trial day 42: the defense continues its case in chief #126

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WOW!....JM is going after the methodology that ALV utilized to achieve her PROFESSIONAL EXPERT EVALUATION/OPINION!!!!! Way to go, JM.....primary, original first degree information is the BEST point of reference to utilize in forming a hypothesis and THEN ADD additional data to SUPPORT or refute the hypothesis!

IF a LIVING correspondent is available, that's significantly a better "interviewee" than a static piece of PAPER!......and ALV (along with Dr. RS) neglected to incorporate that technique into the evaluation process!
Wow. ALV is objecting to her own words being used because they are "out of context, Mr. Martinez."

Surely the jury understands that her interpretation of Travis's texts etc. were formed "out of context" too... and the more JM makes her say that, the more the point becomes clear...

out of context
out of context
out of context
I know it seems harsh to some people, but Juan is exercising great witness control...she will get tired of fighting him eventually and answer the question's that she is asked.

Completely agree. He is being patient. He isn't raising his voice. He isn't saying "do you want to spar with me". She is coming across as compltely evasive and argumentative on simple points the jury has to be simmering.
she can read her exact words that she said and still cannot say, "yes, I said that"???

Incredible! She said it - it is definitely a yes or no answer.

Not to mention she feels what she said "is being taken out of context". REALLY - just about EVERYTHING she testified to re the emails and texts by Travis were "taken out of context".

Funny how the rules only apply to others. The defense team act like children.
This woman is a disaster. She took cherry picked text messages and emails between two people WITHOUT EVER SPEAKING to either parties and based her opinion on them. She is beyond ridiculous.
So now the court transcript she can not agree is what she said as it is out of context. I am seeing a real power issue with her in that she is used to being in control of men as they are the abusers and does not know how to deal with a man without making him look like the big bad lying wolf even with evidence right before her IMO.
ALV is coming across as hostile. If she's such a reputable and qualified DV Expert, why would she need to be so sarcastic? IMO she's damaging her own credibility with her smarty and dismissive attitude. She should drop the smarty comments if she wants the jury to believe her.
I'm getting mad. This is getting crazy. Now she won't even admit to things she herself said. She is being defensive just for the hell of it. She's looking like a fool and a liar.
OMG - she just WILL NOT answer yes or no!! When Juan asks the judge to have her respond accordingly, she STILL won't do it. This judge has NO control of her courtroom. Judge sounds like she is talking to a 6 yr old.
"I may have said that, but I'm not responsible for what I said, you don't understand how I think."

Jeesh lady, you've got a nasty case of Aria-itus going on there.

Me thinks ALV is not having the fun and games on the stand that she previously enjoyed.
Boy, JM is coming across as a sweetheart up next to this woman! And the entire DT looks deflated. They must know something is coming... :twocents:
Jodi looks awfully smug sitting there today with her chin cocked up in the air. I noticed she keeps eyeballing the jurors while DT at sidebar too.

I want to yank her hair or slap her face...LOL Sorry, but she brings such anger out in me.
This judge needs to take control of her courtroom and instruct Laviolette to answer the question with a yes or no
What a remarkably unprofessional demeanor exhibited by this "professional". I've never seen such outrageous behavior on the witness stand.
Oh, wait. Yes, I have...
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