trial day 41: the defense continues its case in chief #121

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Can you believe she testifies just like JA--combative, argumentative, smirky, snarky
Something in the journal mirrored in exhibit #558 . . .used this as a piece (continuum) for diagnosis . . .some of what written in journals you characterize it . .
don't know what you are asking

she never said anything negative about TA . . . nothing negative in those journals . . .
selections of the journals you reviewed in court . . .all of JA's journals . . . journals aside from ones in court . . .

there is nothing in those journals negative about the person she killed.

what negative things the defendant wrote about herself
thought you were talking about TA
about herself
don't know what you are asking
you are charging $250 per hour

anything negative JA said in those journals, depressed, feel bad about self . . . not in just the journals .

ALV read the journals and she would have to know what part of the journals he is talking about - she read pages and pages . . . .do you have samples to give her

with the memory you have intact . . .
argumentative and foundation of date and time referred to -overruled

negative she wrote in those journals
you are asking specific comments . . . . I need the journals
so you need the journals in front of you in order to remember it? your memory is lacking

she talks about not being productive, feeling lousy about self, not being advanced in PPL the way she would like to . . not having her goals forwarding the ways she wants to. . . ALV is sure there are other things - just can't remember right now.

pretty positive picture about JA . . . those things are not that major in the grand scheme of things . . . how you conduct your work - conduct interviews and then look @ other sources - one interview the defendant's . . . we are left to follow this roadmap guideline . . . guide us to a goal . . . not a specific roadmap to take you from here to here

take us to a certain decision by you . . .guideline you used . . .you created you can change it whenever you want - I have changed it . . yes
regard to using this guideline - don't have to talk to parties involved for you to reach your opinion?
I don't use a guideline that way

back in 2010 you put on seminar saying Snow White was a battered woman . . . if you like to show the entire YouTube video happy to have anyone see that . . . . Snow White a battered woman is catchy . . . .given this presentation in Las Vegas short form of it in 2010 . . . different versions of it . . .

gave it an altered version in 2011 in Las Angeles - items used regard to that . . . trying to determine battered person look @#558 . . .I did not use that at all in any of those presentations.

Family of origin - look @ that in TA . . . .in Snow White had family of origin issues.. . .family of origin issues for the perpetrator . . . see TA as perpetrator not the victim . . .ALV is looking @ DV seeing TA is the Perp.

presentation . . .snow white and 7 dwarfs - brothers grimm . . . . king has a kid . . . ALV not using Brths Grimm version -using the Disney version

king and queen have snow white - mother dies - he marries someone else - step mom doesn't like snow white - the Queen be less than nice and abuse snow white . . . Father has failed to protect . . . global perspective

snow white being sort of abused - not being correctly treated - abused as a child . . .father sends her away . .

objection to snow white story

she goes to woods - neglect by the Father . . .
in this case - the defendant suffered some abuse as a kid . . the wicked step mom in her case is her Mother . . .didn't say that don't equate her Mom as wicked step Mom . . .her Mom hit her with wooden spoon . . . her dad once puhed her and she hit piece of furniture . . . was mother present? . . .don't know . . .not looking @ whether JA was absed as a child - looking @ DV relationship

abused @ hands of her Mom . . . before she was age of majority she was sent out into the woods - she wasn't sent out she chose to leave .. .
objection - overruled

why chose to leave - she felt abused and controlled by her parents
moved in with Bobby . . . less than ideal circumstances living
snow white lived with 7 dwarfs . .
lived in a shack
I though cute little cottage
lived with 7 dwarfs . . .
don't know the age of the dwarfs

objection relevance argumentative
other little kids to play with out near the shack
near the cottage no . .

cooking and cleaning for the dwarfs . .

same for JA doing for Bobby
he was working?
don't know
they lived with his family . . .she was working and bought food into the home

Snow white = something bad happens - apple incient - someone comes to harm her
incident between JA and Bobby . . .he choked her and verbally abused her . . .per MM

violent act . . .apple is violent act
snow white ends up unconscious

waiting around for Prince Charming or somebody
she is not going anywhere - when she is unconscious
we have a kiss and snow white awakens and she starts to live with Prince Charming
snow white has no power

objection - overruled

she is a queen . . .don't know the power is
objection overruled

the king has more power.
Snow white doesn't hae much power

objection speculation
Objection... foundation, speculation, relevance.

Anything you MIGHT sustain??

Overruled. :rocker:
ALV knew all of this stuff in direct, and cannot remember now????? REALLY????
the lady with the short brunette hair in the gallery 2nd row at the end is cracking me up trying to hide her laughter with her hand
Arias's family and friends are all laughing out loud and making faces. Since the VICTIMS can not even make a face, wear a ribbon or hardly breathe in the direction of anything but forward I say everyone with Arias who believes they can do anything should be booted out NOW. THE MOST important time of this trial to them that they feel is hilarious.
They need a boot in the butt with a track shoe NOW. Double standards thanks.
Finally. The judge is overruling the defense. Uh o. Spoke too soon. They had to approach.
ALV is SUPER pissed at having to say the King has all the power.
I hope Juan ends today with, "Miss Arias' tale is just as much a fairy tale as Snow White's, isn't it?" And then, "No further questions for this witness."
LOL JW is objecting to Snow White having the balance of power (something to that effect). She's objecting to a fairy tale.

This is beyond priceless.


This little piece by JM will keep the fire going on Websleuths till Monday!
Love this...If DT can spin "fairy tales" the prosecution can too...ever heard of snow white?
:laughcry: Willmott is going bananas objecting over Snow White :laughcry:
I'm loving the fact that the Judge is enjoying the Snow white story :)

Nurmi and wilmott had a heads up discussion there. They will stall this for ALV to get her to the weekend......
ALV checking out the jury...can't wait to hear from insiders what their demeanor is!
I love how ALV looks at the defense for help or confirmation and the judge just wants to hear the fairy tale. hahaha
I get it, JA thought Travis was her Prince Charming!
JW is desperate "foundation, relevance, speculation...".She is throwing it all out there.
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