trial day 40: the defense continues its case in chief #119

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This is my first post and I may have missed something - how long between the deed and her arrest? It seems to me that these journal entries could have been fabricated easily in that time. She certainly is smart enough to make up entries to support her and 600 pages in that loopy big writing wouldn't be a huge amount of time. Her journal reads like a gothic romance - this is not the way real life unfolds. I agree it may have been plagorized - directly from Harlequin!
Just my opinion - for what it is worth.

Hello and :wagon::wagon:
Well, The Dr. Drew show didn't get to me tonight but they are calling me back tomorrow! So, looks like I get to give my RANT on tomorrow nights show! BUMMER! But at least that gives me MORE time to get my point across perfectly!

Just be short and on point - he's been cutting people off like crazy.
I have fallen a bit behind in the proceedings of late, but have just watched some of Laviolette's testimony.

Something I find rather intriguing is the defense and Laviolette's emphasis on the notion of 'aggression through guilt', suggesting that Travis acted violently as the result of feeling guilty for mistreating Jodi.

Couldn't this same theory very well apply to the murder itself in that Jodi's violence may have been fueled by her own guilt for whatever it was that Travis confronted her about in those May 26th texts?

Sorry if this all sounds a bit convoluted by I can assure you it makes perfect sense in my head! :)
I wonder if Travis told her he needed his money back and that is the entry about him making her overdraw her account and the overdraft charges.
I can see ALV turning this in to a poor Jodi was supporting him and taking all her hard earned money.

Poor Jodi always going to be someone else has done her wrong.

Travis made 90 k a year..he didn't borrow any money from her! I believe that stuff in the journal is garbage..meant for someone....just bs!
A true believer in what though? <modsnip> (yes there is such a thing and I know one), I don't see what the sword is she'd be willing to fall on. Why???
PPanther suggested ALV is against the DP. After researching the past cases she testified, I tend to agree.
Hello gals and guys! I want to say thank you for the following and posting during the trial! I follow you guys from work and can't post then but I sure appreciate it! So I am jumping on now to say thanks bunches!!! Just know that when you see "DrPepper" in the 'member' list below that I am here !!!

Hey, this may have been commented on
, but did you guys see Jodie's parents at the trial how they are sitting? They are sooo apart from each other as can be without moving to the next seat! No love loss there! Dad is stretched away as far as he can get! He does not want to be sitting next to his wife! Sad..but very telling!

The man is also very ill, a long way from home and sure he wasn't feeling well,but was still their for Jodi.
I am reviewing right before Wilmot calls for sidebar and it sure does look like JA, LaViolet and JW all touch their glasses with their right hand. First Jodie right after JW asks LV if she wants TA to be happy with MiMi. I can't tell if Jodi did this for JW or LV.

Shortly after Nurmi starts to rise to the edge of his seat. LV then touches her glasses with her right hand twice and a minute or two later JW deliberately touches her glasses with her right hand as she lifts them up and down, hers was obvious. She also looks at the clock no less than three times from when Jody touches her glasses.

Jodi's and JW's appeared very obvious, they did not appear to be adjusting. It all looks very coordinated after you watch it a few times.

All my opinion obviously

Can you provide the link for that please? TYIA!
My apologies for the long winded rant.. I just really, really needed to share with y'all my experience today at my doctor's office.. Thanks for listening:hug:

(Snipped for brevity...)

Report, her, Smooth. Not for her ridiculous opinion, but for her lack of professionalism. I'm an NP myself so I can tell you that she crossed a line. The moment she realized you guys were on opposite sides of the fence she should have dropped it. Sorry you had to experience that!
On out legal thread Gitana said it could cause a mistrial.

Ooookaaay ... I`m starting to smell a rat .. perhaps a pre-meditated plan from the DT ... pathetic. Ya think that is even possible ... I am starting to freak over here. Please say it isn`t so :doh:
Well, The Dr. Drew show didn't get to me tonight but they are calling me back tomorrow! So, looks like I get to give my RANT on tomorrow nights show! BUMMER! But at least that gives me MORE time to get my point across perfectly!
Well shoooot. I thought you were Maggie from TX!!
I'll watch (listen) for you tomorrow PM. Good luck
I have been in the background since the CA trial and finally came to the conclusion that I will probably be on this site for the rest of my life so why not join the discussion and register :) I will try my best to "add" to the community here!

I think that would be a powerful visual in rebuttal. JM needs to show the jury (with a calendar) what a short-lived relationship this was. From the moment they meet to his death, their "official" relationship was a mere 4-5 months, approx 1/2 of which were long distance.

This was not a serious relationship. Yes, they did go on a few trips together, but so what? Big whoop. People who date go on trips all the time, even HS kids. ALV makes it sound like he was practically putting a ring on her. Puh-leeze.

I'm sick of hearing about the "honeymoon period"; the "loving respite", the "learned helplessness", the blahblahblahblah.

They were friends with benefits...and maybe not even friends. WHAT IS SO HARD TO UNDERSTAND ABOUT THAT??????

I need the VISUAL CALENDAR. They've all had me wandering through the
stories then flash back stories. I would appreciate some clues of which time period we're talking about. The jurors need a giant calendar of events! Why or when will Prosecution provide that? I know Defense doesn't want jurors to figure out how short this relationship existed.
So has anyone heard for sure that Laviolette is sick and is NOT returning. Why am I hearing this on this thread?
She's TOTALLY ruined Little Red Riding Hood for me. She'd better not mess with Pride and Prejudice and Mr. Darcy! :blushing:
She's ruined "O Holy Night" for me. :mad:
Don't college professors have a program for this....checking for plagiarism?

Oh, I suppose if I got hold of enough of the material I could take the time to run it through some of that kind of thing, but it's not foolproof. Most plagiarism isn't verbatim -- it's clever paraphrasing where the writer takes great pains to avoid too much verbatim lifting, then paraphrasing the next sentence, then changing word order, etc. The software can give a probability of plagiarism but will really only return solid hits on exact matches of lifted material stored in the databases it is checking against.

In her case, I suspect she has simply affected the style of some author or combination thereof, but because some of the syntax is not of this (or the last) century, it's not something natural for her when she writes. Thus, some of it is coming verbatim, but likely less than six or seven words at a time, phrases, paragraph transitions, sentence introductions, that kind of thing.

If it was easy enough to detect using software, believe me, digital submission would be standard everywhere. The problem is that it's expensive to maintain the site licenses for the software, and you need access to as much digitized text material as you can get -- that's an awful lot when you're talking about the lengths to which people will go to find some obscure book (or not) and copy out of it.

Well, that's one shot at answering that. :cow:
It explains her need for pens as opposed to golf pencils. I bet she wrote these journals while she was acting as her own attorney.

Since the journals are being referenced by the defense DV expert, is it correct to assume the State has reviewed them? If so, are they journals which were confiscated by LE or turned in to the defense by JA? I cannot see how they could be admissible in any form if she had them in jail.


She had about 6 weeks between the killing and her arrest. Since she didn't seem to be working she had plenty of time to remove, rewrite and revise. I know know what she wrote in but I can see her buying the exact same thing and writing a whole new journal that makes it look like she would be the last person to kill Travis. I also believe she began thinking of killing Travis for a long time and most likely at that point realized that she could use the journals to prove she didn't have a problem with him.

Or there really was nothing bad to write about Travis. I don't see how the journals are helping her in any way. She also did not have a story at the time of her arrest other than "I wasn't there". This is no great criminal mind we're dealing with here.

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