trial day 39: the defense continues its case in chief #116

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I'm confused. Can anyone explain? Or clip?

Donavan was a cell mate in for arson who hooked up with Jodi. Donavan likes to cause drama in the form of bullying. She's the designated snitch and gets people thrown out of the courtroom.
I agree 100%. Her story about "kicking" the dog that never came back gave me chills. If that story is true, I'm certain she killed the dog.

I have totally thought that she killed the dog too. It is just so far fetched that the dog would just run away that day.

If it doesn't make probably isn't true.
Travis trusted Deanna, didn't trust JA. I would say he was correct. I can't believe this "expert" is allowed to testify about how Lisa/Deanna, insert every other person's name here, FEELS! Especially, how Travis feels. This is unbelievable and it makes me very sad.

I pray for Travis's friends and family. Today, must have been very difficult on them. :cry:

It's horrible what his family and friends are having to listen to, we just have to have faith in this jury and pray the time comes that the family and friends get to speak at sentencing
Wow. Todd. Wish it was minus Darryl Hall though.
There is a Todd only version (with Utopia?).

Here ya go...lyrics only

Travis' "abuse" doesn't make me fear for my life. Jodi's does!:what:
Not yet. This morning they went back into the Judge's chambers with JM and the Dteam. The upshot was that Juror #5 was sent packing- we don't know why officially, lots of speculation here and on HLN- the Juror was reported to have left court sobbing. Beth Karas on HLN said that when the TA sisters came out, they looked very upset. JA on the other hand, looked pleased with herself, went to her table, smiled at her family group and JW did the same, then court began....

Revolting! JA is sick with her smiles. She is a predator, an experienced one that has at least one human kill under her belt and lord only knows how many animals. Jurors better hope JA the psycho doesn't figure out how to find out where they live to stalk them or have someone do it for her later!
Yes, please Juan get up and put this nonsense to rest.

I have never heard so much bull in all my life.

She knows how Travis feels.:banghead:

She knows how Lisa thinks.:banghead:

She sure thinks she is a know-it-all.:banghead:

No matter how much soft spoken professionalism they dip these varied tales in...they are all still bull hockey. All The DT has done with Alyce is to try and dress up JA's lies. If I were a juror I would be so ready to would take me all of 30 seconds to render a guilty vote.
@: #JodiArias grandpa reported stolen gun n dvd player. ja gave dvd to daryl 4 the gas cans at 7am. drove back 2 give daryl remote control 10am
A loooot of time would be saved if the middle men were cut out and just let the judge ask the questions.. JW doesn't even know how to ask a question without leading.
Aproach so I can tell JW how to ask the question. What a bunch of BS:furious:
i am soooo sick of Willmott and this woman...
so disgusted and sick of this alice in wonderland bs
just shut the ****** up ...
Clam it!
jm needs to flash every grusome pic of ta's killing and ask her:

"In forming your opinion ms laviolet?

Did you interview this person ms laviolet?"

With each and every stab wound picture.. the same question...

"How about THIS person, did you interview THIS person?"
Please start jumping on over to the new open thread... this one will close in 5 minutes... :fence:

trial day 39: the defense continues its case in chief #117 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

and to think people thought he might need to take it easy on her as to not look like a bully. ALVs picture should be next to the word bully in the dictionary, only a hard core bully would beat an already dead man.:furious:


Truer words have never been spoken.
I have to say I get a little dismayed when I see critical posts about Judge Stevens. IMO she keeps things fair for both sides and she has to allow some leeway for both as well.

Bringing the attorney's up to the bench during an objection is much better than arguing in front of all including the Jurors which could be prejudicial IMO.

This is a DP case as you all know, but she is held to a different standard for reason's of an appeal.

Compare her to Judge Ito, actually there is no comparison. Imo she's managed to maintain control in this courtroom.

Toss tomatoes at me lol, but not too many please!

Well, that being said Mr Pizza said if the Prosecution looses this case he would put that smack on the Judge for allowing this to go on too long.

So there, distention in the house lol
After years of lurking on this and other crime boards (since Scott Peterson?) this "expert" testimony has driven me to post.

How is 99% of this NOT hearsay?? How can she refer to "facts" about Travis when they are really figments of JA imagination??

I have a BA in psychology, how can I get a gig where I can just interpret journal "articles" for $250/hour (I'll do it for $150!!)??

JM's first question of this witness should be, Did TA deserve to die for his behavior towards JA and other women?

That's all from me for now--back to lurking!

RS threw out an internet sign offering custom tailored testimony to fit whatever opinion that would assist the client. I suggest setting your fee's higher than RS bc surely you're already more qualified:blushing:

And,:seeya: Welcome Aboard

Don't be shy, sure some bite, some spit and some cuss BUT never a dull moment on here. Would love to hear your thoughts both professional and personal.:fence:
How do we know that Ja didn't write her "journal" two days before the trial started?

I'm exaggerating, but heavens!

Why is anything in the journal considered evidence???

Dont sell your self short on that one,,i wondered myself,,is there proof that is her real journal,,a date on a tag maybe
I am so over this witness and the DT's antics.
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