trial day 38: the defense continues its case in chief #111

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I am wishing bad things (that I cannot say) on the DT and ALV. Utterly disgusting day.
Makes one wonder?
If certain people in this mess...
are taking things way too personal, rather than focusing on the issues at hand?
This is a bout a ruthless cold blooded slaughter of an innocent man in a shower who was tricked and snuck up on!
Shot/stabbed/ mutilated!
NOT Photo ops outside the courtroom!
What about the killing pictures? What about the bloody pictures she took while killing TRAVIS?
Now that is the real issue not fans and all outside in a PUBLIC LOCATION no less!
some justice this is?
Being a player with women is not abuse. It's not nice if he's lying to them, but it's a normal part of dating politics. It happens everyday without anybody getting murder over it.

H wasn't lying to her. He made it clear it that was for sex in the beginning. Unfortunately, his nosy "friends" have just set Jodi free thanks to this stupid email where they threw around loaded words like "abusive" all because Travis wanted to play the field. Idiots. Lost the case because they stuck their noses where it didn't belong.
ok, help me here please....these emails were before JA killed TA, right? trying to get JA to move on??
And lets say he was using her.

Not that I want to get into my personal life but I dated more than one scoundrel in my life.. Does this mean I can find them and slit their throats now? NO...

What this has to do with the price of pie is beyond me.

I don't care if he led her on, dated behind her back, Whatever, She had no right to slice him open.

Sadly, I have seen several posts from people who believe that if Travis used her:

1. This would mitigate against the death penalty or even a first degree murder charge and indicate that the most this killing could be would be second degree.
2. If he used her sexually, he likely also abused her and this could very well be a case of self-defense.
3. Travis was a jerk, played with fire and reaped what he sowed (which basically means, despite ardent protestations to the contrary, that the poster believes he deserved to be murdered).

All the defense needs is one such juror. They are banking on having at least one juror who has been incapable of getting over the hurt of a past break up and thus hates men (because they certainly can't bank on an actual DV victim who would see right through jodi's posturing).

But, IMO, the very worst that could happen is a hung jury and I highly doubt that that is going to happen in this case.

IMO, the evidence against jodi, and refuting a self-defense claim, has been so complete, that the defense can hope for a hung jury only if someone on that jury panel is mentally ill or intellectually disabled.

And as I have said repeatedly, jodi has more chance of sprouting wings and flying away than gaining an acquittal in this case.
Why is the jury going to be questioned individually about? :confused:

This morning start of day Mr. Nurmi (sp) started the day off with a clip he seen from HLN last night with Jean C talking about Juan being outside courtroom having pictures made with people and that it could mislead/persuay the jury cause he said Jean said a juror was outside watching.

Judge puts Jean C on stand, she said I did not say that I said a jury might would see that since she has seen jurrors herself outside of courtroom.

Little more of blah, blah blah

Judge tears order up, but wants to question jurrors if they seen that and what they think if they did.

Did I get all this right?
And lets say he was using her.

Not that I want to get into my personal life but I dated more than one scoundrel in my life.. Does this mean I can find them and slit their throats now? NO...

What this has to do with the price of pie is beyond me.

I don't care if he led her on, dated behind her back, Whatever, She had no right to slice him open.

Exactly!! There would be a lot of dead young men out there if it was okay for women to go around taking down men who use them.

The point in this case however is that JA knew exactly where she stood with Travis. Exactly. And she was determined to break through that barrier he was putting up with her and become his wife. She tried everything it seems. Nothing worked. So he had to die.

See, I don't get that. Isn't that in itself prejudicial? If they didn't know he was doing it, they certainly will after being asked. :waitasec:

I think the jury will be asked a more generic question such as: "Have you ever seen JM outside the courthouse?" JC didn't even connect the two as she said she saw the juror smoking at one time and JM at another. Jurors have lives and it's not impossible for a juror to see JM at a restaurant when JM might be talking to someone. If JC said she actually saw a juror watching JM it would be one thing. I just think the judge wants to make sure none of the jurors were around when JM went out that front door.

I guess prosecutors have to sneak around like a criminal so they don't get caught talking to someone who admires him.
But this judge will allow it with bells on.

Jodie was on the stand for 18 days and all this lady is doing is repeating Jodies testimony. This ia just a waste of time and BS.. They are making this trial all about Jodie. What about Travis?? Also what does all this have to do w ith pre-mediation??:banghead::please::banghead::please:
who has a cemented opinion that ALL women are abused by the patriarchal system that she feels is still in place against women. Unfortunately there are feminists of her age that feel that way. I consider myself a feminist because of the history of women who got us the vote and broke barriers NOT women like her who want to keep us as victims. I've met activist women like her. They were married to men but were gay and eventually left the men. I'm sure that whole process was difficult but I think they use their personal experience to make broad generalizations about gender stereotypes which have the effect of infantalizing women instead of empowering them. Nothing makes that point better than her testifying for this cold blooded killer as someone who was the victim rather than the perpetrator. I don't think she can conceive of Jodi being a perpetrator or responsible for her actions. It's all because of the man and the men in her life and her role in society. Poor Jodi is all this quack can see. Which is why I refuse to listen to any of her testimony until Juan gets his shot at her.

Brilliantly put. She seems to fancy herself as a "pioneer" but really she has made no innovations or done any groundbreaking research. I'd love to hear her treatment methods and what her theoretical stance is. Just emotional thinking and anecdotes.
I hope we get to hear JM question her about Snow White and how she was also a victim of abuse. What a load of crap from AL. I despise all of them.
So, do I understand this correctly? Jean C heard that DD's "juror" posed with JM for a picture and it was misinterpreted as one of the real jurors? I've seen the video on HLN and I heard Jean C say that it may not be a good thing for him to give autographs and take pictures.
That's her opinion and that's okay. Everyone has one.
So how in the world did she end up on the stand? I am so confused.
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