trial day 38: the defense continues its case in chief #111

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So the defendant and Travis started dating in Feb, after he had a long email discussion with the Hughes.
Sounds like to me Travis was pressured into dating his future murderer.
Sad, very sad!!!
Guess what you Sociopath and Maria Dela Rosa and your defense team, no matter how many people you try and destroy and take down with you on this sinking Titanic, you are going down ALONE. And no one else will truly be affected unless of course we count the TRAUMA and it's residual effects you are creating for the survivors of Travis Alexander. And they will have the luxury of working on that with support and assistance, and it won't be from a 7X12 cell to which they are confined 23 hours per day.

And they will have clean consciences to live the rest of their life with (not that the sociopath has one but I have to believe the rest on some level do).

ALONE Jodi. You are going down ALONE the last one on that ship as it sinks to the depths of the Perryville Prison Death Row.

Let's see your smirking then.
Seriously people...

Raise your hands if someone has misinterpreted Your text or email message?

When you get excited and Bold your letters you have to state you are Not angry to avoid getting hit with harassment by law.. this is BS BS BS!!

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That's hilarious. Hubby and I are laughing pretty good. Thanks! We needed that.
upside down license plate
3 gas cans
gun stolen[ same caliber as grandfather's stolen gun 2 weeks prior]
='s ?
premeditation? did you answer planned it all KILLING?

What's the story on the upside down license plate? I never got that... She stole plates so she wouldn't be noticed with CA plates in AZ? or what? TIA
ALV is reading the email during sidebar! It looks very looooonnnggggg
I was a school librarian for a middle school & the girls used to try to get pregnant on purpose--we even had a trick-or-treater at Halloween dressed up in a costume AND PREGNANT!

It's really sad how sexually sophisticated children are becoming. But, as my DH says, you can't get pregnant when your parents are watching you! My kids won't be allowed to 'hang out' for hours with no supervision.

My house is the one all the kids want to hang out at. I've intentionally made it so we have about everything any pre-teen and teen would want to do.

Little do my kids know, however, that its all a secretive ploy to make sure no little boys are trying to pull something fast on my little darlings. I know how supercharged teenage boys are...they can't help themselves.
Well meaning do-gooders are the scourge of the earth. The path to hell is paved with good intentions. I think I preferred Samuels who is at least obviously shady.
Respectfully, my school did a Q&A session for our eighth grade students (my school is preschool-8) regarding sex and dating and body changes, etc. They had a pediatrician, a child psychiatrist and IIRC, some youth counselors- all who volunteered their time to answer questions. They had the boys and girls come for separate "sessions". I helped set up, but only sat in on the girls' session.

Now I am no prude, but these girls talked quite frankly about how they had "heard" that oral sex and mutual masturbation weren't really sex and that anal was safe because and you didn't need to use a condom!!!!

These are "good" girls from "good" families and I would wager that most are not yet sexually active, but the dialogue is there, and the shocking misinformation. It broke my heart to hear them talk about "lipstick parties" and how guys like girls that " hook up". Thankfully the professionals talked about self-esteem, set straight the misinformation, and emphasized what a great word "no!" is.

All this to say, I think the mentality may extend beyond the young teen set that only penile/vaginal sex counts as "real" sex.

I just have to say that I am SO GRATEFUL I am not growing up/dating today...and even MORE grateful I do not have children.

That is just so sad, for more than a few reasons.
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upside down license plate
3 gas cans
gun stolen[ same caliber as grandfather's stolen gun 2 weeks prior]
='s ?
premeditation? did you answer planned it all KILLING?

:rocker: Adding : "dyed hair" ... and "no cell phone activity in Arizona."

If Juan puts Chris and or Sky on the stand, whatever this paid mouth is going to "summerize" is going to go right out the window.

Complete waste of time.

Go Juan!
What I meant is that she is gullible. She's probably one of those nice persons to a fault who has no clue that somebody could have lied to her repeatedly.

Trust me, I hate what she is doing. It's so obvious to me that she has been used by the DT.

I don't like her 1979 feminist takes on domestic violence and I despise her for forming an opinion on a case where the abuser is the killer.

Gullible, yes I've been using the same word. The equally despicable alternative/additional is that they've paid her to tow their line.

It's sickening to hear her passing judgement on TA when she never had any opportunity to meet the man. It's all secondhand and tainted.
I just got back from court. WOuld anyone be willing to give me a synopsis of what this woman has been saYING?

Jodis dad was mean to her. Her family life was full of abuse. Men are batterers. Jodi wanted to be loyal and monogamous....lots of sidebars!!!!!!!!

Oh...and the day started with Jean cezarus on the stand!!!

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