trial day 38: the defense continues its case in chief #112

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I just watched HLN After Dark and had to post this. (Maybe someone has already mentioned it. I haven't read this thread yet.) Vinnie had huge blown up photos of Travis in the shower. In the one of Travis' face, which I believe was taken at 5:29:20, that we all speculate about what he was thinking, if you look at the shower wall over Travis' right shoulder there are a few specks of BLOOD!. This proves he was stabbed first as we can see he has not been shot in the head yet. I am positive of what I saw.

The specks are small, like about 3 or 4 droplets, but very visible in that huge blow up in color.
was just looking before heading to bed, and seen this article.

gives us a bit more info about what is in the emails (according to filed documents)

The 2011 filing details the e-mail contents, including “A response from Mr. Hughes ... wherein he asserts that he believes Jodi would be his (Travis’) next victim and that Jodi was just another girl that he (Travis) was playing.” Alexander allegedly replied by saying “I am a bit of a sociopath.”

Other e-mails from Sky Hughes, the filing says, say that Alexander considered Arias to be a “booty call.”
I just watched HLN After Dark and had to post this. (Maybe someone has already mentioned it. I haven't read this thread yet.) Vinnie had huge blown up photos of Travis in the shower. In the one of Travis' face, which I believe was taken at 5:29:20, that we all speculate about what he was thinking, if you look at the shower wall over Travis' right shoulder there are a few specks of BLOOD!. This proves he was stabbed first as we can see he has not been shot in the head yet. I am positive of what I saw.

The specks are small, like about 3 or 4 droplets, but very visible in that huge blow up in color.

over the last few months, those pictures have been analyzed, blown up, turned, lightened, darkened, etc. I think that because some were recovered as thumbnails, the images are not as clear. I do have the confidence that LE did analyze the photo's as well, and if they thought there was blood splatters, we would have heard it by now. IMO I think that most of us look at the pictures and see or feel different things knowing what happened within minutes and sometimes seconds of those photo's.
Hiya! Yes I do feel the evil off JA...I saw most days of her on the stand....shivers.
I dunno about JC..she was kinda used as a pawn in a ridiculous argument here..she testified accurately and it was just a big ol bloviation from a Blovinator. That's my story anyway..:seeya:

just sharing what gets me up in the mornin when I need a boost. Thx KCL with all our love..WS energy back to you :)
Forget for a moment if he's being threatened or posing voluntarily. I'd just like to know what posters see in that shot from 1:46 to 1:52. His body appears horizontal to me, and since there's gravity and all he couldn't be in mid-air but would have to be lying on the floor of the teeny tiny shower. His left arm appears raised in the air.

That's all I'm asking, what do you see? That photo was taken 86 seconds after the previous photo, meaning something was happening in the 1 minute 26 seconds before that shot was taken. I just don't know what. As far as a possible second person, I don't have any idea.

et tu, smithe? :(

look at this video at 40:18

and tell me what you see.
I really have a simple question. How can this even be considered a self defense -- defense. She could have run, she didn't need to shoot him, if you believe her version. But, after she did what she admits to why did she stab him 29 times and why did she slit his throat? A murder of passion because he abused her. I can't see how the DT is going to tie this in to self defense. What is their explanation for the over kill? Why is this so hard and going down so many rabbit trails? I am confused. Come on Juan and get us out of this fog. jmo

I think the DT would be happy with crime of passion. That's murder two. She'd be out in her 40's.

smithe, did you not let the video run? most of the rest of the picture comes into view at 40:21. you can see his face, he's in the same position as the 5:29:20 photo.
I did let it run, and played it as close to frame-by-frame as my computer would allow a YT video to run. The circular light flare from the court overheads moved and eventually disappeared, and it sure looked to me like Travis' left hip at the left of the photo, with him lying down on his right side. As JM moved the photo off the screen, the last thing you see is the top of Travis' left hip, lying down.

On my computer, the photo at 40:21 is the last face closeup, taken at 5:29:20--and in fact you can see the photostamp 5:29:20. But it seems to me that's a very different photo from Exhibit #157, the 5:28:54 photo.

If I'm still missing the boat, feel free to continue to correct me. TIA

It goes by fast, but you can definitely see his blurry face. I've taken some screen caps and attached below.


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But you said - quote - "Travis was unfortunately emotionally abusive to the women he dated by not telling them where they really stood with them in whatever the relationship was, not telling them about other women he was seeing, using Jodi for sex and saying mean things about her behind her back, etc. But all of that is just typical "player" male bad behavior that we all know well and have probably dealt with ourselves with men we've dated or had serious relationships with."

BBM Are you now saying he wasn't emotionally abusive? Help, I'm confused. :confused:

No, it's the same thing I've been saying all along. He was emotionally abusive in that he wasn't making it clear to Jodi where she really stood with him - keep having sex with a woman and she WILL believe that there is still some kind of relationship going on. He kept after his ex girlfriend to marry him while at the same time having sex with Jodi and not ever letting her know that. He continued to have sex with Jodi but said mean things about her behind her back - he used her for sex.

Same exact thing I've been saying all along. And I have also been saying all along that it is mild emotional abuse as it's the same kind of thing that plenty of guys do to women and woman also do to men all the time. But it doesn't make it not emotional abuse even though it's on the low end of the spectrum.

And as I've continually said all along as well it doesn't matter where this case in concerned as he was never ever PHYSICALLY abusive to Jodi or any other woman, and it is PHYSICAL abuse that Jodi claims she was subjected to by him and the reason she "had" to kill him to save her life.
Your posts are very contradictory and confusing.

No they aren't. I've been saying the same thing all the way along practically verbatim...

There is a universe of difference between being emotionally abusive and physically abusive. Travis was unfortunately emotionally abusive to the women he dated by not telling them where they really stood with them in whatever the relationship was, not telling them about other women he was seeing, using Jodi for sex and saying mean things about her behind her back, etc. But all of that is just typical "player" male bad behavior that we all know well and have probably dealt with ourselves with men we've dated or had serious relationships with.

NONE of this crap matters to this case. Jodi's claim is that he PHYSICALLY abused her which never happened, and she claimed it was PHYSICAL abuse of her that caused her to be so frightened for her life that she had no choice but to kill him.

JODI was the one who wanted a relationship with him that she knew she couldn't have and refused to allow him to exit the relationship by repeatedly stalking him, showing up where she wasn't invited, sneaking into his home, threatening other women around him, and she decided to kill him because he didn't want to continue with even the sex relationship with her anymore.

The jury is not going to be swayed by this silly woman. They know Jodi sold her a hill of beans as she always has and has even done during her own testimony. They also know that though he treated her badly by using her for sex he never physically abused her nor did he ever initiate any physical abuse of her that caused her to have to kill him to save herself from his killing her. There's no question that the Hughes thought he was abusive to her because of his using her for sex even though it was always HER that aggressively pursued sex with him in order to try to manipulate him into having the relationship that SHE wanted with him and he DIDN'T want with her.

If anyone had a right to feel emotional abused - or more appropriately - USED by him it was his ex-girfriend who while he was boinking Jodi was trying to convincer her to marry him and that she never new about his cheating with Jodi until after he was dead.

And the one thing with all the endless babbling from this woman for days that she never once even hinted at and that we all know is true is that physical abusers are never only physically abusive to only one woman but abuse all the women in all the relationships they have with them. There is no question that there is not one single woman that Travis dated who claims he was ever physically abusive with THEM.

One thing I assumed from ALV even before she spoke a word in this trial is that there is no woman she has EVER come across that claims she's been physically abused that she will not believe. She is so steeped in her interest in this subject that she is incapable of questioning whether or not any woman that claims physical abuse could possibly be lying about it. I've seen the same thing with rape survivor advocates... there is not EVER a woman that they have ever come across that claims they were raped that they are capable of questioning that claim... if she claims it, it MUST be true despite all evidence to the contrary.

I never said Travis was emotionally abusive to Jodi - that she knew of. But he did use her for sex and say cruel things about her behind her back. He also kept trying to talk his ex-girlfriend into marrying him while at the same time having sex with Jodi that the ex never knew about.

That's emotionally abusive though on the mild scale and the type of stuff that we all probably have experienced at one time or another. The Hugheses did say to him that he treated Jodi badly in how he used her for sex. ANd he also treated his ex badly by talking marriage with her while not letting her know anything about what he was doing with Jodi.

He wasn't a squeaky clean saint. But he was pretty average for most guys at least those outside his religion.

But none of this at all justifies what Jodi did to him even before she killed him... the stalking, the snooping, the sneaking in his house and hiding to spy on him, the inviting herself where she wasn't wanted and refusing to leave, the harrassment of the other women around him, etc.

And none of this has one single thing to do with Jodi's claim that he physically abused her because though he did use her and treat her rather badly, he basically took what she threw at him since she was the sexual aggressor throughout the relationship, and whether or not he treated her badly emotionally, it has NOTHING to do with physical abuse and her claim that she had to kill him because he was physically abusive to her.

Travis never physically abused anyone, and we all know - including that biased woman droning on and on and on on the stand - that physically abusive men physically abuse all the women they have relationships with as long as they stick around long enough. Of all the women that Travis dated not a single one claimed any kind of abuse from him whatsoever

It doesn't matter if he even was horribly emotionally abusive toward her (which he wasn't) - that has NOTHING to do with physical abuse that she claims he did to her and why she had to kill him, and she's the single only person that ever claimed any physical abuse by him and only since her latest story trying to weaslee out of his cold blooded murder. The ONLY thing that ALV can possible point to as any evidence of physical abuse by Travis is the lying words of Jodi the lying liar who lies.

They tried to with a number of witnesses all of which ended up looking better for the prosecution. However, the ex-girlfriend's testimony about his always trying to talk her into marrying him while not telling her anything about the fact that he was having sex with Jodi, and his using Jodi for sex but saying not nice things about her behind her back are pretty rotten things to do. It's also extremely common for both men and women to behave this way.

So, whoopdie-doo, he wasn't a saint. Doesn't mean a dang thing as far as Jodi's claim that he physically abused her because he never did and never physically abused any woman whether he was dating them or not. And that's ALL THAT MATTERS in this case because it's PHYSICAL abuse that Jodi is claiming and why she "had" to kill him.

THey were testified to in court. Check out the testimony of Travis's ex girlfriend and Chris and Sky Hughes.

Is there something you aren't getting about it being mild emotional abuse that's common as rain with most guys outside of Travis's religion?

And again, it DOES. NOT. MATTER. It's nothing at all like horrible psychological abuse and a universe away from physical abuse.

Where did I say he cheated on Jodi? Nowhere. I said he did treat her rather badly by using her for sex and than saying cruel things about her behind her back. He also treated his ex badly by trying to convince her to marry him when she had no clue that at the same time he was having sex with Jodi. Any guy that is talking marriage to one woman while secretly schtuping another on the side that she doesn't know about is a jerk. I NEVER once said he cheated on Jodi. NEVER.

As for a committed relationship, I don't think that Travis and Jodi ever had any such thing, and that only existed in Jodi's own mind even after he told her publically and more than once that she was not his girlfriend - she still imagined that she was and attempted to force him to be committed to her through sex. That's how Jodi and women like her work - they use sex to both capture and keep a man, but sex alone does not make a relationship. They never get it that sex is not the golden key to any man's heart.
I've been up all night with 2 asthma attacks. Please pray for me. Going to bed now. Make the Mods proud, and love y'all bunches! :blowkiss:
Sounds like a set up. :waitasec:

I drift in and out here, but I follow the case. I dont think it is a set up fwiw-I think the prosecutor was busted being very foolish. Not unlike when Yuri Melich posted on our board during the Caylee Anthony case.

Dont get me wrong-I am a fan of both. But when the prosecution has a case this strong and the defense is desperate, you have to be above reproach.
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