trial day 38: the defense continues its case in chief #111

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Why so few seats taken on Travis's side of the gallery? I was late this morning. Did something happen?
Hughes thought TA had previously been abusive to women

I CANNOT believe she spoke that LIE just now!!
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You are so fast Fran. I am baffled at how the whole mod thing works but :yourock:


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I am glad someone else's humor is just a f'd up as my own.
I don't care what anyone else thought, put the Hughes on the stand to state how they felt at that time, b/c we all know they hated her later and didn't allow her in their home anymore.

It's hearsay... between a dead person and people the defense could call to the stand to state how they felt.

That being said I'm sure this judge will let this witness talk about it b/c she seems to let a lot of this nonsense in.

Just listening to the DT and this witness, I don't think they're helping Jodi. They basically make her sound pathetic and horribly immature. Not a "victim," just pathetic, needy, a clingon, and already having "alternate reality" tendancies.

Juan, just remind the jurors that she was what, in her mid to late 20's by this time.

Chris and Sky Hughes are probably on a rampage right now.

they shouldn't be watching, they are still on the witness list IIRC

I do remember something about these emails when Chris Hughes had to come in and testify during that prosecutorial misconduct hearing, was I imagining that? lol
Where did the Hughes EVER say that Travis had been abusive?

I do not think they were addressing physical abuse. I think they were speaking about his intimate relationship with someone he dated in terms of the rules of the church. I think Chris Hughes already addressed this on NG. At least the Hughes are still alive and can testify as to exactly what they meant. Notice defense did not use them.
There appear to be a couple of empty seats behind TA's sisters today.. . . .

Jodi looks pale and somewhat grey to me in her facial coloring.

two ladies talking that are sitting behind JA's Mom and Aunt have been chatting every time I see them.

Just some observations IMO
I think she is probably a nice person who wants to believe all the good in people and people wouldn't lie to her....especially women. She's just another one of Jodi's suckers.

You are more kind than I am... I'm feeling evil today!
Boy ...

I sure wish this Judge could make a simple ruling without having to go to sidebar for each and every objection ...

ridiculous waste of time and displays a huge lack of decisiveness to this layperson.

I guess JM will be calling the Hugheses as rebuttal witnesses. SMH

Maybe they could look at the email address and say, "Um, that's not our email address" or "We wanted to scare her off because we could tell she was toxic".
Until we get to read the emails for ourselves we should not take this witness, or Willmotts interpretation at face value.
So the jury needs this confused, delusional witness to interpret an email? She sees abuse in everything. Hint: You can interpret anything to make it mean what you want. Doesn't make it true.

She is predisposed to put every little behavior no matter how innocuous somewhere on the "continuum". I am trying to be very patient for when JM puts Jodi into the Terrorist category.
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