trial day 38: the defense continues its case in chief #112

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So what did Chris Hughes testify about this email in the prosecution misconduct hearing?
he testified that the defense contacted him and his wife telling them that they had proof that the pedo letters were written by travis and that they were legit. the defense planned on using skye and chris to tesitfy for jodi. Skye emailed nurmi back saying i knew he had issues but this?! Once skye and chris found out nurmi lied and the letters were frauds they believed him to be a lying snakes. they said this in open court.
Because they want their "expert witness" to interpret them. They don't want the jury to see the entire emails because they'd be able to see the context.

Yes, but now Sammie, the jury will hear them in their entirety because the defense brought those emails into evidence. JM has every right to enter them into evidence and use their entire content, right?
I can write a book on emotional abuse as I know others here can too, but JA did not suffer from any type of abuse from TA. This whole trial is sickening.

This is one of them, the one that CH was complaining was taken out of context or he did not see all the other emails to get to the context of it.

Apparently after Nurmi sent them the mysterious 10-letters and/or info trying to confirm TA was a pedophile, they were floored and one of them sent back a response before they thought things through and decided there was no way the letters were true, did not even sound like TA's writing or speaking style. That I believe, is one of the key reasons CH gave Nurmi a hard time on the stand, the biggest of course being that they know JA is a liar and per CH's words, 'killed his friend in cold blood'
I guess just the title of lawyer entitles you to a "professional" opinion. I stand by what I said. Glad she isn't practicing cause we know where she would be sitting.

Excuse me-I would say most lawyers are professional people!!
ok, so I am listening to the testimony of Chris Hughes, and a summary of his email to Travis is 'relating to how TA was treating JA, and it wasn't really in a kind way' <<< Nurmi's words lol It's at about :40 in to the video. Even during that hearing, Chris was not allowed to say his exact words in the email he wrote to Travis (I guess I thought he would have been able too) For anyone that wants to watch, I seen it start at about :25, there is an objection, so back around :30/:31. There are a few more objections, but there is a bit about the email. Not any specifics though.

I always thought that emails were hearsay anyway. I guess I am wrong.

I cannot believe ALV. What do you expect from a professional that refernces Redbook,
Cosmo and Life Time Movies during her testimony.

What happened to the days of proving innocence /guilt with hard-cold facts.

Another Jodi circus trial induced headahce day.

One other thing, we do not know what outsiders are writing in letters or saying during visits to Jodi's inmate friends. Jodi may be hearing things from her cellmates.

One more thing, I honestly believe that JA and TA casually dated and were not an exclusive couple. If you never state that you are exclusive, then you
should be able to go out with whoever and how many others that you can juggle.

BBM. Emails can be hearsay, it depends what is in them and what they are being used for. There are a ton of exceptions, including hearsay that underlies the basis for the expert witness's testimony (i.e. the emails and JA's reported "history" with TA). ALV can testify about this hearsay if it underlies her expert opinion, and its probative value outweighs the prejudicial effect. There was assuredly a pretrial motion about all of this, and the judge let it in.

The good news is that JM gets to cross on all of it, so I'm not too worried. :rocker:
The only witness the DT will never call to the stand is the 'pure truth'.
If what ALV is saying is true and that is justification for what JA did, then I should have done wicked things to a significant other years ago. Two of them, in fact. The hijinks here are getting ridiculous and I can't believe the rules of the trial. Can't change em but don't like em.
And have you noticed she speaks with that deliberate, mopey sadness in her voice, as if to draw people in to her nonsense? Can't stand it.

Oh yeah! She exudes soppy sympathy, drips "compassion". She's such a feeling person. Who cares about the facts!
Originally Posted by Linda7NJ
I'll give it to Jodi's lawyer today, she was pretty successful rehabbing Samuels on the book thing...through this witness.

Maybe not so successful if the books this witness gave to JA were on Domestic Violence, BWS etc.
Right so basically they are saying she emailed jodi saying Travis was abusive?

I will believe it when I read them or hear it from the Hughes mouth.

This is the guy they told to ditch jodi and they didnt want her near their kids?? So she overheard,well when I say overheard I mean eavesdropped and had a hissy fit??

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The email is just one piece of information from the Hughes in terms of Travis's relationship with JA. It may be that we see Skye on the stand.

When the Hughes first met JA, they were impressed in large part because Travis was happy. They cared very much about him. They talk about this in interviews.

From what we can gather, the Mormon culture of dating is very different from the mainstream. Singles are encouraged to date without becoming exclusive until they meet a suitable partner with marriage potential. Travis was approaching 30 and was very marriage minded. When ALv testified in court today about Travis' upbringing and counseling, these are dear friends talking to one another and yes, his upbringing would likely have some impact on interpersonal relationships.

Prior to the January email exchange, based on televised interviews, Skye related that JA had lengthy conversation with her about the relationship with Travis and how it wasn't going the way she wanted it to. Perhaps because of past relationships that didn't last, Skye as a woman was sympathetic to JA.

As time progressed, the Hughes became less comfortable with JA and saw her as the poisonous one in the relationship. Too clingy and inappropriate physical contact. They confronted him one night after JA had gone to bed and spoke for an hour and a half. Skye realized that JA was listening outside the door and motioned this to others. When the door was opened, JA gave them a look that frightened the Hughes enough to forbid Travis to ever bring JA to their home or anywhere near their children.

ALV is testifying to one point in time; as time progressed and with more information, the Hughes had an entirely different assessment of the situation.

I don't think this particular testimony is insurmountable.
Yep. We have reached the stage of desperation. Half-way through their final witness and they know Juan will shred her testimony - perhaps even her credibility.

Arias could hardly keep her eyes off the jury today. Snake-like eyes raking the jury box.


I thought at first she was dying to turn around and look at Katie W. This is bogus, but maybe she was looking at Juan? Maybe her crush hasn't cooled off yet? I don't totally buy it, but she was looking at someone ALL DAY! :what:
And if she is that is her business, but testifying as a "professional" using anecdotal argument and non-scientific journals and buying gifts for the person she is evaluating are Wrong. She also clearly has never had a man as a victim during her entire career. I know of 3 just within my family.

She interprets a narrative, and as if it were an English Lit course. JA is her Snow White.

So wrong on so many levels. I cringe.
The expected bias is conspicuous and extreme. Willmott's questions assume victims are women because she uses those words interchangeably. No other possibility considered. So all her questions launch from that platform. The witness likes everyone and I'm happy for her soul but not for the purposes of this trial. All of ALaV's clients are damaged goods and their outcomes are just a natural progression of what she divines in them. She is obviously a relativist and therefore the notion of judgment on a monstrous crime is anathema to her. We will not find justice in her testimony, merely empathy & understanding. She emphasizes that there are no saints and no villains. Her mind resorts to the developmental continuum and there she finds all her answers. She values highly the framework provided and it is also eminently convenient for the materials she wants to plug in or omit to include. I am left very sad today and I think most of us who follow this case are also sad, as we see and hear Travis's commendable life become a blot. His person, struck & injured every way possible with ringing words stated with credentialed authority from an "expert" under oath.

As usual...your words are a soothing balm. Thank you
*verified tuba groupie*
I can see Chris and sky Hughes being called on rebuttal now.

I am beyond pizzed at this.

Can Juan bring up that sky only said whatever is in that email after the DT lied to them about the forged letters?

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I hope very much that both Hughes are called as rebuttal witnesses because of this, and that they're able to testify to this directly.
This email ALV was 'summarizing' had nothing to do with the forged letters that were not admitted in court - although Nurmi sent those forged letters to Sky Hughes, and told her he could prove with 100% certainty they had been written by Travis (which wasn't true). Chris Hughes' said that in the evidentiary hearing - which wasn't in front of a jury (I believe).
What ALV spoke about today, was a partial email exchange (per ALV) between Travis and the Hughes' - while Travis was alive in January 2007.

Why ALV can comment on this, I don't understand - it's her opinion of an a exchange between other people - not between Jodi and anyone.
ALV has no basis but Jodi, as to what Travis' relationship with the Hughes' was like, and what the Hughes' meant or were thinking when they wrote, and Jodi eliminated Travis' ability to speak any longer.
As Jodi has not slain the Hughes to date, presumably they have the ability to speak for themselves - I don't understand why ALV is permitted, or even asked to comment in court on the meaning of their words to someone that is not Jodi (not even her perception, as this was not an email to or from jodi).

I hope very much that Juan Martinez calls the Hughes' as rebuttal witnesses.
For anyone that is interested tonight's "show" on the network I won't name
is going to "recreate" the shower photos with a REAL photographer.

I know some people have been interested about why his hands are always above
his head.
Yeah :sigh: may be another big BOMB but.... I can hope...
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