trial day 38: the defense continues its case in chief #110

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I'm curious, how many of the delays have been her illness? Anyone know?

I think this is the third? Once because she was weak from not eating, and one other time for migraine? Please correct me if that's wrong. I usually play catchup in the evenings since I can't watch the trial during the day.
Okay, I may be repeating something that has already been said, and if that is the case - my apologies.

I'm at work listening the The Juan cross examining JA on day 24 (it helps me focus - I think I have add or something like that).

Several folks on here have mentioned the possibility of JA using the phone sex tape to blackmail Travis, going so far as to create a YouTube account at the end of May (May 28???) = 18 days after said tape.

Juanderful just said to her about her not telling him about being recorded (on the tape), and then said, "You could have posted it on the Internet if you wanted to, right?"

I feel a MAJOR BOMB coming during the rebuttal! I surely hope so!

Wow. Thanks for bringing that up. I did not catch that.
so none of the jurors have called off sick...yet? but isn't this the 2nd or 3rd time Jodi had a "migraine"? I've only had a couple in my life, knock on wood. But, know people who do suffer, they sure look different from Jodi. Bless everyone's hearts that suffer from migraines, honestly.

I used to get them every two weeks with the visual stuff and it sucked. I started religiously taking magnesium glycinate 200 mg twice a day and after two months they just never came back. It's over three years now.
Did anyone just hear the woman who called in on HLN and said JA was over-charged and will walk because of it?
_____________Posted by Southern Meadow

Yes, I did. :( Ahem.

Even if she was overcharged, she won't walk since she's admitted killing him unless the judge refused to charge a lesser included and the entire jury voted to acquit on 1st degree and felony murder. Those two things will never happen together imo

My guess is that the jury would hang on the current charges and the State would take a plea rather than re-try her or, more likely imo, the Judge will charge second degree and they'll convict her of that unanimously. :twocents:

eta: I should say, this assumes they don't by self defense which, imo, goes without saying. Which is why I didn't, at first lol
Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes. My son's tumor is Malignant, we will be going to a pediatric hospital tomorrow.
I feel like I am still in shock, but I just wanted to check in and say I miss watching the trial with you all.

So many prayers and hugs to you. No matter the geography, if you need anything you just say the word.
Via HLN: That woman that shot her husband 5 times cause he had beat her in a corner, abused her for years...from Tenn., I think. ...said Jodi was full of you know what. She went to a women's shelter.
That lady was truly self-defense that was called over-kill at first. Said she had PTSD, its nothing like Jodi says...That woman says to know you had taken another human life. We never heard Jodi say one word about that now.

(Another caller said her mother ran a shelter and she helped there, Jodi doesn't act battered.)
The person pled guilty and was sentenced to LWOP. it was probably a plea bargain. Plead guilty, no death sentence. Ridiculing the judge is unfair when we just don't know what the details were. JMO

I responded to this "mistake" earlier and will respond again ...

The threads were moving fast and what I was responding to did not have LWOP -- it had LWP ...

As to the judge, she deserves to be ridiculed, IMO, whether it is this trial or another ...

She has absolutely NO CONTROL over the Arias Trial and is letting the defendant and her team "run the show" ... very incompetent, IMO ...

Originally Posted by missgulfsouth
(begin quote)
It's true. You can feel evil on people. Not everyone pays attention to it. We are taught to trust people, to give the benefit of the doubt and see the best in people first. We are taught to ignore our instincts for fear of being rude. Those instincts are given to us as a protection. I can't tell you how many times it has saved my life.
(end quote)

I'm pages & pages behind in reading this thread today ...
But wanted to reply to this post from the end of the last thread.

Essential reading (IMO) is ...
"The Gift of Fear" by Gavin de Becker.

I know this book has been mentioned & recommended many times by many members here - when discussing this trial & others.
But, its just such an important read that I thought I'd mention it yet another time.
A+++ reading.
Both for personal reading and also so very important for any parent to read and teach their children how to recognize and not be afraid to 'listen' to that gut feeling you get or situation that just doesn't feel right.

If there is only ONE parenting book that I would recommend - "The Gift of Fear" is it.

I realize I'm likely "preaching to the choir" by posting this book info here - so many have read & recommended it.
But ... Even if there's only one person that isnt aware of this book, worth passing along.
Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes. My son's tumor is Malignant, we will be going to a pediatric hospital tomorrow.
I feel like I am still in shock, but I just wanted to check in and say I miss watching the trial with you all.

Many prayers to you and your son!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes. My son's tumor is Malignant, we will be going to a pediatric hospital tomorrow.
I feel like I am still in shock, but I just wanted to check in and say I miss watching the trial with you all.

Oh honey... :hug:
Let us know if you need anything.....
Yes, but at what point does this become an abuse of her rights? If she is too ill to attend her own trial on a regular basis, can the state request that the trial be allowed to continue in her absence, since she has a "chronic" illness?

This is, of course, if she keeps pulling these "sick days". Is there anything the court can do or are they at her mercy?

YEA! After all the murder happened in "her complete absence"--when that fog rolls in who knows what happens, certainly not HER!
It's at the end of part 2 rather than 3. Check starting about 1:28:44. She looks down, sees something, then waits for Nurmi to come to the table.
Then the "what is this". You can see some of the "real" ja.

Ah yes, that is interesting! You know that witness was brilliant, watching her again just then in the time leading up to the minute mark I was really drawn in and she made things real which are (thankfully) foreign to me.

You know, I think with what they've got the defence team could have put together a better argument with this, IF Jodi had been willing to accept more blame and paint her own background as more horrific.

There's a pretty good chance Jodi's family was pretty dysfunctional, but they haven't used it, I wonder why? Because of the silly self defence argument which isn't even going to wash getting in the way of a better argument.

Classic example of Borderline / Malignant Narcissists shooting self in foot, which they repeatedly do - I swear they have an inbuilt self-destruct mechanism, natures way of giving everybody else a chance.
Okay, I may be repeating something that has already been said, and if that is the case - my apologies.

I'm at work listening the The Juan cross examining JA on day 24 (it helps me focus - I think I have add or something like that).

Several folks on here have mentioned the possibility of JA using the phone sex tape to blackmail Travis, going so far as to create a YouTube account at the end of May (May 28???) = 18 days after said tape.

Juanderful just said to her about her not telling him about being recorded (on the tape), and then said, "You could have posted it on the Internet if you wanted to, right?"

I feel a MAJOR BOMB coming during the rebuttal! I surely hope so!

If this overly delayed trial EVER gets to that point. I am seriously worried that this trial has been jeopardized.
Iirc it was only they HAD to break at noon on the dot for food and had to end promptly at 430 or she wouldn't get dinner at all. Sheriff Joe is a tough cookie. She can save some breakfast and bring it with her.
there was an interview with sheriff Joe about this somewhere....

Sheriff Joe is an<mod snip>. I hate Jodi Arias as much as anybody here, but she is on trial here and has not yet been convicted. Persons on trial should not be subject to his BS antics. If he wants to feed prisoners two meals a day of bologna or whatever he feeds them, fine. But to pull this sh^t on a defendant during their trial is ridiculous. JA, along with all other defendants should get a lunch (sandwich/piece of fruit/drink) while at court for the whole day.
Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes. My son's tumor is Malignant, we will be going to a pediatric hospital tomorrow.
I feel like I am still in shock, but I just wanted to check in and say I miss watching the trial with you all.

Oh my Rosemary...sending prayers up for you, your son and the entire family...please let us hear how things are going.
Wow, I picked a good day to eat a burger for lunch and pass out on the couch waiting for trial to start. Looks like I didn't miss a thing!
OMG - now I need a barf bag !


Here ya go!
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