trial day 38: the defense continues its case in chief #112

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I wanna see it, was it recorded??? :please:
Here you go!!
I just got banned from THAT site, for the second time, for responding to a comment made by one of their members. My comment wasn't posted either....of course. They don't know how to think outside the box.

Member ******* says:
March 28, 2013 at 2:52 pm
And now it comes out that close friends of Travis have said that he was abusive to women. How is that for evidence?

And I said: What are the names of those women that have been abused. Will they be called to testify? They certainly should testify. Without a name and a face it’s a hard story to believe. Maybe Sky Hughes lied to Jodi to get her to stay away from Travis because she didn’t like Jodi and thought Jodi was bad for Travis. Ya think??

Well, Isa, your banishment might allow you to spend more time with us, and that's a good thing!

Your post, which is so much better than mine would have been, beat me to saying the same thing WRT the Hughes' not wanting JA in their home anymore/again. Speaking of banning -- that is what I remember them doing somewhere along in TA's "relationship" with JA. And, IIRC, there was one time when JA, after this banning, did go to their home and they ignored her, and she just eventually left. No, they knew she was wrong for TA, and just plain "wrong." No way the Defense could call either one of them as their witness(es).


Right now Chris and Sky Hughes are on the Defense witness list.

Don't know if they are on Prosc rebuttal or not.

IMO the defense doesn't want to call them because they really don't know what their testimony would be and JM doesn't want to call them because it might open the emails being made public....I could be wrong too.
For anyone that is interested tonight's "show" on the network I won't name
is going to "recreate" the shower photos with a REAL photographer.

I know some people have been interested about why his hands are always above
his head.
Yeah :sigh: may be another big BOMB but.... I can hope...

I'll admit it -- it's basically like a train wreck for me at this point. I can't look away, and I'll have to see that.
Nurmi must be losing his mind - JA's bizarre behavior is rubbing off on him. What a desperate move today! Somebody needs to reign in the DT so they stop wasting the Court's time and taxpayers' money! :thewhip:
If this trial and its outcome were based on the truth, I'd be fine with whatever happened. It's all about the game, and all about the dance. I know that everyone deserves a defense but this is obscene. A human being was butchered. I don't care how 'mean' anyone claims TA may ever have been.
If JA would have been stalking me, I can't begin to think of what I would have done or said in frustration and sheer anger! Throwing a phone wouldn't even make the radar. I'd have thrown a car. On her. And then lifted it and dropped it again. Sorry, I am not in a good mood about any of this today. It took record time to ramp me up with this BS.

There are so many emotions going on in my brain and I'm trying to go through me, today was a slap to everyone by Jodi and her minions. The true abuser.

So mama your husband called you fat and now the whole wide world knows about your house. From the animal neglect and abuse, to your finances, to how many guns you have in your house and where they're kept (and one has an illegal silencer that is kept close to a very ill man (I guess his plan is to just plug them a few time before ATF comes calling), to Jodi and her life and how you abused her, and drove her to murder Travis.
I have trying to be objective about her. I think she's not happy to be here, but knew it would happened one day, it was just a matter of time. I know she loves her because she has been there for Jodi every day. Doesn't say she's happy about it, but she's edifying every thing Jodi has said or done. And the games they are playing is dishonest.

And I can't go there right now with the defense. I am still reacting to AVL and what she's doing to Travis. This all would be different if she'd known Travis and make her opinion from that...not from the lies Jodi told.

I haven't seen or heard Juan Martinez bang on his chest about this case. I haven't seen him seek out any one, but I have seen him being nice (and was surprised) when the lady wanted her cane signed to that wonderful photo of Katie (she's a tall girl, I'm jealous) and Juan.

I went to rinse a glass, turned the faucet on and there was a yellow jacket sitting on it. So I hit it with wasp spray and it flopped over in the sink, I wanted to wash the sink out from the chemicals so I left it there with the water running. My DH came in asked what I was doing and I said I'm cooking a wasp., and he said can I ask two things? Shoot I told him, was it a bad day in court, and do I have to eat it?
Hi Curious...I had to stop watching hln after the ca trial...or during it. I tried again for a day with this trial and I had to stop. It was giving me so much negative energy. The only exception is Dr Drew...I just love to hear Mark always fighting for Travis. I would rather watch repeats on the food network cause it keeps me less stressed.

Reading here reminds me of why I wont do hln..except Dr D

Thanks, at least I'm not alone. I think media can help keep the standards of what used
to be considered Justice. Media can help promote sane, logical thinking, instead of
running with every stupid defense ploy. It's getting blurred enough in the courtroom.

I don't like the idea that pity stories can be used to qualify for anything.
It's becoming common even on these talent shows before they sing and every
contestant has a heartbreaking story to recite before performing. Yuck.
Stories to create sympathy to get an advantage make me sick.

Pulling on people's heart strings to get away with something is how I see it in this case.

Seems like some new forms of defense have become acceptable in trials where the defendent can now throw in discipline from parents as abuse from their childhood, or throw in some untrue molestation. Heck, Jodi's able to claim abuse from not being lubricated enough as an excuse to why she eventually killed Travis. Gosh, this has been the most ridiculous defense. We sat through days and days of anal, and all along Jodi saying it was consensual.

Afterall, she's a grown woman on trial for killing. We know she encouraged the very behavior she said she didn't like. Her inability to communicate because she's so passive-aggressive is a sorry excuse for slaughtering a man because he continued to disappoint her, but she kept stalking him anyways.

I need to get rid of this stress, yes, I need a food show quick!
I found this on youtube. In the bottom, right corner you can see a woman in a red suit hand a piece of paper to JA's mother. One of the commentators wondered if it was a note from Jodi being passed to her mother.
Nurmi must be losing his mind - JA's bizarre behavior is rubbing off on him. What a desperate move today! Somebody needs to reign in the DT so they stop wasting the Court's time and taxpayers' money! :thewhip:

If you are from Arizona call your representatives every single day.
That website is run by a scam artist Simon Johansson=SJ. If you google Simon Johansson Scam all sorts of info comes up about him.

He has some website called breakthroughadvertising and you can see the resemblance of his sample sites to the JAII site.


:noooo: why am I not surprised!
I am just hoping the jurors are happy to have 4 full days with their families, etc and do not think about this trial AT ALL over the break. They NEED a break from this circus IMO.

One thing - surely - did not go unnoticed by the jury, just like it hasn't here:

They have been presented with numerous screen shots of letters, emails, texts, diaries, screenshots while witness/defendant read their own words aloud. (Ryan Burns, Lisa Diadone, JA...).

But today they saw a DV expert being asked to describe and interpret (without reading any words aloud!) of yet another email... and struggling to do so.

The process was frustrating (doubly so, thanks to JM's legitimate and strategic objections) and clouded, imv, much of the content/purpose of ALV's biased interpretation of a letter between other individuals, one of whom cannot defend himself.

I think that's what the jury's takeaway from today was... that and watching ALV's credibility take a nosedive the more apparent it was that she relied on what JA told her and by doing so indicates she believes it.

Definition of Domestic:

do·mes·tic/dəˈmɛstɪk/ Show Spelled [duh-mes-tik] Show IPA

1. of or pertaining to the home, the household, household affairs, or the family: domestic pleasures.
2. devoted to home life or household affairs.

I don't think JA and TA had a home together or were a family. I don't think they fit any facet of the above definition. So, Domestic Violence??? jmo
Wondering if this is the reason some people have noticed a certain lopsidedness with JA recently:

Saline Breast Implant Life Span?
I really is up to you but as I tell my patients, the most economical thing to do is wait until one goes flat!! In most cases, you will get one or both of the implants replaced at no charge and in my practice, I don't charge patients a surgeons fee to replace a deflated implant. I don't ever want cost to be a reason for a woman to walk around with a deflated implant!! But many women are proactive and don't want to wait until that fateful day!!!

Maybe one of her discount enhancements is starting to deflate?

I would be beyond livid if the taxpayers had to pick up the tab for anything relating to this!
Has anyone gotten a screen shot? I have not noticed.
Maybe capsular contracture?

If so I don't think the jail would replace them would they?
:furious: probably.
Everyone on the jury is now probably thinking they're either abusive or being abused by their spouses.

Aren't expert defence witnesses just peachy?:furious:

Yeah, really!

I woke up this morning and came downstairs with some pretty wild bedhead. My husband said to me, "Hey, Foghorn Leghorn," and proceeded to giggle.

I told him he should be ashamed of himself...that I didn't appreciate his subtle verbal abuse.

Definitely time to wind down I'm going to try a new recipe for a champagne punch, I'll let you know how it turns out.

:great:... it!
I am pretty sure you can't go wrong :floorlaugh:

Wish we could all get together and do a :toast: for justice for Travis...!
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