trial day 39: the defense continues its case in chief #116

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And do you know how often Jodi sifted through Travis' text messages and emails? That's because he was jealous, as you noted the Hughes' said, right ALV?
Good question! Is there something SPECIAL about TRIPS between the two of them?
Teeing it up for you Juan...
I am so completely over hearing about the law of attraction.
ALV is doing close to nothing as a DV expert. She's basically there to reiterate JA's testimony. It's a pretty lame attempt by the DT to make the jury believe JA's words because they're coming from a reliable source - a.k.a. ALV.

Moo....Juan wants too look sexier to his peeps..."and he does...smoooch
Hi all. I am first time poster, having moved over her from <mod snip>. I look forward to participating in the Travis Alexander slaughter trial discussions.
June 24 JA writes journal entry - talks about Law of Attraction . . . her impression of God is that . . .. Heavenly Father wants her - objection . . .approach please

(note . . . Are these JA's words or ALV's summary words?)
JM on FIRE today....:great: :great: :great: :great: :great:

I get tingles when I hear him say "voir dire."
I don't want Tri to talk to the press... I don't think the DT is smart but I don't want them to get any ideas that could help them.

I am actually surprised the DT didn't protest the sisters crying.


Things I've learned while watching this trial..


Keep a 'shadow' journal note negative comments/events with Sig Other incase you ever SNAP & kill him you have an alibi/defense... REGARDLESS IF ANY OF IT IS ACTUALLY THE TRUTH!!!
"She looked at his text messages" aka she snuck onto Travis' phone while he wasn't watching it and then began to threaten other females he had called.

So if Travis snooped in JA's phone it would be abuse right?
We only have Jodi's word on this don't we? No doubt she thought she was an awesome singer and gleaned a compliment of sorts from him, what are you supposed to say when someone's just got down from karaoke: 'You were an embarrassment up there'???????

Remember Jodi's words that her art was going to possibly be hung alongside the masters' paintings...

She has more nerve than a bad tooth. And soon, the jury will hopefully give her a one-way ticket to the Arizona home for the terminally befuddled (i.e., deadth row and as in, once she's there... "No executioner will ever execute me. Mark my words.")

No offense to any of us befuddled folks intended.
ALV: "they do trips really well", "it's a strong point in their relationship".

Yeah Alyce, like one time at band camp where JA drove over 1000 miles to slaughter Travis?


Yeah... that was a huge JOKE...:slap:
I would believe ALV's professional life is on the edge now, simply because she is not even able to spot a DV faker. With all of her experience, she really couldn't tell Arias was lying?
IMO, she's either really bad at her job or
She's lying for money.
Neither is very flattering to her

"Thanking" this post was just not enough. ITA and I suspect that after this trial, ALV is going to get a crash course in modern technology and the effect that social media can have on one's career when one behaves as if the truth simply doesn't matter.
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