trial day 40: the defense continues its case in chief #118

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Every SINGLE WORD of this is so good!!

Thank you, I couldn't agree more. Let's hope Juan is able to expose her for the fraud she is to the jury ~ maybe even point out her lack of continuing education after 1980. Not even a seminar ~ in a 20 page CV, nothing.

I totally agree! POST OF THE DAY! (now let me go find it) lol
Ok- thanks, that change of context changes everything. Yes - I wanted to leave the insanity. Stay in the relationship but leave the insanity. And it took MANY months of counseling to see that if the other party refuses to do their part in eliminating the insanity then I MUST love myself enough not to stay any longer. But let me tell you - I would have never come to that determination on my own. My inner perception of things was very warped. I had to learn to see things through the eyes of a healthy person - my counselor and see what they saw. Very very very tough to do. Tough pill to swallow.

As a recovering substance abuser, I take no offense to the word insanity. It is exactly what our world is when we are spiritually sick. After many years of sobriety I can easily look back and call that existence "insane". Insanity is the act of repeating the same behavior over and over and expecting a different outcome.

Sorry you had an abusive relationship and you managed to heal and be healthy.
When JA had a migraine allegedly and apparently, we weren't told why court was cancelled. The Judge today explaining court was being cancelled this afternoon because of ALV's illness just makes that more obvious. The Jury is also going to pissed off at ALV for making extending their time in court even longer. This is going to improve ALV's credibility - NOT
For a sec there I read you'd be an expert in "Cosmo". LOL Expert witness in "Are you compatible in bed?" quizzes. LMAO Or are we talking about the drink? If so, I'm right there with ya sister...right there.

:floorlaugh: I was referencing the statement that LV said she read cosmo and redbook. I've never had a cosmo (drink). I must be missing something good!

Hugs --

BAM, so in Feb JA went to Las Vegas, back and forth from Mesa, AZ. Well, to do that, she would have gone through the Hoover Dam check point. She told JM she did not know it was there until she came upon it after killing TA, that her stopping to clean up and toss evidence was a coincidence. LIE!
Remember when DB was on the stand and JM asked if JA and his son were ever alone together? His no came out before JM put a period on the sentence. He also denied she played the role of step-mom really quickly. Perhaps it's JA who is a threat to children??

I could see that as a problem if Jodi had half the temper her parents claim she had. Another thought was what if DB's ex decided to move to Monterey to get away from Jodi's influence. Jodi and Darryl just bought a home together and maybe the ex felt here is my chance. Darryl was quick enough to want to relocate to Monterey to be with his son and suddenly it could have been that Jodi knew she would be on her own and stuck with the house. Personally, I think it was a great opportunity for Darryl to get away from Jodi. He must have thanked his lucky stars. jmo
LaViolette may be really sick, or really, really nervous at this point. See my post #760 - at 10:57 this morning. I thought she seemed suddenly shaky and nervous at that time.

If she's so violently ill she can't recover over a 90 min lunch break she hides it well. I think she had an anxiety attack or something. Or an attack of Narcissism.
I wish HLN would stop showing those - I'm nervous if the jury sees these interviews with Jodi's parents...I can't say more right now, I don't want to give any ideas to the DT trolls. I feel like we have to be super responsible when we post 'cause everybody is trolling (DT, HLN, specifically). Sometimes we have good thoughts/ideas here at W/S. So they are watching...
Remember when DB was on the stand and JM asked if JA and his son were ever alone together? His no came out before JM put a period on the sentence. He also denied she played the role of step-mom really quickly. Perhaps it's JA who is a threat to children??

How do you live with a woman for 4 years and never leAve her alone with your child? That just seems so odd to me. He never ran to the market or went out with the guys, and left his son home with JA?
I can just see her interrupting JMs cross with requests to go to the potty every few minutes. If she has anxiety now...i can just imagine ..its gonna get bad. I would not want to be in her shoes.

Maybe they should just have her testify sitting on a bedside commode up there (sorry).
I woke up when Violet was talking about JA seeing another guy. Don't recall the name but I don't think I'd heard about him before. Was he mentioned before?
I do not understand why they have to cancel for the entire day - take an early lunch and then reassess how ALV feels after that. Maybe she just got a case of diarrhea or had to throw up, it doesn't mean it will continue uncontrollably for the rest of the day. Sometimes you do feel better afterward. It's probably just nervous tummy., take some Pepto! Same thing with Jodi's "migraine" give her medicine and take a longer lunch if need be, but CONTINUE! This is ridiculous.

So let me get this straight....You actually believe she's ill:floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
Riddle me this:

ALV and JA maintain that there's something wrong, abnormal -- even abusive -- about TA not wanting to openly and publicly display their relationship status.

Yet in other circumstances Travis Alexander was faulted by Alyce LaViolette for actually making public displays with another women.

Heads Jodi wins, tails Travis loses ...when it's Alyce flipping the coin.
When ALaV testified from the defendant's writings, that Travis was pursuing an interest in Mimi Hall and that Arias was happy for him & wished him well in that, the defendant's facial expression was sick as mud. The underlying insult, still smarting, was that she & Travis had just enjoyed marvelous sex. It wasn't only a rejection, to her it was a betrayal. Opposition, to Arias, is always taken as betrayal. Her face gave this away in no uncertain terms. She was anything but happy for him and Mimi.
I can't possibly read all posts or threads here BUT:

Has anyone else noticed that last Thursday in court, Jodi's Mom's twin sister was leaning away from Jodi's Mom, she was crying and an older woman had her arm around the Twin Aunt? Since that day, the Twin Aunt has NOT been in court?

Wonder if there was a falling out between the twin sisters?

I don't recall noticing that but I doubt they had a falling out - just my feeling. Maybe she just had to go back to her regular schedule?
I had a meeting this morning. Did JW finish?

No Lamb . . . .ALV became suddenly ill 20 min before lunch - court cancelled the rest of the day . . . . court resumes tomorrow morning.
I don't know if it would be the correct thing to do but I would have liked to see the judge question Ms. L about her illness, in a stern tone. The judge is getting walked all over because she's allowing it. I have never seen a case with so little respect for the jury:moo:

Originally Posted by twocuriouscats View Post
What was she supposed to do? I don't like it either, but I can't see how she had any other choice...just MOO

Channeling Judge Perry, oh Judge Perry, come in Judge Perry:

JP: Ma'am how do you feel? What says you?
AL: I'm feeling nauseous.
JP: That might be because your stomach is empty, it is near lunchtime. Here, have some Coca-Cola, and some saltines. Better?
AL: I feel a little light headed.
JP: Now, Ma'am, this chair reclines so push it back and relax for a few minutes................Better?
Al: Well, I...
JP: If you are not yet feeling better and able to proceed with trial this afternoon, I can understand that, but Counsel: I. will. work. you. all. day. Fridays. That will make 5 days, and the end of the day will be 7 p.m. The defendant can eat a peanut butter sandwich for dinner which Ms.Willmott.will.bring.from.home. to give the defense.a.strategic.advantage.

JW&L.K.N: Your Honor, our expert witness seems to be feeling all better now.
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