trial day 39: the defense continues its case in chief #117

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I fell asleep during the expert's testimony! I woke up when the Judge said 'Please remember your admonitions. You are excused.' lol.

I got iced coffee today so I can actually stay up. I'm hoping we'll get to see JM today. I'm so thrilled at the Defense is nearly done. I cannot wait for the next phase of the trial.

Ok back to reading through this entire thread!

You're going to need more than iced coffee once That Girl and Alyce get started again.
Being from Scotland there isn't an abundance of Mormons so I have no perspective of things like this.
Its reassuring to know that Travis wouldn't have been excommunicated for his mistakes.

What is your take on jodi being baptized? Can someone be flat out refused into the mormon church? Im not religious but people like her that imo abuse and use a religion/faith get on my nerves. She pretty much used it to try and trap travis.

What is a mormon take on heaven/hell? We all know where she is going but what is in your opinion of what is in store for saint jodi of arias

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Hi Scotland! My take on Jodi's baptism is that it was an insincere act considering the fact that she likes to talk more than she actually likes to do. AKA she claims spiritual enlightenment when her actions and attitudes prove otherwise. My honest opinion? The church is full of sweet naive people who are pretty straight arrow which makes it a really good draw for manipulators, grifters, and con artists because the unsuspecting pool of potential prey, and thats what I think Jodi ultimately is-a con artist. She'd been living off others and manipulating them for her own gain her whole life. Mormons especially bend over backward to help, support, and do what they can for newly baptized members, so I think Jodi took great advantage of this. I also think that is one of the reasons Travis was reluctant to tell her to go take a hike.
In regards to Heaven- there is one, I think Travis is there. As far as Jodi being there...she is a murderer which is the worst. Mormons believe that our Agency(free will) is the greatest gift God gave man which is why murder is such a grave and reprehensible act. There are ways to repent, but repentance is something that requires a sincere change of heart, acknowledgement and honesty to the full gravity of ones actions, and feeling true contrition and sorrow for the pain those actions have caused. I have not seen any sign that she would be capable of those things. There was a case here in Utah, where a husband killed his beautiful pregnant wife-Marc Hacking case. He was ALOT like Jodi except he was raised Mormon. Turns out he was a Major liar about Everything and I mean everything and killed his wife when she uncovered his lies and was going to expose him. He's a bad dude. However...he did eventually admit to the crime and pled full on guilty to avoid her and his family the pain of trial and accepted the punishment for the crime. This does not in my mind equate with repentance, but it would be a step in the right direction. I don't know if Jodi is capable of redemption-she shows no signs to my mind that she is. What is in store for Jodi??? Very likely she will spend this life and the next with people like herself-liars and murderers.

Also, you asked about people being refused in the church...before somebody is baptized they have an interview to discuss preparedness and to determine if there is anything they need to resolve before being baptized. There are questions like have you committed any grave sins that you haven't repented of...have you ever killed anyone etc. a yes, on those questions would prevent someone from being baptized until they resolved the issue and were cleared to do so. Being baptized after Murder takes approval from the First Presidncy. Its a freakin big deal. Yes, someone could lie to those questions and be baptized under false pretenses which then puts that additional sin on their head, and puts them into some pretty serious spiritual doggy doo.
Hope I answered your questions. Congratulations! You now have your first Mormon friend. :seeya:
And please Juan ask her on the stand if she believes Snow White was a domestic violence victim! I was watching a video of her on youtube where she says we damage young girls by telling them that God is male. I think Martinez is not going to find it difficult to make her look like a joke to the jury.
Just watched Arias' parents talking to Detective Flores. It's nice (or rather it's a relief) to see Arias' mother act normal, you know? I don't understand why she is so smug in court. She even rolled her eyes when Travis' sisters were emotional.

I don't get why Arias' mother can't just be normal in court. She is another victim of Arias. Why can't she give this trial its due respect?

She might be a little worried about repercussions if she does not behave appropriately. :what:
There, I fixed it for you

Indeed. They believe that journal is evidence.
Everything they have, including their expert witnesses is just Jodi's lies.
Even when they try to put people on the stand as a witness (Lisa) she quickly turned into a prosecution witness.
Hi Scotland! My take on Jodi's baptism is that it was an insincere act considering the fact that she likes to talk more than she actually likes to do. AKA she claims spiritual enlightenment when her actions and attitudes prove otherwise. My honest opinion? The church is full of sweet naive people who are pretty straight arrow which makes it a really good draw for manipulators, grifters, and con artists because the unsuspecting pool of potential prey, and thats what I think Jodi ultimately is-a con artist. She'd been living off others and manipulating them for her own gain her whole life. Mormons especially bend over backward to help, support, and do what they can for newly baptized members, so I think Jodi took great advantage of this. I also think that is one of the reasons Travis was reluctant to tell her to go take a hike.
In regards to Heaven- there is one, I think Travis is there. As far as Jodi being there...she is a murderer which is the worst. Mormons believe that our Agency(free will) is the greatest gift God gave man which is why murder is such a grave and reprehensible act. There are ways to repent, but repentance is something that requires a sincere change of heart, acknowledgement and honesty to the full gravity of ones actions, and feeling true contrition and sorrow for the pain those actions have caused. I have not seen any sign that she would be capable of those things. There was a case here in Utah, where a husband killed his beautiful pregnant wife-Marc Hacking case. He was ALOT like Jodi except he was raised Mormon. Turns out he was a Major liar about Everything and I mean everything and killed his wife when she uncovered his lies and was going to expose him. He's a bad dude. However...he did eventually admit to the crime and pled full on guilty to avoid her and his family the pain of trial and accepted the punishment for the crime. This does not in my mind equate with repentance, but it would be a step in the right direction. I don't know if Jodi is capable of redemption-she shows no signs to my mind that she is. What is in store for Jodi??? Very likely she will spend this life and the next with people like herself-liars and murderers.

Also, you asked about people being refused in the church...before somebody is baptized they have an interview to discuss preparedness and to determine if there is anything they need to resolve before being baptized. There are questions like have you committed any grave sins that you haven't repented of...have you ever killed anyone etc. a yes, on those questions would prevent someone from being baptized until they resolved the issue and were cleared to do so. Being baptized after Murder takes approval from the First Presidncy. Its a freakin big deal. Yes, someone could lie to those questions and be baptized under false pretenses which then puts that additional sin on their head, and puts them into some pretty serious spiritual doggy doo.
Hope I answered your questions. Congratulations! You now have your first Mormon friend. :seeya:

Thank you! I've made many wonderful Mormon friends through this trial. :seeya:
The amount of men on this jury really worries me. Men (so-called "nice guys" in particular) have a tendency to put women on pedestals as if they are delicate little flowers in need of rescue and protection. I'm reminded of that one male defense lawyer idiot on HLN, who described Travis's words on the sex tape as offensive and degrading to ALL women, as if he knows how ALL women think about certain types of sex talk.

I'd be much more comfortable with an all female jury, because for better or for worse women are more likely to think the worst of other women. This phenomena was seen in the Amanda Knox case. Her biggest defenders were men and her biggest haters were women. There were even polls done to confirm this.

First, I wouldn't take anything anyone say on HLN seriously. They are all playing a role. Second, I would think that the men would have a huge problem with JA's story and now ALV's insinuation that men are just abusive. Everything a man does is labeled as abuse if they are anything other than loving and doting. If there is conflict in the relationship, it doesn't seem that she takes the woman's actions into account as much as she does the man's. I am sure that she saw the videos of JA's police interviews. Even with that, she puts Arias in the shoes of the victim and Travis as the abuser. Ridiculous.
Well, if any of these men watched the movie "Fatal Attraction" we have nothing to worry about. :great:[/QUOT

The other day hubby and I watched "Play Misty For Me" WOW that woman was just like the killer JA. Maybe the males on this jury watched it also.
I hope the ejection off the jury island makes the remaining survivors all the angrier at JA.

You know, I'm starting to wonder based on the records which show that more than one juror reported they were eimpacted by #5's behavior - this tells me there might be a few conservative types in the jury who perhaps had issue with either her or her flamboyant style. Maybe she agitated one of the older gentlemen on the jury.

I know when I was on a jury, even though we were supposed to be unbiased, I can truthfully say that the persuasiveness of a juror's position during deliberations was nearly solely dependent on that person's likability or credibility with the rest of us. There were a few members who were really opinionated, loud and a bit pushy and they really turned the rest of us off.

Not saying that happened here, but as soon as I heard it was the one with the wacky hair I thought that she may have not have blended with some of the conservatism of some of the others. Who knows, truly speculative.
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I think if any of you were watching the jury as I am, you'd not be worried. This defense lost the males weeks ago. ALV is just throwing more nails in a sealed coffin. IMO.

My favorite for foreperson because he's been SO attentive and note taking throughout, barely looks at her while she speaks. We call him the "CEO". I'm not worried AT ALL about the males on this jury. I think they're ready to check the guilty box.

I think these men are insulted and will find her guilty because she is.
They also may have no respect for her because she has no respect for herself.

JA might think her beauty and ability to manipulate "most"
men in her past will work on these male jurors as well.
When it does not, I can hear it now on her appeal.

She was "convicted" by a jury made up of mostly men, who were also likely "abusive". Cause JA is ALWAYS the "victim"

Whatever. She will never walk the streets again.

I am going to watch her today.
#10 is the first to enter the court room and the last to leave.
She is watching her ( I think)
Time will tell... maybe she won't try and get her removed but I think she will. That would leave 5

I doubt all 5 would be chosen so it could be that the women make up only 1/4 or less of the final 12.
She's stuck in the 80s in many ways. Her glory days? Much of the reference material she testifies about is from the 80s right along with her "look".

I'm probably the only one, but I think there's a little more to it.

For example, I was really taken aback by her saying she didn't do emails. I'm about her age and I do lots of emailing. In fact, it was really a requirement for my job. She never emails with clients? I find that really weird. Most of my friends have grown children who are scattered across the country. Emails are the prime way of staying in touch. My niece lives in Beirut, Lebanon, and if my sister didn't email, they wouldn't communicate at all.

To me, ALV seems to be actively trying to stay in the past. That's a little different than just being old-fashioned IMO. I like antiques, but I love, love, love my laptop and internet! I think ALV has a skewed view of the world and it shows.
At first my better half said he would let JA walk just because he thought Juan was a prick. I could not believe he said that either!!!
Anyway, once I told the better half that JA starved a cat and kicked a dog, his tune changed. Once he knew there was animal abuse, he wants JA to get DP.
JA is a killer - animals and humans - she has killed both with no regrets.
Did anyone see the information they were giving out on Jodi and her jail house behavior last night on the new HLN show at 10:00? I don't watch it but I turned it on when they were talking about her misconduct in jail. I had to laugh at that.....she likes her pens. Guess she's not the model prisoner I thought they were trying to say she was.
I just have to get this out - on the subject of the shirt that said "Travis Alexander's" on the front and whatever on the back...

JA did not have to wear it! She was not forced to put it on, much less have her photo taken in it!

I think it is mildly offensive, but ifrc Travis mailed the shirt and underwear to her. In other words, he was not even present to make sure she wore it.

Just like she didn't wear the French maid's uniform.

Yes, well....and there's always the possibility that crafty little Jodi made the whole thing up. That makes more sense to me. It's just a little too coincidental that most of the damaging info against Travis involves incidents without corroboration or context.

Just getting a peek at JAs dad. Maybe saying she was a strange person was the kindest fatherly thing he could come up with under the circumstances....
It just bugs me why Travis would have let her in on June 4. Had sex with her. Isn't there a point where someone is too crazy to even have sex with?

You know, I think you have a point there.
If ALV is smart, she'll call in today with the 'Juan Flu'! The entire defense case has been blown to smithereens. Did the DT even have a psychiatric evaluation done? If not, why not? It lool\ks like they based their entire case on a few text messages where Travis spoke of JA feeling the 'wrath'. There is zero evidence to show PTSD or Battered Womens syndrome. Zilch! JA is a psychopathic killer - end of story.

Dr. Samuels and ALV are nothing more than charlatans who tried to pull a fast one for fame and $$$. Nurmi and Willcott can now join the Attorney's Hall of Shame next to Jose Baez.

What happens now? Can the bombshell tapes be entered for evidence at this late date? Can JA's parents be called to testify? It almost seems like grounds for a mis-trial for ineffective counsel.

Would love to hear from the lawyers!
I'm just not going to be able to listen to the trial today if it's just going to be the defense questioning Violette. I just can't do it any more. I'm going to watch another trial - the Schaffhausen trial. I'll keep checking back to see if Martinez starts questioning or they move on to something else. I'll be thinking of you all though :)

I'm exactly with you on this! Can't stomach it and it's all just regurgitation of testimony we've painfully already endured - except now it's from a vague 3rd party.

To summarize, basically ALV gets up there and says "Yeah....what she said."
Irrespective of this case, everything she's saying is true, and I predict her testimony will become a classic in the understanding of the dynamics of abuse. I'm not saying it applies in this case necessarily, that's for the jury to decide, but she is analyzing and describing an abusive relationship correctly.


I believe she only speaks in generalisations, rehashing old ideas about controlling men & weak women. What's new in that? It's so simplistic in its ideas & totally disregards the fact that many men are abused by women. Any man who has ever argues with his girlfriend is an abuser in her eyes. Out of touch & out of date!
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