trial day 39: the defense continues its case in chief #117

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Here's my take.

I think Nurmi and Co. concocted a ruse to have a reason to have to interrogate, errr question jurors. They KNEW no juror saw the "photo op" of Martinez on the steps. They KNEW this was a one time occurance. How did they know this, because like TODAY, they exit and enter that door daily themselves. And JM never uses that door. And they are savvy enough to know the low likelihood of any juror claiming they'd be unable to render an impartial verdict by seeing Juan Martinez having his photo taken by some random people on the courthouse steps.

I think they wanted a reason to investigate those jurors, ask them questions and seek reasons to bounce ones that concern them.

I also think that if Juror 5 was one they thought favored their side, they'd not have made an issue of it, whatever it was.

That's my take and I'm stickin to it.

I agree. They are grasping for anything at this point, and I also think Jodi was pointing and whispering about this juror last week. She doesn't seem to like younger confident women much, does she?

Ps. I think you are fantastic. I love your posts and your indelible spirit.
She lived in Northern California. She should of stayed there. Alot of guys cheat. Mine did. I left. I did not cut his throat and stab him 29 times and shoot him in tbe head. Again, she thinks her anger justified the action.
I could see JA pulling Bundy's arm-in-a-cast trick and doing very well at that if that sort of thing was what she liked. I think she is similar to Bundy in many ways, but they liked different things and I do think he was smarter.

Both of their egos are huge, and they are both psychopaths who rage kill. JA smiles enough when seeing the crime scene photos that I do believe she is a sadist. There may be a sexual component to it, too: why did she sleep with him first?

She's the type of psychopath who can seem like someone you'd date. That's only fairly unusual, but her rage overkill is quite unusual the way she did it, and she grinded on some new guy right afterwards.

I don't know. Most charming psychopaths don't go all stabby and throat-slitty -- even the murderers. And after sex? It's interesting for sure. She's pretty rare, but there have been cases like hers. She's not that rare :) But neither was Bundy, really.

MM Occupation Ninja :)
When I was a teen i was not allowed to swim in a pool with boys or young men. It was against the faith I grew up in.

And I never did...because I was very skeered of any and all punishment from my parents.

Times have changed..teens are allowed to play together now. I think it is awesome. Has my faith changed...yes is stronger than ever.

Young men and women are very different sexually today...i still haven't figured out what a pop rock is. If it is 2 adults agreeing on their sexual long as no major injuries are involved..then it is none of my business.

Cindy Anthony did all she could to pervert justice in her granddaughter's murder.

Cindy Anthony committed perjury to aid in the defense of her granddaughter's murderess.

Bad is an understatement.

bbm, she should be in prison. Perjury to set a murderer free is a dangerous, dangerous thing.
Here's my take.

I think Nurmi and Co. concocted a ruse to have a reason to have to interrogate, errr question jurors. They KNEW no juror saw the "photo op" of Martinez on the steps. They KNEW this was a one time occurance. How did they know this, because like TODAY, they exit and enter that door daily themselves. And JM never uses that door. And they are savvy enough to know the low likelihood of any juror claiming they'd be unable to render an impartial verdict by seeing Juan Martinez having his photo taken by some random people on the courthouse steps.

I think they wanted a reason to investigate those jurors, ask them questions and seek reasons to bounce ones that concern them.

I also think that if Juror 5 was one they thought favored their side, they'd not have made an issue of it, whatever it was.

That's my take and I'm stickin to it.

Right On !!! I think the DT is going to try to take advantage of every littledamthing they can get ahold of from here on out. They are probably hoping someone interviews #5 so they can find something there too...MOO
One thing dogs are known for is loyalty. You can kick a dog and it will still come back tail wagging. IF this dog ran away over abuse, it was severe or more likely, she killed that dog.

We dog lovers already know this - The Jurors know this I am certain.
This crime def has religious foreground. If Travis wasn't a mormon maybe the DT wouldn't emphasize so much on the sinful sex.
Jumping off your post...

JA wasn't a Mormon, she just pretended to be one. Anything to get anyone, she desires. I have more of a problem with a murderer, preying on someone, converting to their religion to gain their trust, then SLAUGHTERING them, than someone who has sex out of their religion. Perspective.

How many of us are guilty of not complying to their religion? Heck, I was raised Catholic, my parents went to all girls/boys Catholic schools, I won't go into to details, but this isn't about religion!

This is a vicious, brutal, pre-meditated murder! Even if you don't believe it was pre-meditated, JA admits to slaughtering Travis.!!
Do you see any similarities between Dianne Downs and Jody?

No. Diane Downs shot her children, killed one. Nothing worse IMO than killing your children. Did you see Small Sacrifices with Farrah Fawcett?
RE Bundy.

I think many of his kills were not rage kills. Methodical and against women he did not know or date.

In addition to the far greater #, if you are disgusted at the sexual inuendo RE Jodi, Bundy is at a whole 'nother level of disgusting.

If true, LE reports state he went back days, even weeks, later to the corpses, and well maybe you know what I am alluding to. Not your average killer or serial killer IMO.
Do you think mormon jurors would potentially perceive this also?

And if yes, how? You have me intrigued.

I am an active Mormon, and my husband is currently a bishop. No way good Mormons would EVER consider Travis' sex life or potential poor treatment in a relationship (so SHE says) as an excuse for what she did to him. In my opinion everything I've heard about him: the good, the bad, and the gettin freaky, makes him more human to me, and makes me so sad to think about what ultimately happened to him. Mormons are actually not judgmental about past mistakes because we have a testimony in the Atonement of Jesus Christ and believe a person can move past a bad past and do better. I think Travis was trying to do that. What a Mormon would NOT look fondly at is professing momon beliefs and continuing to lie their pants off every time they open their mouth.
Here's my take.

I think Nurmi and Co. concocted a ruse to have a reason to have to interrogate, errr question jurors. They KNEW no juror saw the "photo op" of Martinez on the steps. They KNEW this was a one time occurance. How did they know this, because like TODAY, they exit and enter that door daily themselves. And JM never uses that door. And they are savvy enough to know the low likelihood of any juror claiming they'd be unable to render an impartial verdict by seeing Juan Martinez having his photo taken by some random people on the courthouse steps.

I think they wanted a reason to investigate those jurors, ask them questions and seek reasons to bounce ones that concern them.

I also think that if Juror 5 was one they thought favored their side, they'd not have made an issue of it, whatever it was.

That's my take and I'm stickin to it.

I think you're right. One thing I can't get out of my head was KatieDDJ speaking on DD about being in the cafeteria (?) and Juror5 asking her if she was in line - KN was right there... Wonder if he suggested that J5 showed too much recognition to KDDJ or something. Certainly she'd recognize her from being in the gallery every day, but didn't he use her name as "someone working for HLN" being part of this..?

I just had an uneasy feeling that the three of them were together in the lunch line and J5 spoke to KDDJ. What defense lawyer wouldn't make that into something? Dunno. Just made me wonder...
I am an active Mormon, and my husband is currently a bishop. No way good Mormons would EVER consider Travis' sex life or potential poor treatment in a relationship (so SHE says) as an excuse for what she did to him. In my opinion everything I've heard about him: the good, the bad, and the gettin freaky, makes him more human to me, and makes me so sad to think about what ultimately happened to him. Mormons are actually not judgmental about past mistakes because we have a testimony in the Atonement of Jesus Christ and believe a person can move past a bad past and do better. I think Travis was trying to do that. What a Mormon would NOT look fondly at is professing momon beliefs and continuing to lie their pants off every time they open their mouth.

Thank you!!
I wonder what kind of "dressage" the witness will wear tomorrow...First day regular, Thurs the oriental inspired jacket, then today full-on oriental. Maybe Azteca tomorrow? Who knows - Will be a good day to run all errands. Will there be court Thursday?

My prediction for her first day with Martinez on cross:

I agree. They are grasping for anything at this point, and I also think Jodi was pointing and whispering about this juror last week. She doesn't seem to like younger confident women much, does she?

Ps. I think you are fantastic. I love your posts and your indelible spirit.

Thank you!

And isn't it interesting that in the matter of a couple of days (well consecutive court days) she manages to try and tarnish the most beautiful blond in the courtroom (Katie DDJ) and then goes after the youngest (I think) most attractive (imo) female juror on the panel.

I think for Nurmi #5 was more of a threat for other reasons, maybe her copious notes and they don't want these jurors to be great historians. But for Jodi i think every attractive female is a threat so she just tosses her lack of control at over controlling all over the place. Imagine if they tossed the one juror who might have been sympathetic toward her though? That would be awesome.
When I was a teen i was not allowed to swim in a pool with boys or young men. It was against the faith I grew up in.

And I never did...because I was very skeered of any and all punishment from my parents.

Times have changed..teens are allowed to play together now. I think it is awesome. Has my faith changed...yes is stronger than ever.

Young men and women are very different sexually today...i still haven't figured out what a pop rock is. If it is 2 adults agreeing on their sexual long as no major injuries are involved..then it is none of my business.

I cannot even imagine growing up like that!
Wow. Thank you. You single-handedly restored my faith in the ability for the possibility of peace between different religions/faiths/beliefs ..:loveyou:

That's cool....moo.
I am an active Mormon, and my husband is currently a bishop. No way good Mormons would EVER consider Travis' sex life or potential poor treatment in a relationship (so SHE says) as an excuse for what she did to him. In my opinion everything I've heard about him: the good, the bad, and the gettin freaky, makes him more human to me, and makes me so sad to think about what ultimately happened to him. Mormons are actually not judgmental about past mistakes because we have a testimony in the Atonement of Jesus Christ and believe a person can move past a bad past and do better. I think Travis was trying to do that. What a Mormon would NOT look fondly at is professing momon beliefs and continuing to lie their pants off every time they open their mouth.

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