trial day 38: the defense continues its case in chief #111

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And now this judge is allowing the DT and their $300/hour witness to characterize, editorialize and twist others' words.

This goes precisely to my point about the jury having to rescue Maricopa County Superior Court from the onslaught of the DT and the judge.
Who are the Hughes?

Chris & Sky Hughes are married & close friends with Travis. Jodi used to meet Travis at their house--they said that she was inappropriately sexually open with Travis & finally asked Travis not to bring her around them anymore.
ALV's testimony doesn't seem to be based on many meetings with Jodi. She keeps saying that "she read such and such" to glean insight into Jodi's relationship with Travis. This is basically all hearsay - she said, she said. :moo:

:seeya: Jumping off your post here : I think ALV has been watching the trial ... just like Samuels did !

Does anyone happen to know who the woman is that is sitting behind Jodi's mitigator and in front of the gallery?

wow. ALV really does look like grumpy cat. lmao

and dang with JAs full swivel to glare behind her. obvious much? lol
JW reminds me of my 3 boys tattle-tailing when she objects to JM's objections.:floorlaugh:

I'm completely gobsmacked at her demeanor. She's like a character lifted from Mean Girls. I'm ready for her to start stamping her feet and puffing like a toddler.

What's next, holding her breath ffs?! :banghead:
Oh for Pete's sake.
JA once again portrayed as the victim.

Cannot wait for Juan to speak ...
Asking ALV if JA's actions & behavior are symptoms of JA being a stalker & abuser.

Nurmi looks bored and like he wishes he were anywhere but sitting at that table with JA.
JA continues to scribble away.
The worst ... Is the smirk on Willmotts face. So inappropriate & unprofessional.
jmo, but there's really no doubt, atleast in my mind that anal was a regular activity.. I mean we've seen the abyss and no, that doesn't prove that it was from anal sex with Travis, but IMO it was.. he speaks about having anal sex with her in the phone sex..along with IMO his belief regarding his religion for whatever reason was firm in his mind that vaginal was the biggest no-no of all, where as other sex was not as bad.. now, where I differ is that I believe it was Jodi who convinced Travis of the entire anal sex was the way to go and he'd not be committing as big of a sin..

I believe it was Jodi that totally introduced him to not only kY, but the whole working around the golden rule of Mormanism of no vaginal sex..instead she introduced him to the abyss..jmo, tho.

LOL ... "the abyss"

well played
I just got back from court. WOuld anyone be willing to give me a synopsis of what this woman has been saYING?
So the jury needs this confused, delusional witness to interpret an email? She sees abuse in everything. Hint: You can interpret anything to make it mean what you want. Doesn't make it true.
Why doesn't the DT call Chris & Skye Hughes & ask them what Travis meant in his email, Why are they relying on someone else who didn't know any of them or the situation surrounding the email. This just sooo wrong! I hope Juan calls Chris & Skye on rebuttal.
OMG I dont think I can handle much more of this. All this carp is so annoying. Its all based on 1 person. A murderer who has done nothing but lie about everything. I am about ready to give ya'll my cellphone number so someone will text me when JM gets to do his cross.
Troubled I'm seriously thinking about this. We need a text alert system for those of us who can't/refuse to sit through the shananagins....I will glady give up my cell number. I can barely take it anymore.
The letter ALV is speaking of - is it the one JA wrote when she moved from Mesa to Yreka?

Because THAT letter is scary-freaky-creepy on SO many levels...

Nutshell: Hey, no hard feelings, I'm doing you a favor by moving on. And I explain this by criticizing you for the bulk of this letter and pointing out my awesomeness the rest of the time - friendship being a 'double-edged sword', don'tcha know. I'm breaking things off, creating distance so we can both move on. I'm cutting ties (with 'proverbial scissors').

So we're done. But we're not. You're my best friend and I'm going to stay in contact with you no matter what. Always. "Take comfort in that."

GAH! Oop - they've moved on to another letter... A letter from the victim to another individual (Chris Hughes) - I guess because ALV is an 'expert' it's not considered hearsay...? Oop again: sidebar.
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