trial day 42: the defense continues its case in chief #126

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This is important. Shows jury she only went by the killers words, interviews and LIES, and any other derogatory info. she could pull together to make the murderess the victim.

Brilliant! She only went by parts of the texts and emails to suit her testimony. They omitted a lot not the complete ones.
She wants a chance to explain the context but she's ok making assumptions without Travis' explanations!
If you turn the sound off, And watch ALV's body language, she is absolutely feeling in charge and that she is going to teach JM a lesson..

And can I say that Mr Juan has wayyyyy more patience than I do. :)

God Bless him. I would be needing psych meds by now!
Note to ALV:

You are being cross-examined.

This is not a class. You are not sitting up there to continue teaching your bs to the jury.

Just answer the question


Note to the Judge:

Grab the reins of your courtroom and tell the witness to answer YES or NO.

Wendy was right. Not likely to be hired again after this.
And it's only beginning.
we are going to be here forever b/c she wont answer his questions
Exhibit #597 - shows you were not keynote speaker? . .
I was in Las Vegas .
we are talking about Los Angeles
there were keynote breakouts . . . I was a keynote breakout not the plenary(sic?)

keynote breakout . . .
exhibit #596 does it say keynote breakout addresses
I put keynote breakouts . .
you put this exhibit together . . . yes
you in charge of what goes into it? . .
keynote breakouts are listed as keynotes - I am not trying to misrepresent mysef if that what you are implying I am doing Mr. Martinez
admit #597 - take a look - page #1 and #2

talks about ICAN - Nexxus conference - 9:30 to 11:00 = keynote speaker - Catherine S. Connell - you name is not on there

you said you delivered a speech in the plenary section
does it say keynote breakout?
you are speaking in studio #3
you are implying I lie about what I do - I don't lie about what Ido

you say you were the keynote speaker on this Was Snow White a Battered Woman? . . . #596 - CV accurate when it says you were a keynote speaker? . . I was keynote breakout according to Deanne M? . .. the director or ICAN.

indicate really don't need to use #558 when you are reaching your decision
it is a frame of mind . . .. I think you misrepresent what I say Mr. Martinez . . in a global term . . I think in those terms . .. . do I think in a specific way and it is in my head and on a piece of paper.

with regard to this particular continuum . . did you use it or not in making assessment in this case?
did I use it all? because of what is in my head? I used my way of thinking - which is in my head.

you didn't write a report in this case?
no I did not
didn't put anything in writing
in your approach you are not required to talk to someone . . .not required by whom?
your approach - no require to talk to anybody to make assessment
I was limited
your approach does not require you to talk to or interview anyone before you reach conclusion?
that is not how I generally work - generally do interviews.

Shatanya Lei (Lay?) . . . read what they wrote - not required by your approach to talk to anyone.
not my approach and what I am able to review by what I am given

you were able to come in and give an opinion without talking to Shatanya lei and TA . . .
didn't speak to either of them
you did give us opinion
I gave an opinion in context and I believe that is important

that context did not involve talking to either party in th conversation
texts or IM's to Shatanya Lei or between her and Travis
range of dates . .. thousands of documents

you had opinion on Thursday . . . you told us she was vulnerable - in terms of their relationship

there were a range of dates - if you refresh my recollection . . .
which part she was vulnerable
you said she was vulnerable when she wrote IM's or texts
in 2008 during period of time . . . . toward end of TA's those IM's stopped
it was a written pieces of paper . .
how many pieces o paper did you look @ before form opinion of Shatanya Lei/
I look @ the entire context - based on more that one . . .numerous sheets of paper it was based on.

in these kinds of cases 90% of communication is not verbal
I said in communication - when people are looking @ each other face to face - no info about facebook, gmail . . . in face to face communication . . .

in clinical world 90% of all communication is non-verbal
I explained how I meant that Mr. Martinez

JA and JW whispering together
exhibit #598 - see if those words came out of your mouth
I don't doubt those words
read it
I explained what I meant! It's not what I meant. I said what I meant.

What you MEANT and what you SAID in a court of law are two different things, IMO. Next time, say what you meant...
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