trial day 38: the defense continues its case in chief #112

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I watched a clip on who is running that site and it was very 'insightful'. They live in Pakistan and also ran the Casey Anthony site too. All posts that are not pro Jodi are deleted. I think it was a Youtube clip the other day. :coffeews:

Here it is: [video=youtube;R9yM2MRM5to][/video]

Here it is: [snip]

I noticed that the site also has a "donation" page. I wonder how many have sent their money to a person in Pakistan?
You've just been fooled by the male-dominated society that you weren't abused. Fooled. Ask Alice, she'll give you all the reasons you were abused and just didn't know it.

Claiming you weren't abused by a kind, decent, loving husband is the first sign, just ask her. Ugh

Gee, Susie, thank you. I had no idea. And here I thought I had a fairly happy marriage. Gosh darn it all, it's really disappointing to learn otherwise. I wish ol' Alyce hadn't opened my eyes. So I can write a book now right? Make big bucks? Maybe it was worth all that "suffering."

I am beginning to seriously think about killing someone, if it's going to get me all this support. Psychologists falling all over themselves to support me, a website packed with my devoted followers, day after day spent on people talking about me, me, me -- and I get to say whatever I want! Sounds great.
:facepalm: Hope that *advertiser censored* pic isn't against the TOS! A friend who is watching this trial just sent it to me.
I noticed that the site also has a "donation" page. I wonder how many have sent their money to a person in Pakistan?

if they sent it.... I 100% believe they deserve to lose it too ;-) sucks to be them! :great:
thanks for posting this. i have a vague memory of this. it was during the whole 'prosecutorial misconduct' thing, right? and nurmi somehow managed to bring up this jan., 2007 email during his questioning of chris hughes, even though it had zippo to do with the prosecutorial misconduct.

even chris hughes doesn't know what this email's about because he doesn't have the complete thread----just like ALV didn't have it today. he DID comment on TA's treatment of JA, but he said himself he didn't know the context of the conversation.

this is some slick trick nurmi's trying to pull. they found an email they think proves TA abused her, and it's all they have.

i feel better now, because JM will put this to rest. is chris hughes on the list of rebuttal witnesses?

Right now Chris and Sky Hughes are on the Defense witness list.

Don't know if they are on Prosc rebuttal or not.
Here it is: [snip]

I noticed that the site also has a "donation" page. I wonder how many have sent their money to a person in Pakistan?

can we send ja and ca to this pakistani dude?
Everyone on the jury is now probably thinking they're either abusive or being abused by their spouses.

Aren't expert defence witnesses just peachy?:furious:
Gah! Just lost my reply to you!

In a nutshell: There's no way to know what Skye meant or how she defines 'abusive' unless she testifies herself. That the DT is using this weird workaround makes me wonder what they don't want to come out (or in).

Bigger point: How much of SH's perceptions were based on what JA told her? Does anyone think that JA *wouldn't* be manipulating the Hughes (and everyone else) to suit her needs? No.

I would be surprised if JA isn't behind this - telling SH any number of things about Travis (divide and conquer - Travis' best friends took Travis' attention away from her, and THEY didn't like her... so, there you go).

It's what she does.

Many things were mentioned in the "string" of emails to include treatment of other women TA had been involved with. I doubt we will get to read the emails but it sure would be nice to see the whole picture.
Exactly!!! I can't agree more. Just because Sky wouldn't want Travis to date her sister because he liked to date around had no bearing on this case. This can be cleared up easily. It's all in the context!

I remember seeing an interview with one of TA's friends where he jokingly said that Travis liked the ladies. There is absolutely nothing wrong with a single man liking women. And also that friend didn't even mean it as an insult.
There is no telling WHAT Jodi said/lied to Skye about Travis. JA had already dug her heels in and the obsession had started very early after meeting him. She dumped DB and she planted her crazy arse in Ttavis's life. Forever. And if she couldn't have him and his life style she made damn sure nobody else could either. BTW she acted totally shocked to hear that Mimi was only going to Cancun as a friend. She said something on the stand about "I didn't know Mimi felt that way". She plain EVIL. :devil:
IMHO Skye and Chris Hughes should not have been communicating with the defense EVER! Their communication should have gone thru the State, they should have NEVER divulged anything to the DT. The DT has JAs interest at heart and that should be crystal clear. All of TAs friends need to stay away from talking to media, handing over taped things, speaking about JA......let JM do his job. You do not see the family ding interviews all over the place, take a hint. I know they loved TA and they SO want to help but the best thing to do is to stay out of it unless the State who has TAs interest at heart needs you. And how the heck can JA dictate who can and who cannot be at a hearing or the trial......what a crock!
Ya know, I cried the day the CA verdict was handed down. I've already cried over what she did to TA and now for the way they are trashing TA without him being able to speak for himself. Gonna say lots of extra prayers for the family of TA. I can't even begin to fathom how this hurts their hearts.

I was physically shaking I was so upset! My daughter is Caylee's age, so at the time looking at my 3 year old made me emotional to know what happened to that little girl.

I told my DH I would never follow a trial again--this is the first one I've followed since then.

She does seem to be focused on the gender issue in domestic violence...

*I1 How Gender Issues Affect the Assessment and
Treatment of Domestic Violence
Some researchers have suggested that domestic violence is an even-playing field. This gets played out in custody cases by evaluators and the court saying it is a “he said”, “she said” case and not recognizing information that points to domestic violence. In this Institute, internationally known speaker Alyce Laviolette will review and critique research and present information about gender and domestic violence that will help with assessment and with treatment.
And that leads me to posting another article, the US Dept of Justice Report on Family Violence which states that males comprised 24% of victims of abuse at the hands of a boyfriend or girlfriend and 25% of victims killed by a boyfriend or girlfriend.

"Approximately 60% of family violence victimizations were reported to police between 1998 and 2002. The reporting rate among female victims was not significantly greater than the reporting rate among male victims."


Living with a guy who was stabbed by his ex girlfriend, my cousin was arrested for domestic assault on her boyfriend she did not face court.

Just saying!!

The DV witness obvious female bias is getting under my skin.
So I just don't get how having an "expert" read emails and then summarize them for the jury is not hearsay, when the emails themselves seem to be? How is this possible? TIA

Hi Puzzler,

Gitana1 (verified attorney) explained this in Thread #111, post #2285.
ALV is wrong about the Mormon priesthood. She is viewing it as though he were a spiritual leader because of that title, like a Catholic priest. This is not the case. Mormon boys receive the priesthood at age twelve after completing a worthiness interview in which they are quizzed about masturbating. There are two levels of priesthood, the Aaronic and the Melchisedek. Neither of these implies any role as a spiritual leader, other than over women who do not have the priesthood. Mormons are "called" to positions based on inspiration/revelation--all the men are all "priests."

Another error ALV made is in evaluating whether or not JA's boundary issues related to TA. She is not familiar with previous testimony, but if you recall, JA testified that the whole time she and Daryl B. worked together there was no flirting or dating of any kind because it was against the policies of the employer, the Ventana. He left his managerial position in order to date her and that very weekend they went to San Francisco and indulged specifically in oral sex and vaginal sex (don't remember if anal was included).

Since boundaries are relative, I think we can safely judge that JA's boundaries were non-existent and she offered a "full bar" as far as sexual delights were concerned-- and did not seem to require commitment beforehand.

I think you should email at least your first paragraph over to JM, anagrammy!
And that leads me to posting another article, the US Dept of Justice Report on Family Violence which states that males comprised 24% of victims of abuse at the hands of a boyfriend or girlfriend and 25% of victims killed by a boyfriend or girlfriend.

"Approximately 60% of family violence victimizations were reported to police between 1998 and 2002. The reporting rate among female victims was not significantly greater than the reporting rate among male victims."

Those numbers may start to rise.
I am shocked at how I see some girls acting!
The fights I have witnessed at my kids high school
a few years ago...
I saw more knock down drag out fights between girls than boys.
Maybe the guys just fight elsewhere.

I am not sure if it leads to domestic violence but my
son had a friend who's girlfriend beat the crap out of him
all the time. - Then would not speak to HIM until
HE bought her a new Coach purse.

(She had about a dozen)
One night I saw them out of the car on our street
she was throwing punches and he was just standing there!

I literally got out of the car, took him by the hand and said
hey hussy your boyfriend just broke up with you forever.
Leave him alone, you don't deserve him.
Thank goodness she was not a stalker!

* yes I had many talks with this boy!
He is married now to a sweet girl and has a 2 yr old.
His x-girlfriend decided she isn't straight anymore
and beats her girlfriend regularly...

I think it is foolish to think the way ALV does,
times are changing! There are some wicked women out there
and some very non violent unlucky men that are their victims!

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