trial day 38: the defense continues its case in chief #110

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BBM. I certainly agree. I think this fits right in with all we know about her. Plus I think a certain amount of it is learned behavior. Her mom & aunt seem to act out more when things are going badly for Jodi. Very adolescent, even juvenile. And then there's that whole thing about the ribbons -- doesn't want TA's family to wear ribbons, but they want to wear ribbons themselves (apparently in support of DV victims). I'm stilling laughing over TruthDetector's post yesterday, wondering if JA's mom tied her ribbon around the handle of her wooden spoon.

Is that what those stupid ribbons are about? Support for victims of domestic violence? Lololololololol. They truly have their heads up their arses!


Gets really good about th 1 minute mark where he starts telling the story about the woman calling police.

I loved watching that guy cook!
I'm feeling deprived! I've never heard of these places ... IMO anything would be better than McDonalds, is that stuff even meat ?


Do you have Schlotzsky's where you live? ohemgee they were my faves!!!!
We only have one left around here and I ADMIT...I cheat about twice a year and eat one! YUM!

I think JW wanted Jodi to "take her medicine" because JW had to go deliver her some news that she would not like to hear and JW was a little unnerved herself. Can you imagine telling her MM will testify against you for the state?
Jodi's rope story is laughable. She says Travis unwound the rope to the bathroom and she was at the other end in the bedroom. Absurd! Who would do that to CUT a rope? They were not measuring the length of the rope.

That whole story was bizarre. Why would you do that? Why not cut it on the bed where you are tying the person up? It makes no sense to unwind it all the way to the bathroom and then cut it.

If Samuels had any ethics or morals and truly believes his diagnosis he could have waited till after the verdict and issued a press release. To be posted publicly on that site leaves no question as to how he feels. He really stepped in it, IMO.

Stepped in it is right. Question, is he done as far as testifying, or can they re-call him at all? If they can re-call him, he's in all kinds of trouble with the court. But, I think his part in the trial is over?

Either way, he has shown himself to have a big problem with ethics, and it's not the first time. A new career is in order. Maybe he can take a typing class.

And good morning, everyone! :seeya:
Was it ever revealed WHY JA was hitting and kicking her mom (besides the fact that JA is a psycho beotch)? tia
Good morning - regarding JA's weight loss, IMO, she has lost weight and looks like carp due to (self-inflicted) stress. The migraines and cold sores are a further indication of this being stress-related. If you have ever been through a stressful time in your life - divorce, loss of a loved one, etc. - you know that weight loss is a common side effect of a body under stress. The calorie guidelines for the jail fall under the category allowed for an active woman, JA sits in a chair all day. Princess Jodi has no one to blame but herself for her current situation.
Oh crud. I was trying to sleep and it just hit me. She's wearing pigtails. I know Travis said he liked them, but I believe the real reason for pigtails is so that she doesn't leave hair strands at the crime scene. She didn't expect the struggle, and always wondered why her hair wasn't in a ponytail.

Pigtails=No hair strands. I'm sure y'all have already covered that, but it literally pulled me out of bed to have a eureka moment.

I had never thought about that. Good observation!!!:seeya:
Rope story, getting body slammed by a naked, wet man, him sayin f'ing kill you b....h..... *Sigh*.

If these jurors use common sense to guide them as they deliberate we should have a verdict within a day., I'm just sitting here drinking my morning coffee, browsing Facebook, and somebody on the State v. Jodi Arias page mentioned that Dr. Samuels posted on that Jodi is innocent site...wowza!

I'm sure you super sleuths already know about this, but wow...that is so unethical!

And for all we know, she brought the rope with her from CA in the first place. The whole rope thing feels like a red herring. The whole time JA was testifying about being tied up I was sitting on my personal sleigh bed with my lapttop. Looking around I was like what the hey, how is it even possible!


Well ya just slip it under the mattress... DONE! But, but, but, :waitasec: how did I know that????:what:

:blushing: I'm a little tied up right....... uhh I mean in a fog! yeah...
I'm feeling deprived! I've never heard of these places ... IMO anything would be better than McDonalds, is that stuff even meat ?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Oh you are deprived when it comes to Whataburger. I grew up Texas (live in Tx now) but went to school in upstate NY. Every trip home, seeing that first bright orange "W" in the sky was like a giant, "Welcome Home!" Banner. I'm smiling as I type this, the memory is so clear. Whataburger=Yums.
Good morning everyone:) Last night I sent up an extra prayer asking for Travis' family to be able to eat a good nourising meal, and to be able to have a peaceful full nights sleep.

I've been wondering if the jury gets to view the autopsy report, along with the photos? Does anyone know?
That whole story was bizarre. Why would you do that? Why not cut it on the bed where you are tying the person up? It makes no sense to unwind it all the way to the bathroom and then cut it.


The only 'sense' it made was to position the knife in the bathroom, for Jodi's story, making it accessible during the murder. However, she didn't even stick to the knife being there. She said it may have been there, or in the bedroom, after the rope was cut.

Apparently, she never noticed a large knife lying around in either the bathroom or bedroom between the time the rope was cut and the murder. Yet, she knew exactly where it was when the murder happened, to be able to retrieve it and murder Travis in that 62 second time frame.

She knew she goofed when JM pointed this out, and she suggested maybe Travis had it, and she didn't say so because no one had asked her.
Is it just me? Watching JA and JW with their matching, and 'single white female' vibe is a little creepy. I can't tell if JW is coming under the powers of JA; they have an interesting dynamic.
Jodi's rope story is laughable. She says Travis unwound the rope to the bathroom and she was at the other end in the bedroom. Absurd! Who would do that to CUT a rope? They were not measuring the length of the rope.

Well in order for her to put the knife in the bathroom where she didn't have to "go for it" she had to insert the rope story.
I do not think there was a rope. But I've said it before its not hard to tie someone up w a sleigh bed. And you don't use the rope around the whole bed. Just by the corners.
Stepped in it is right. Question, is he done as far as testifying, or can they re-call him at all? If they can re-call him, he's in all kinds of trouble with the court. But, I think his part in the trial is over?

Either way, he has shown himself to have a big problem with ethics, and it's not the first time. A new career is in order. Maybe he can take a typing class.

And good morning, everyone! :seeya:

Just to satisfy myself, I emailed RS to ask about the authenticity of that statement attributed to him. Let's see if I get a response.
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