trial day 38: the defense continues its case in chief #111

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i want to add a big *advertiser censored** YOU to Michael Kiefer for inaccurately reporting how Juan Martinez walks out those front doors regularly for photo ops. ONE TIME. F YOU!!!!

KCL - I think the mods should give you special dispensation to type the words out. Just this one time.
The defense blowing everything out of proportion again...

The DT seems to have it out for JC and Katie. Didn't they have a hearing yesterday (or the day before) about not releasing certain information? I know it was a closed door hearing.

Seems like Nurmi's been shut down. I hope!


All of the hyperbole that HLN casts out there finally caught up with them. They are more guilty than any news organization of sensationalizing this trial. Jean may say a lot of junk on air, but when she's called to testify about it, she's almost sheepish.

Maybe this will be a wake-up call to HLN to tone the rhetoric down.
Somebody pick me up off the floor please. Thought it might happen, but not to call JC. :what:
This was done out of the presence of the jury. F' you kirk Nurmi and the sociopath you rode in on.
LOL!!!!!!! Did ya hear that big ole' RIP OF PAPER FROM THE BENCH?????? Let's bring in the jury! LOL...
JA looks like she has a bit of hope in her eyes right now. Lets hope this does not go any further.
Why is she wearing a dress as though she were a model? Can't she dress decently!
Poor Katie and JM!
This has to be embarrassing for Mr. Martinez...he is such a ''walk a straight line'' type of guy and for something like this to be brought up to derail the trial is maddening. Numri should be ashamed of himself! I don't know if there is anything the Judge can or would do for this outrageous conduct of Nurmi!!
I disagree. The jury has to stay away from media, unfortunately HLN has been involved to create even more of a media circus.

The defense blowing everything out of proportion again...
I guess Nurmi didn't get my memo about considering the source while watching HLN !!!

Ha ha ha

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Note the smirk Jean C. just gave Travis' family. How disgusting.

Um, I didn't see a smirk at Travis' family. I saw a smile. Saw nothing untoward in the action at all.
Poor Katie, she did nothing wrong and apparently, neither did JM. I'm so angry with this BS, low, immoral, snake in the grass tactic I could spit nails!!!
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