trial day 41: the defense continues its case in chief #121

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From the view from inside courtroom thread:

Originally Posted by katiecoolady
alv just came off stand and approached samamtha- weird and actually illegal
If this Travis bashing goes on much longer, I think it will provide that the motive was all about REVENGE and PAY BACK.
Nancydrew, you couldn't be more correct about ALV--As a 20+ year Clinical MH professional with multiple licensures, I can tell you with absolute certainty that she has neither the credentials, licensure, nor clinical qualifications to testify to the psychological functioning of Ms. Arias--in fact, I am truly perplexed . What I have learned in my professional experiences is that those who solely focus on substance abuse and domestic violence see through a very narrow lens in which evidence-based theory is not used as a measure of validity. This becomes apparent as evidenced by her folksy, story telling narrative that is actually based on suppositions and opinions rather than scientifically tested data--not to mention there appears to be no testing that has been conducted (perhaps the MMPI) to determine deception in Jodi Arias. I have truly been beside myself over ALV's testimony because she presents herself as everything negative people see counselors as :twocents:


Just wait.. Juan Martinez will totally destroy her. Sad, but she is the one who accepted a job she knew she wasn't qualified for.

All ALV has to go on is what Jodi has told her, and JODI HERSELF! I would think...and hope.. That when victims present themselves in a counselor's office that the first thing they do is to validate their claims of abuse. I understand that the wounds of abuse are hard to see...but they are there! An experienced professional should be able to look at the evidence and deduce the validity of the abuse claims....

A professional should also be able to spot an ABUSER from a mile away!

The way Travis responded to Jodi's abusive behavior, and how Jodi is trying to use it as evidence to prove that Travis was abusive, is classic, textbook ABUSER tactics!

It logical, and reasonable that if you push any NORMAL person far enough, they come to a breaking point. It's natural. And clearly Travis had reached his breaking point with Jodi.

And Jodi, being a classic abuser, turned it around and used it against him!

Someone...PLEASE...send in a REAL expert to set the record straight! So far, the most acurate diagnosis we've gotten for this evil murderer is from Travis!
I'm just blown away that Tri color is in the gallery! What a dedicated juror is all I can say.
She's entitled but daummm you go girl!! I admire her dedication, after all she has spent months of her life serving Lady Justice and she wants to see it through.

I and Mr Pizza discussed if any repercussions can come from this, but our bottom line is she is now a Trial watcher just like the rest of us, and those of you in the court room. The Judge allowed it and announced it to the courtroom. Period end of story,

But still OMG!

Arias didn't look so smug when the Judge announced the presence of juror #5 in the courtroom!
Ok, so Travis, a great looking young lad, had many girl-friends, was well liked, and enjoyed flirting with the ladies. . . what a surprise!!!!

If he had so many in the world could JA get the feeling they were in a comitted relationship? She is claiming abuse during a time that she wasnt even his girlfriend.
I am wondering if Juror #5 went online last night and did a lot of research on this case. She may have come to the conclusion that Jodi Arias is even worse than she thought, and felt she had to come to court to bear witness until the end of the trial.

Or until she had enough filler for her book.

I say more power to her. She seems to be one tough cookie who would have stuck to her guns during deliberations, no matter what her decision re guilt or innocence.
Joey Jackson just brought up a good point. If someone called you all those nasty names, would that help you have a motive to kill them???

I'm still trying to wrap my head around TA inviting her to come to Mesa after hearing ALV's interpretation of what he thought about JA. Like the jury will believe that happened. But Joey does make an excellent point!!

Maybe this DT case wasn't a waste after all :great:
Maybe Juror 5 watched from home this morning as Nurmi called the jurors liars so she decided to show up. I love it. Wish I lived there. I would show up in blue ribbons and m&ms all over me.
It would give me motive to block their # and never speak to them again .

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It definitely is a motive for a socioptath, he's right. I hope the jury puts 2 and 2 together. Normal people would block their # and never speak to them again if they were offended, just like you said. Unfortunately, nothing about JA is normal.
Nancydrew, you couldn't be more correct about ALV--As a 20+ year Clinical MH professional with multiple licensures, I can tell you with absolute certainty that she has neither the credentials, licensure, nor clinical qualifications to testify to the psychological functioning of Ms. Arias--in fact, I am truly perplexed . What I have learned in my professional experiences is that those who solely focus on substance abuse and domestic violence see through a very narrow lens in which evidence-based theory is not used as a measure of validity. This becomes apparent as evidenced by her folksy, story telling narrative that is actually based on suppositions and opinions rather than scientifically tested data--not to mention there appears to be no testing that has been conducted (perhaps the MMPI) to determine deception in Jodi Arias. I have truly been beside myself over ALV's testimony because she presents herself as everything negative people see counselors as :twocents:


I'm in total agreement! It's a relief to hear that actual MH practitioners like yourself find her unreliable an not qualified to do what she's attempting to do. That means Juan is really going to tear her a new one.
Feels like this woman will never get off the stand. I was so happy when she asked for a break because I was thinking the exact same thing-- I NEED A BREAK FROM YOUR TESTILYING!!!!
Frankly I don't understand her desire to be there and considering she could watch live feeds leads me to believe she is something of an attention ho.

That said, the fuss about her being there is uncalled for. It's her right, just like it's our right too if we want to go to Phoenix.

And claims of mistrial, that's just hyperbole.

Perhaps she was hoping to see Juan's masterful cross in person!
If my name was being dropped by JW and her so called expert I'd be calling a lawyer. WTF is going on in that courtroom and why is it allowed?? Please somebody help me out here.

I agree. :cheers:
All these supposed where are all these women to testify to his abusive, controlling nature and sexual proclivities?

Sigh. I think Travis was a flirt - pretty much anyone who's known him has said that. I get the feeling so many comments were playful, but relatively innocent, banter but are now being manipulatively twisted solely to benefit the defendant. It's infuriating beyond belief.

ITA, like his supposedly repeated mentions of suicide when several of the women chose not to come over? Really, ALV? You thought he was serious??
All these supposed where are all these women to testify to his abusive, controlling nature and sexual proclivities?

Sigh. I think Travis was a flirt - pretty much anyone who's known him has said that. I get the feeling so many comments were playful, but relatively innocent, banter but are now being manipulatively twisted solely to benefit the defendant. It's infuriating beyond belief.

I also think that the "I'm going to kill myself" was just teasing playfulness, you know what I mean? I am certain the Mormon's frown on suicide and I am sure he wouldn't be saying that seriously. Thoughts?

edit to add: You can play around with sexual banter and be called to the bishop but suicide is another story altogether.
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