trial day 39: the defense continues its case in chief #117

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At first my better half said he would let JA walk just because he thought Juan was a prick. I could not believe he said that either!!!
Anyway, once I told the better half that JA starved a cat and kicked a dog, his tune changed. Once he knew there was animal abuse, he wants JA to get DP.
JA is a killer - animals and humans - she has killed both with no regrets.

My jaw dropped to the floor when my husband said he thought JA was good looking as a blonde. Despite everything he's heard during the trial, he still thinks it. :what:

Is that abuse? I should make an appt with ALV. :floorlaugh:
The only thing I can imagine is that she feels the world/media/victim's family HATE HER because of Jodi, so she feels uncomfortable, stressed and defensive. They have surrounded themselves with pro-criminal people like Donovon (or whatever that thing's name is) & they probably get her worked up.

The sad thing is, she's a victim, too & should be extending herself to Travis' family. I don't think they would reject her--they are all suffering a tremendous loss. And I've seen that happen in a lot of cases.

I don't know why she & her sister have decided to take the route they're taking.

I know we all say "there's no playbook" for situations, but there's no playbook because MOST NORMAL PEOPLE ACT DIFFERENTLY.

Mothers don't see themselves as victims of their evil children. They see the good in them that others don't see and it's easy to feel superior because of it. Sandi and her twin are thrust into the spotlight garnering hatred because of something they did not do or encourage and were as shocked as any of us to know even happened.

So much hatred coming their way, they've hardened themselves. Because of the years of practice raising Jodi the Hellian, it's not that hard to stuff your tender feelings. Truth is, they've had years of practice playing the implacable role while she cries, rages, etc.

I imagine this has affected their ability to feel sympathy for normal people expressing appropriate emotions. A form of blunted affect-- and also awkwardness expressed by inappropriate laughter, eyerolling, etc.

When you think about it, having a "war" with the other side is far more effective at distracting your attention from the fact that your family member is the Lizzie Borden of tis century.
If ALV is smart, she'll call in today with the 'Juan Flu'! The entire defense case has been blown to smithereens. Did the DT even have a psychiatric evaluation done? If not, why not? It lool\ks like they based their entire case on a few text messages where Travis spoke of JA feeling the 'wrath'. There is zero evidence to show PTSD or Battered Womens syndrome. Zilch! JA is a psychopathic killer - end of story.

Dr. Samuels and ALV are nothing more than charlatans who tried to pull a fast one for fame and $$$. Nurmi and Willcott can now join the Attorney's Hall of Shame next to Jose Baez.

What happens now? Can the bombshell tapes be entered for evidence at this late date? Can JA's parents be called to testify? It almost seems like grounds for a mis-trial for ineffective counsel.

Would love to hear from the lawyers!

I'm not sure. I do think JA is running the show and that may explain a LOT.
She wanted to represent herself and I think she still is. (sorta)
Also, most of the men on the jury have probably treated a woman badly or they had friends who did not treat a woman the way they should. However, these men know that NOBODY deserves to die the way Travis died because a bootie call got upset when she was not treated better. :furious:

There's a saying that is rendered in many different ways, and has been a known fact for eons:

'To be treated like a lady, you have to behave like a lady'

had another read of jodi letter to abe.part 2 of the screen cap.

jodi writes"I didn't write this email to expound upon my secret worship-Travis-agenda."

what does this mean and why is she telling abe about it.

Not sure if this was answered...

But from my understanding, that email was not in fact even SENT to Abe! He denied he ever received it or any other email, and was not pursuing her!

Putting 2 + 2 together, I think most who know this information think that she wrote the email for Travis's benefit.

So basically, anything in that email means nothing since it wasn't being read by the person it was written to. It was a ploy and nothing more in her sick nasty game!
And please Juan ask her on the stand if she believes Snow White was a domestic violence victim! I was watching a video of her on youtube where she says we damage young girls by telling them that God is male. I think Martinez is not going to find it difficult to make her look like a joke to the jury.

From your fingerlips to God's ears.
You know, I think you have a point there.

I've mentioned this before, but another poster had what I think is a pretty good theory:

Jodi calls Travis several times and finally leaves a message that she wants to apologize for whatever it is she did. Travis calls her back. She says she nearby and can she please stop by and apologize in person? She's just so, so sorry. Travis, being a decent guy and hoping that ending on a positive note will get her to just move on, agrees. She gets there, apologize profusely. Big hug. Hug leads to more -- she knows how to do this because she'd done it before. And so on.

Anagrammy has said she thinks this theory is unlikely because, if Travis had confessed to his bishop, there's no way he would agree to ever see her. So this theory isn't perfect. But it is one possibility.
I'm probably the only one, but I think there's a little more to it.

For example, I was really taken aback by her saying she didn't do emails. I'm about her age and I do lots of emailing. In fact, it was really a requirement for my job. She never emails with clients? I find that really weird. Most of my friends have grown children who are scattered across the country. Emails are the prime way of staying in touch. My niece lives in Beirut, Lebanon, and if my sister didn't email, they wouldn't communicate at all.

To me, ALV seems to be actively trying to stay in the past. That's a little different than just being old-fashioned IMO. I like antiques, but I love, love, love my laptop and internet! I think ALV has a skewed view of the world and it shows.

I found the email comment shocking to be honest. What professional in this day and age doesn't communicate through email. I wasn't sure what to make of it and thought either she lives under a rock or she is playing dumb-old-lady for some reason. There are so many people her age and older who email and use social media.

As for the garbage that is coming out of her mouth: ALV is demented if she actually believes the stuff that she is saying. Her testiphoney comes across as being either bought or all-men-are-abusers. I vote for a combination of both. She makes me so angry.
It just bugs me why Travis would have let her in on June 4. Had sex with her. Isn't there a point where someone is too crazy to even have sex with?

That is a great question.

However, the way the average man's mind works is such that it would be difficult to pass up an opportunity for sex if the woman was making it hard (no pun intended) to say no thanks. It certainly seemed like TA was close to shutting her out on the sex front but may have succumbed to a biological urge.
LOL Last night I was screaming at my computer at ALV


And my DH had to leave the room because ALV's testimony was making him sick. He literally couldn't stomach her.

Since the DT reads here: WRAP IT UP, JENNIFER WILLMOTT. You're digging Jodi's grave (and that's great and all, but you are making people very angry on that jury--I guarantee you.)

My husband came home from work and the trial was on. Hubby says "that lady is still up." She doesn't impress him much. If JA thinks she is gaining sympathy from the male jurors, I think she is sadly mistaken. Hubby is a very caring and sympathetic man, but he does not believe that JA killed TA in self defense. May I add we have 4 grown daughters and hubby is very protective.
You know, I'm starting to wonder based on the records which show that more than one juror reported they were eimpacted by #5's behavior - this tells me there might be a few conservative types in the jury who perhaps had issue with either her or her flamboyant style. Maybe she agitated one of the older gentlemen on the jury.

I know when I was on a jury, even though we were supposed to be unbiased, I can truthfully say that the persuasiveness of a juror's position during deliberations was nearly solely dependent on that person's likability or credibility with the rest of us. There were a few members who were really opinionated, loud and a bit pushy and they really turned the rest of us off.

Not saying that happened here, but as soon as I heard it was the one with the wacky hair I thought that she may have not have blended with some of the conservatism of some of the others. Who knows, truly speculative.

I'm not at all what someone would term "conservative." And I think Jodi is evil and guilty. But, probably due to my military upbringing and life I am a rule follower and tend not to like those who don't. (BTW, this is not one of my favorite attributes) I might have turned her in simply because she wasn't following the simplest of rules, don't talk about the case, which could cause a mistrial.

The point I'm making is there could have been various reasons she was reported that have nothing to do with how one is going to deliberate.

And the way I interpret the fact that she was reported by more than one juror (if that is true) would not be because of collusion, but because she really was out of line. If so, I think that speaks well for the remaining jurors, they're going to follow the jury instructions and if they can read, there's no way anyone will be able to justify a NG. (not guilty, not nancy grace) IMO
I can not even imagine the singing Mormon" O" family, doing the stuff she and TA did to avoid not being virgins? Just can't imagine that...
You don't have to read her book to leave a review. The review is of her professional testimony on the stand in this case.

I research the author before I buy a nonfiction book offering expertise. If I'm a battered woman looking for books to help me, I would want to know what kind of experience and world view the author has.

If the author was a 21 year old male with a BS in Psychology, I'm not interested in his books--he does not have the education or experience needed to be a professional in the field

This is the same thing. ALV is championing a woman who terrorized, stalked and murdered a man. She is demonizing a dead man by calling him a pedophile.

IF Dr. Samuels ever wrote a book, I also would not buy it based on his testimony championing a PEDOPHILE.


BBM I'm assuming you mean championing a defendant who claims her victim was a pedophile.
I want to comment on the latest events in the trial.

When ALV got up and started speaking, she had some people worried that she was "likeble." Some thought she would be hard to dismiss like jurors could Dr. Samuels. Others went so far as to criticize JM for not objecting more.

I smiled at the time thinking, my boy Juan knows EXACTLY what he is doing.

This woman is testifying for the prosecution 90% of the time. She started with her credentials and went on and on - maybe we will all be comatose by the time Wilmott finishes. (The thought occurred to me that maybe they are punishing JA for refusing to go with an insanity defense.....)

We saw this expert witness lose her credibility without Juan even having to say a word. When he gets up all he has to do is say, I believe in your Continuum--you still believe in it, right? (reminds me sometimes of Monk)

And then he goes right down the line with Jodi the Abuser on the Continuum.
It just bugs me why Travis would have let her in on June 4. Had sex with her. Isn't there a point where someone is too crazy to even have sex with?

What if - Jodi snuck into the house and Travis was asleep, she got on his computer to check some things out and maybe saw an email about the videos, maybe a link and on it went ? What if she went up to his bedroom and she was the one to have sex with him while he was asleep, as she accused him of doing to her ?

Given the defendent's nature, which has been well presented during this case, would this really be beyond her sneaking, evil ways ?

I honestly don't know what to think about this issue at all when considering Travis' email to her on 26 May 2008. By the same token, I put nothing past this evil thing.
At first my better half said he would let JA walk just because he thought Juan was a prick. I could not believe he said that either!!!
Anyway, once I told the better half that JA starved a cat and kicked a dog, his tune changed. Once he knew there was animal abuse, he wants JA to get DP.
JA is a killer - animals and humans - she has killed both with no regrets.

my sister's been watching this trial, and her husband got interested in it too. she now says she wishes he never had. he HATES juan martinez. HATES HIM!! he says he's a little man with a napoleon complex.
he also thinks this is a manslaughter case!!!! he's buying so much of the defense case, it's unbelievable to me. he's not stupid either.

so there ya go. not everyone agrees with us. one thing my sister said that i DO agree with----JM has to be different with ALV. not saying gentle. but this woman is gung ho about abusive men, and in my sister's opinion, he needs to be careful not to come across like one.
I believe she only speaks in generalisations, rehashing old ideas about controlling men & weak women. What's new in that? It's so simplistic in its ideas & totally disregards the fact that many men are abused by women. Any man who has ever argues with his girlfriend is an abuser in her eyes. Out of touch & out of date!

I disagree. This woman knows what she's talking about. She's giving a lot of detail about the dynamics of an abusive relationship. I'm surprised this is not resonating with more women here. I'm thinking that women still can not recognize abuse which is why it is still so rampant.

But, like she says, the abuser masks the behavior until the relationship is somewhat established, then the victim, rather than recognizing a red flag, makes excuses for it, and the die is cast.

If one woman on the jury was in an abusive relationship, or witnessed one, they will know what she is talking about.

Didn't Darryl buy Jodi her breast implants? Totally OT, but, can you really buy breast implants for $300 ? :what:

You probably could in a back alley or somewhere in Mexico.

I think the going rate for implants is definitely more than $3,000 (low end, saline not silicone). Silicone tends to be more expensive.
I'm probably the only one, but I think there's a little more to it.

For example, I was really taken aback by her saying she didn't do emails. I'm about her age and I do lots of emailing. In fact, it was really a requirement for my job. She never emails with clients? I find that really weird. Most of my friends have grown children who are scattered across the country. Emails are the prime way of staying in touch. My niece lives in Beirut, Lebanon, and if my sister didn't email, they wouldn't communicate at all.

To me, ALV seems to be actively trying to stay in the past. That's a little different than just being old-fashioned IMO. I like antiques, but I love, love, love my laptop and internet! I think ALV has a skewed view of the world and it shows.

ALV's office reports that they are still implementing their upgrade from Pony Express to telegraph.

None of those new-fangled singing telegrams yet, mind you, just the paper version.

Exemplar for your 'edification':

I don't think Travis knew the extent of Jodi's mental instability and she convinced she was not a bad person. She "stopped by" as "friend" because she was on her way to Utah to see RB. He got sucked in with her manipulative ways to act out the "fantasy"- he unfortunately obliged. moo

I've mentioned this before, but another poster had what I think is a pretty good theory:

Jodi calls Travis several times and finally leaves a message that she wants to apologize for whatever it is she did. Travis calls her back. She says she nearby and can she please stop by and apologize in person? She's just so, so sorry. Travis, being a decent guy and hoping that ending on a positive note will get her to just move on, agrees. She gets there, apologize profusely. Big hug. Hug leads to more -- she knows how to do this because she'd done it before. And so on.

Anagrammy has said she thinks this theory is unlikely because, if Travis had confessed to his bishop, there's no way he would agree to ever see her. So this theory isn't perfect. But it is one possibility.
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