trial day 40: the defense continues its case in chief #118

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So true. At first I thought it was just an awkward JW-ism -- but she seems to mean it by continually saying article.

I noticed that yesterday...



In the police interrogation video, Det. Blaney asks Jodi if she would like to write Travis a letter. Jodi says she would, but it would just be a rough draft, it wouldn't be something she would be ready to submit. :eek:hoh: Still trying to figure that one out.
I am wondering if JA was allowed her journals in jail and she did some major tweaking to them.

In the interrogation she was quite anxious for the detectives to read them.

I think the journal was written between june 4 and the day she was arrested
fyi...JA's mom said that when JA got back from Utah, "JA acted better, more normal, than ever before!"

its because he was need to obsess or worry or wonder- hes dead she can move on. I HATE HER
So he calls her when she is in Vegas and asks her to come home a day early to spend time with him but she says NO.

Does that sound like an abuse victim? What a TRUE victim of Domestic Violence ever say NO like that if she were really afraid of her mate?

Exactly she would be all ill leave now or the likes

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ALV doesn't even know what an email is.

How can she possibly recognize an instant message or text message?

She's just begun using that there newfangled telephone thang, don't ya know.


I keep looking at Aunt Bea... she keeps saying bull*hit! :great:

I'm ALREADY angry about what Wilmott is going to do when Juan gets up ~ She is going to object and ask to approach every 2 to 3 minutes and basically stay in a standing position to try and break up Juan's mojo. She'll act like a petulant child, practically shrieking her objections and requests to approach. This is going to be a scene, one that I'm already dreading.

man, I hope he tears this woman apart. She's earned every second of it.

Will Juan give her <mod snip> breaks? I guess she has a signal to JW.

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Heaven help the next time a female says she killed an abuser in self defense.She better have evidence because the slop millions have heard this supposed expert say,no one will believe her even if she is telling the truth.She better have police,hospital,pictures,and friends and family who have seen bruises.ALV has set abuse victims back at least 35-40 years!JMO
No jealousy? Peeping in windows is jealousy. Period. Pure and simple.

Off the top my head, add to that:

Crawling through Doggie Door
Slashing of Tires 3X
Email to Lisa
Confronting other women
Sleeping under tree at Travis' uninvited
Not leaving Hughes' home when asked to leave
Inviting herself on Trips

Feel free to add on folks.
What we don't know is how much tweaking she did to them before LE got them sometime after June of 2008.

Or if more 'tweaked' journals were located and surrendered/seized later.
I swore off any more trials after CA but my Mom is sucking me into this one. I have to say reading this thread today has been hysterical. This place really has the smartest and funniest people ever.
I'm ALREADY angry about what Wilmott is going to do when Juan gets up ~ She is going to object and ask to approach every 2 to 3 minutes and basically stay in a standing position to try and break up Juan's mojo. She'll act like a petulant child, practically shrieking her objections and requests to approach. This is going to be a scene, one that I'm already dreading.

man, I hope he tears this woman apart. She's earned every second of it.

I REALLY hope Juan only asks a couple of PIERCING questions pertaining to JAs ability to LIE and her <ALV> seemingly blind acceptance of it and let her go, eliminating the need for ENDLESS redirect. THEN we can get to rebuttal. :)

A girl can dream, right?
So is slasing tires and sending bogus emails. At least I think that is true?? jmo

In the police interrogation video of JA's dad, he said JA told him she snuck up to the house and saw TA inside with another woman. She still can't keep her stories straight :facepalm:
I think JA's fantasy was that if she told Travis she had to move because she couldn't afford to pay rent that he would invite her to stay with him for free. After all, he has that great big house that just needs a woman's touch. I think her plan all along was to move in with Travis because that has been her pattern with men all along.

You Betcha!

I wouldn't be surprised if after <mod snip> sex a few times she didn't try to pull the old "I'm pregnant routine"! Or at least hoped once she moved to Mesa just matter of time!

Of course TA was smart (per sex tape) He looked both ways before he pulled outta the drive!
I sure wish the camera person would quit going to the 'seal' so fast! Why not keep rolling? Wish he'd move it around more, like to the gallery, Juan.. anything for that matter!
Since there is apparently no shame in this witness's wild speculation, why not just cut to the chase and ask:

Ms. ALV, since we have proven beyond any possible doubt that Travis was a serial beater of women and a pedophile, when you are given the indisputable facts in this case that Travis again brutally attacked Jodi on June 4, what is your opinion as to the reasonableness of her reaction that day?
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