didn't say anything except to say he stands by his testimony. I do have a feeling that he will post again on that website after the trial is over. There will be a lot of reaction and interviews after this trial is over and that maybe the only place we get a statement from him..although it will be biased and foggy at best.
I just think the DT know that their ship is going down and they are doing everything possible for sympathy or whatever they can to get Jodi less time.
Especially on a pro defendant site.

Had they been words spoken to an anonymous source...btw that always makes me lol. But, comments on a pro JA site. How did he even know it existed?

I don't think he is very smart or ethical at this point.


He never was smart or ethical. He either doesn't care or is too stupid to recognize it. Hands down he's the most obvious charlatan I've ever seen. And he's so epically stupid he advertises on his website that his testimony is for sale for any defendant (ie, he'll fabricate whatever defense counsel wants to favor the defendant for a fee). What kind of flaming idiot ADVERTISES such a thing???

His record keeping is such a joke any secretary or clerk that was half as bad as he is would get fired for total incompitance.

He contradicted his own testimony so many times I lost count.

He was so arrogant and so totally unable to keep his temper in check that he came off as not only a bumbling lying shill that was completely untrustworthy and unlikeable but probably the best witness for the prosecution.

I can't figure out how the jury was able to refrain from bursting out in hysterical laughter at this ridiculous excuse of an expert numorous times.

And he's so unbelievably stupid I have no doubt he fails to recognize any of this.
The only 'sense' it made was to position the knife in the bathroom, for Jodi's story, making it accessible during the murder. However, she didn't even stick to the knife being there. She said it may have been there, or in the bedroom, after the rope was cut.

Apparently, she never noticed a large knife lying around in either the bathroom or bedroom between the time the rope was cut and the murder. Yet, she knew exactly where it was when the murder happened, to be able to retrieve it and murder Travis in that 62 second time frame.

She knew she goofed when JM pointed this out, and she suggested maybe Travis had it, and she didn't say so because no one had asked her.

That was one of my favorite moments of Jodi on the stand! You're saying that here you are, on trial for your life, after killing a man, in what you claim is self defense, and you never, until now, mentioned that he was coming at you with a knife because, "No one asked me?"
Lololol. You know she wishes so badly she could time warp back and stick that little tidbit in her original testimony on direct.
My thought is when she was on the stand she was fine because she was in control. Now others are in control and she does not handle that well. She probably wants to dictate how they answer the questions, and probably feels no one can do it as well as she could.... This has got to be the worst part for her. Having a migraine allowed her to take back control for a day, she probably loved getting her way knowing she had a day cancelled...

Yep, the world revolves around her. Watch the interrogation tapes or rewatch the trial tapes. She only cries when it is ABOUT HER. Oh, unless she fake cries and covers her face.

Something that disturbs me is how she wanted to see the murder pictures of Travis during her interrogation with Flores. She said it was a morbid curiousity and she kept on and on. However, when she sees them in court she hides her face like they are too graphic to watch.

She is a monster playing the starring role. :furious:
Is it just me? Watching JA and JW with their matching, and 'single white female' vibe is a little creepy. I can't tell if JW is coming under the powers of JA; they have an interesting dynamic.

No, it's not just you. I think it's creepy, too. Dr. Drew has talked about it a few times on his show. He says Jodi is "mirroring" Willmott and has probably been doing this her whole life with various people. If I have to hear Jean C say that the two of them have "really bonded" one more time, I will rip my hair out. I don't give a flip who she's bonded with; this trial isn't about that, it's about justice for Travis.
What I don't get is if he is a wrestler and they are both crouching down, why go through the trouble of standing up, picking her up, then slamming her down. A wrestler would go into an immediate takedown, putting his body on top of hers, pin her to the floor. If he wants her dead then wrap his legs around her neck, choking her and there were be no chance of her getting back up...the end
It's not just about calories it's about when you get them and what else comes woth them. 2600 cals of pop in the morning and nothing else the entire day isn't going to do you much good. She has been prescribed meds for the migraines or something which means a doctor has seen her. Just give her a couple energy bars throughout the day, not for her but for the sake of Travis' family and getting the trial through with properly.

Many old nurses work 12 hour shifts and FREQUENTLY don't get to eat lunch or take a break (or use the bathroom more than once). Jodi's migraines are not from lack of food. They are a method for her to "control" the court. She is skillfully manipulative.
Good morning - regarding JA's weight loss, IMO, she has lost weight and looks like carp due to (self-inflicted) stress. The migraines and cold sores are a further indication of this being stress-related. If you have ever been through a stressful time in your life - divorce, loss of a loved one, etc. - you know that weight loss is a common side effect of a body under stress. The calorie guidelines for the jail fall under the category allowed for an active woman, JA sits in a chair all day. Princess Jodi has no one to blame but herself for her current situation.

My understanding, as per HLN, is that she gets 2600 calories a day. I have a strong knowledge of diet/nutrition/calorie counting etc, and that is a decent amount more than enough for a female of her size.

In fact, I just went to this site

I entered a height of 5'6", weight of 120lbs, age 32 and a moderate physical activity level (which may be pushing it), and the number of calories she should need a day to maintain her current weight is about 1950

3500 excessive calories to one's maintenance level will add about 1 pound of weight. So, if you ate 500 calories above maintenance a day, you'd put on 1lb a week (500x7=3500)

As JA is given about 600 calories a day above her maintenance level, she could easily be gaining a lb a week. Even if she has a furnace for a metabolism, she shouldn't be losing weight unless she is not eating everything she is given.
Did he actually post on THAT site? Or was it a quote posted on there from someone else? If not, for someone who hasn't been following the coverage of the trial as he claims, he sure knew the right place to go to find Jodi supporters.

I'm quite sure they found HIM and led him in there. He should watch the YouTube video about where the site originates. :twocents:
It's not just about calories it's about when you get them and what else comes woth them. 2600 cals of pop in the morning and nothing else the entire day isn't going to do you much good. She has been prescribed meds for the migraines or something which means a doctor has seen her. Just give her a couple energy bars throughout the day, not for her but for the sake of Travis' family and getting the trial through with properly.

I think they've more than expounded on this issue. She gets breakfast. Not pop. She can divide it for lunch if she so chooses. If she ate everything they allowed her to eat, she would actually be gaining weight. She needs to garner sympathy, and since her story isn't getting it, maybe her dire food restriction will?

I have no sympathy for people who put themselves in precarious situations. No one put her in this position. She did it to herself.

If it were my brother and his killer needed a protein bar on top of the 2600 calories a day that they are allotted, my answer would be ABSOLUTELY NOT.

I would take joy in any perceived discomfort. But this is just another inmate ploy to try to skirt the rules. This is a game to them.
See, this is what's perplexing. Rope or no rope? Either side could test the fibers against the pillows and slippers to see if they match. The defense could test them to see if they match any known "rope" fibers. I don't think it was truly a rope but more like decorative cording.

This issue could easily be put to rest by either side if they just test the fibers. It could prove an aspect of Jodi's story or prove another lie. But neither side has tested them. WHY NOT?

A question I have is, (according to JA testimony and experts for the DT) that if TA was abusing JA and had 3 separate incidents where TA physically abused JA, why would she let him tie her up? matter how hot a woman was or how amazing she might be in bed...if she hit me, choked me or physically abused me..i would not submit myself to be tied up....
ok I'll bite.

I grew up with this one.
Every holiday, picnic, family get together!
now don't cheat!
what does this word mean?


Taking a quick break from redding up. :wink:

I knew what "Jaeatyet" meant right away. Are you a fellow western PA'er? :biggrin:

Well, I will pretend to not know that is correct...:seeya:


And we will pretend to know that Jodi never had to cut a rope!:seeya:

They actually sell an aparatus. I was like :what:
it forms an x under the mattress... :twocents: (if anyone cares)

Jodi never thought of under the mattress that because IT NEVER HAPPENED!!!!
Many old nurses work 12 hour shifts and FREQUENTLY don't get to eat lunch or take a break (or use the bathroom more than once). Jodi's migraines are not from lack of food. They are a method for her to "control" the court. She is skillfully manipulative.

Yes. Another thing about the human body is how amazing it is to adapting. Sometimes I'll get into eating 6 smaller meals a day. When I am consistent with that, if I go an hour or two passed when my body expects food I get lethargic/weak.

However, if I am in a habit of just a few meals a day, I could go 8+ hours without thinking of eating.

Jodi has been in jail for years. Her body will have adapted to her meal timing and when to expect food.
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