trial day 39: the defense continues its case in chief #117

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She is just supporting the lie she told her family when poor doggie boy was killed and disposed of....sorry but that's why that event was so significant to her...IMO of course...

I'm sure you're right about that. It has the ring of well-rehearsed narrative, repeated many times over the years. The creepy "I wish I could apologize to him," is enough to make you throw something.
Well, if any of these men watched the movie "Fatal Attraction" we have nothing to worry about. :great:

Maybe this is why they are afraid to make eye contact with her? Afraid that they will be her next mark. I was kind of worried about Flores..wonder if she set her sights on him?
So if the victim (and killer) had been, say, Roman Catholic, do you think the crime would have unfolded the same? In other words, do you really think she killed him because of the religion? And if they had been Methodist or Baptist or athiest she would not have butchered him? She would have merrily let him go? I don't think so. I think Jodi would have done this no matter what faith Travis belonged to. IMO it has nothing to do with religion.

I understand what you're saying and agree up to a point. I think Mormonism plays a role in understanding why Travis behaved the way he did, why he didn't want to marry her, and so forth. For that reason, it's important.
Well, if any of these men watched the movie "Fatal Attraction" we have nothing to worry about. :great:
I think if any of you were watching the jury as I am, you'd not be worried. This defense lost the males weeks ago. ALV is just throwing more nails in a sealed coffin. IMO.

My favorite for foreperson because he's been SO attentive and note taking throughout, barely looks at her while she speaks. We call him the "CEO". I'm not worried AT ALL about the males on this jury. I think they're ready to check the guilty box.
Alyce strikes me as incredibly out of touch with the real world, doesn't text etc & seems like the sort of woman who doesn't even have a tv. If the jury are anything like normal people they have got to be wondering if Alyce would class all men as abusers. In all relationships, there is usually one who earns more than the other- according to Alyce it makes sense they are abusing the weaker dependent partner. If you are religious then it 's just a short step to using that religion to control your partner. What sort of logic is this? And don't get me started on the outfit! It's like she shopped for the least attractive clothes ever. I find something very 'off' about this woman, she doersn't doesn't seem relevant to today. But perhaps that's the whole women's liberation, hippy vibe I get from her.

Irrespective of this case, everything she's saying is true, and I predict her testimony will become a classic in the understanding of the dynamics of abuse. I'm not saying it applies in this case necessarily, that's for the jury to decide, but she is analyzing and describing an abusive relationship correctly.

You're sweet, thank you :) I think maybe I'm a negative person by nature and I'm thinking the worst here....what is the jury going to think if (worst case scenario) they're lenient on JA, and down the road see the footage and interrogation tapes we're seeing?

I'm really just so disgusted at this point with the DT and her posse....blah. I don't even know what to think.

BBM Oh, they'll probably think the same sort of things that the jurors from the "trial that shall not be named" think now.
I'm just not going to be able to listen to the trial today if it's just going to be the defense questioning Violette. I just can't do it any more. I'm going to watch another trial - the Schaffhausen trial. I'll keep checking back to see if Martinez starts questioning or they move on to something else. I'll be thinking of you all though :)
I am beginning to wonder?
This rehashing of JA's journal entries blah, blah, blah....
I mean really?

:dunno: If you hear something enough times maybe you will begin to believe it.

the defendant is the cold blooded premeditated murderer of Travis Victor Alexander,
the defendant is the cold blooded premeditated murderer of Travis Victor Alexander,
the defendant is the cold blooded premeditated murderer of Travis Victor Alexander,
the defendant is the cold blooded premeditated murderer of Travis Victor Alexander,
the defendant is the cold blooded premeditated murderer of Travis Victor Alexander,
the defendant is the cold blooded premeditated murderer of Travis Victor Alexander,
the defendant is the cold blooded premeditated murderer of Travis Victor Alexander,
the defendant is the cold blooded premeditated murderer of Travis Victor Alexander,
the defendant is the cold blooded premeditated murderer of Travis Victor Alexander,
the defendant is the cold blooded premeditated murderer of Travis Victor Alexander.
Didn't the judge ask the jurors to be there by 9:25 today or is that just my wishful thinking?
Alyce strikes me as incredibly out of touch with the real world, doesn't text etc & seems like the sort of woman who doesn't even have a tv. If the jury are anything like normal people they have got to be wondering if Alyce would class all men as abusers. In all relationships, there is usually one who earns more than the other- according to Alyce it makes sense they are abusing the weaker dependent partner. If you are religious then it 's just a short step to using that religion to control your partner. What sort of logic is this? And don't get me started on the outfit! It's like she shopped for the least attractive clothes ever. I find something very 'off' about this woman, she doersn't doesn't seem relevant to today. But perhaps that's the whole women's liberation, hippy vibe I get from her.

She's stuck in the 80s in many ways. Her glory days? Much of the reference material she testifies about is from the 80s right along with her "look".
I'm sure you're right about that. It has the ring of well-rehearsed narrative, repeated many times over the years. The creepy "I wish I could apologize to him," is enough to make you throw something.

makes me want to throw up.
I understand what you are saying and I am sorry for your troubles. We I am sure all give a big group hug.

BUT I really do not get the twins laughing etc in the courtroom. Maybe you can help me to understand because I myself have commented on it here.

Thanks for the hug!

Jodi's mother Sandi and her twin are two people living in the public stink eye. For week after week, months dragging on. The mind needs comic relief to stay sane--even in a gruesome murder trial. It could have been the outfit the Mitigation Specialist is wearing or a rip in her skirt when she bent over. It could have been anything but laughter is well known as an involuntary way some people break tension.

I can't imagine what it must be like sitting day after day expressionless. I couldn't do it, I would crack and yes, if I saw some of the hijinks that go on in this courtroom I would laugh.

I don't think it means anything. What does mean something is that they are there day after day for one reason only: love. They are able to love. Jodi's mother loves her and Sandi's twin loves her sister, so she's not going to let her go through this alone. Both of them knew it (Jodi) would have a bad end and now it's come. They will stand together and get through this.

Their judgment is not going to be wonderful because of all the stress--shoot, I even feel stressed and I'm sitting on my own sofa at home and it's nobody I even know!
Personally I go with what Travis' friends have said "Jodi was Travis' drug and he was addicted". and I think that was by design, by Jodi. Not discounting Travis participation in this but I do think it explains his irrational sexual behavior when it came to her. I also believe he thought he had the whole situation under control.

ITA. Also, quite a number of threads ago, the husband of poster Mrs.Pizza got on here and had a long series of posts about how he was the same size as Travis and just couldn't believe a smaller woman could physically overpower him. Mr. Pizza had seen all the evidence, knew that Jodi confessed to killing Travis, but he was still having a hard time with it. I doubt Travis even considered the fact that he wouldn't be able to stop her. JMO
The amount of men on this jury really worries me. Men (so-called "nice guys" in particular) have a tendency to put women on pedestals as if they are delicate little flowers in need of rescue and protection. I'm reminded of that one male defense lawyer idiot on HLN, who described Travis's words on the sex tape as offensive and degrading to ALL women, as if he knows how ALL women think about certain types of sex talk.

I'd be much more comfortable with an all female jury, because for better or for worse women are more likely to think the worst of other women. This phenomena was seen in the Amanda Knox case. Her biggest defenders were men and her biggest haters were women. There were even polls done to confirm this.

Also, most of the men on the jury have probably treated a woman badly or they had friends who did not treat a woman the way they should. However, these men know that NOBODY deserves to die the way Travis died because a bootie call got upset when she was not treated better. :furious:
So if the victim (and killer) had been, say, Roman Catholic, do you think the crime would have unfolded the same? In other words, do you really think she killed him because of the religion? And if they had been Methodist or Baptist or athiest she would not have butchered him? She would have merrily let him go? I don't think so. I think Jodi would have done this no matter what faith Travis belonged to. IMO it has nothing to do with religion.

I think the Mormon religion DID play a huge role in this case due to the uniqueness of the tenets and practices of the faith:

-Travis wouldn't date Jodi unless she was Mormon, so Jodi became Mormon

To Jodi, this meant that she was interested in dating Travis. It didn't mean that Travis wanted her. She read a lot into this and made the mistake of thinking this was some sort of committment to her.

-The Single's Ward

All the young, single Mormons are put together and they spend a lot of time together socially. They "date" (in quotes b/c I think their use of 'dating' means something a lot different to pedestrians/lay people) These dates are very non-sexual, very activity-oriented and non-exclusive. I think when they become exclusive, that means they are on the road to marriage.

I think Jodi was counting on using this to trap Travis. She wanted him, and she saw this situation as an easy way to land him. She was not Mormon--she doesn't care one bit about it other than her new social life and future husband.

I think because of this unique situation, Jodi thought it would be very easy to land Travis. When it wasn't working, she aggressively pursued him sexually.

This question may have already been asked, but there are way too many posts to go through to find the answer. Will the state be calling the parents? Do we know who they have on their witness list?
I'm just not going to be able to listen to the trial today if it's just going to be the defense questioning Violette. I just can't do it any more. I'm going to watch another trial - the Schaffhausen trial. I'll keep checking back to see if Martinez starts questioning or they move on to something else. I'll be thinking of you all though :)

I watched about two minutes yesterday, for the easily frustrated it just wasn't worth it. It was even painful reading the comments on the board.

I too will pay attention through the boards but willl not watch until JM is up.

Then, it will all be worth it.
WOW - just watched the clip with JA's Mom and Dad. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to see the entire unedited version.....ahemmm David Lohr!

So I guess DD is now saying she's mentally ill? I didn't watch him. As a TH I just don't care what he thinks. He's usually wrong.

JA is cray cray.

ITA, I hate the way HLN spoon feeds clips. Checked D Lohr on youtube this am, but no unedited versions of these yet.
JA abused animals - Enough for me to lock her up and throw away the key.
Thanks for the hug!

Jodi's mother Sandi and her twin are two people living in the public stink eye. For week after week, months dragging on. The mind needs comic relief to stay sane--even in a gruesome murder trial. It could have been the outfit the Mitigation Specialist is wearing or a rip in her skirt when she bent over. It could have been anything but laughter is well known as an involuntary way some people break tension.

I can't imagine what it must be like sitting day after day expressionless. I couldn't do it, I would crack and yes, if I saw some of the hijinks that go on in this courtroom I would laugh.

I don't think it means anything. What does mean something is that they are there day after day for one reason only: love. They are able to love. Jodi's mother loves her and Sandi's twin loves her sister, so she's not going to let her go through this alone. Both of them knew it (Jodi) would have a bad end and now it's come. They will stand together and get through this.

Their judgment is not going to be wonderful because of all the stress--shoot, I even feel stressed and I'm sitting on my own sofa at home and it's nobody I even know!

In your opinion, will either or both take the stand during the penalty phase and beg the jury not to sentence JA to death?
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