trial day 40: the defense continues its case in chief #118

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And they didn't make her come home. They we're still liable for her till she was eighteen, but let her go off and live with a vampire and his grandparents.

FORCE a teenager to come home who they pretty well knew was a sociopath? And they had three other children? :what::what:

I am sure they were praying she would STAY AWAY!
Just sayin.....
I had a meeting this morning. Did JW finish?

Not even close. They droned on and on, got to about March of 2008, then the 'expert' witness asked for a potty break, and never returned. The judge said she was too ill to continue, so court recessed until tomorrow am.
Some of ALV clients should be scared and wonder what she puts in her notes about them that they never said. god knows that maybe some of her notes have put men in jail for maybe things they never told her.also some may have lost custody or even shared custody of their children because ALV believed and added her opinion protecting the woman.
JA journals were a con. She used them as a ploy for TA. I am sure she showed them to him so he could see and re affirm what a fab FWB she was. No jealousy. Really...

I would say that it takes a lot of self-discipline to write in a journal on a daily basis and refrain from jotting down anything upsetting or negative about occurrences in your life. In fact, I would say that is highly unusual and probably rare among diary keepers.
WOW, he looks very impressive. Maybe this is what is making Wilmott and defense team so "sick" about today? They need to buy time, big time. I still think this "witness is ill" thing is just going to serve making the jury angry and dislike the defense even more than ever. In fact, it could be a hurdle they have once again created by having court cancelled, a hurdle that they cannot jump over or recover from.

did the jury hear why court was adjourned? I'm hoping they know who and why about every delay
Okay, not being morbid or gross or anything like that, just throwing a scenario out there...what would happen if something horrible happened to ALV and she couldn't testify any longer, would all of her testimony be thrown out since JM didn't have a chance to cross.

This is not to indicate that I don't think this whole 'sick' thing is nothing but a planned-out stall tactic!

That would be interesting and in my opinion....KARMA!!!!
When ALaV testified from the defendant's writings, that Travis was pursuing an interest in Mimi Hall and that Arias was happy for him & wished him well in that, the defendant's facial expression was sick as mud. The underlying insult, still smarting, was that she & Travis had just enjoyed marvelous sex. It wasn't only a rejection, to her it was a betrayal. Opposition, to Arias, is always taken as betrayal. Her face gave this away in no uncertain terms. She was anything but happy for him and Mimi.

The more I hear about the journals the more it seems like they were written with a sinister purpose. I heard JA's mother talking about JA not wanting her mother to visit for fear she'd snoop in her stuff which says a lot.
How do you live with a woman for 4 years and never leAve her alone with your child? That just seems so odd to me. He never ran to the market or went out with the guys, and left his son home with JA?
Good question.
did the jury hear why court was adjourned? I'm hoping they know who and why about every delay

Yes, Judge Stephens stated the witness was ill and she was cancelling court for the afternoon. Instructed them to return tomorrow morning at 9:30am PST.
You know what has peeved me off the most about the PM being cancelled?



I've got no excuse for doing nothing this evening. It's only 20:40 here. Thanks ALV!!
illness during trial roll call:
Spectator- vomits in court room
Judge gets sick- day off
JA - sick day off
Witness sick- rest of day off...
never saw such a bunch of sickly people in a court room:(

I thought people moved to Arizona for their health.
I REALLY hope Juan only asks a couple of PIERCING questions pertaining to JAs ability to LIE and her <ALV> seemingly blind acceptance of it and let her go, eliminating the need for ENDLESS redirect. THEN we can get to rebuttal. :)

A girl can dream, right?

Dream questions to ALV from Juan:

Ma'am, define for us,if you will, stalking and tell us which column it would fall under on your DV continuum?

(Objection....blah blah blah....restate the question)
Ma'am in your clinical opinion can stalking ever considered domestic violence? Please explain your answer.

Ma'am would you consider a "partner's" opening, reading & acting upon all the other's mail a possible tool for abuse?
Oh & because you don't grasp the concepts of email, texting, face-booking, , and voicemail, I'll not ask or expect you to expound upon matters concerning anything but snail mail....what? You don't know what snail mail is either?
I love rushing home from work and finding out court cancelled the rest of the day
forgive me for being totally shallow, but i was checking out alyce's videos on youtube and came across one from 2008 and someone on youtube pointed out she was wearing the same thing there as she did at the trial, that blue and tan kimono button thing. i wonder if that's her lucky jacket.
Not even close. They droned on and on, got to about March of 2008, then the 'expert' witness asked for a potty break, and never returned. The judge said she was too ill to continue, so court recessed until tomorrow am.
I'd have made myself sick with this testimony, too.
what is up with these people

I actually find their delusional behavior almost amusing. And what I posted in that pic is really just the harmless drivel they write about. As an example, I found a post from some guy who was encouraging others to slap TA's sister. Real Mensa types over there.
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