trial day 42: the defense continues its case in chief #127

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The jurors have addressed Arias' lies in their questions. Now ALV is saying she doesn't see the lies. What will this jury think? Lol.
I think ALV lost all credibility when she said she's seen no evidence of Jodi lying before the murders. I think it's been shown to the jury numerous times that it's false.

How can you believe anything she says if she believes Jodi isn't a liar!

I agree the jury knows she's a liar, evidenced by some of the juror questions.
They're on afternoon break. It happens at 3pm Arizona time every trial day. They'll be back in approximately 20 min.
I've seen JM toss a few life rings ALV's way and she won't grab them.

He's given her an out more than once and this captain is gonna go down with her ship.

ALV is Ahab and Juan is her Moby Dick. She's irrationally determined to beat him, even though doing so destroys any credibility she once had.
I think ALV lost all credibility when she said she's seen no evidence of Jodi lying before the murders. I think it's been shown to the jury numerous times that it's false.

How can you believe anything she says if she believes Jodi isn't a liar!

I agree the jury knows she's a liar, evidenced by some of the juror questions.
Jodie is under the false impression that she's
hate to say this, but I am going to anyway...

Isn't that what all defense attorneys do when they are putting forth a client's LIES???? You play dirty when everything is based on a defendants LIES.

Aren't 99% of defendants in court lying about their crimes? I mean really! They LIE to try to stay out of jail and NOT pay for their crimes!

Yes... but I would say that most defense attorneys manage secure appropriately qualified, professional experts on the stand, and it isn't so painfully obvious that the DT is playing dirty. The only people JW and KN could find to defend JA is ALV and that schmuck Dr. Samuels.

Wasn't ALV the 6th DV expert or something like that? The first 5 turned them down... Obviously this is the best they could do because JA is guilty and everyone knows it. ALV is the only one willing to sell her soul for $250-300 and she is terrible at her job.
PLEASE don't let this connection time out! PLEASE don't let this connection time.....awwww, dammit!
I think Jodie is of the idea that she's
She's weeks away from judgement day and is acting like she's now a member of the defence team.
Reality hasn't hit her of the seriousness, I think she feels her DT is winning. After this trial is over the defence team will forget about her and move to other cases.



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Haha! Now I want cake! and wine! and balloons!
Been lurking for a while. You guys are dah bomb.

AVL was very reminiscent of Dr. Fog (Samuels?) when she hinted that even though she hadn't seen those texts before, it doesn't matter to her conclusion.

Which is weird, right? After all, it provided new context.
The jurors have three choices as I see it.

1. She's extremely sloppy in her work.

2. She's a complete shill for money.

3. The defense deliberately misled her with only providing partial information.


4. All of the above.
how many times is alv going to look to j.w. for anwers...I've seen this happen multiple times now...j.w. will give a slight head motion to give alv direction...

I've also notice ALV looking at the DT. I just don't believe she is credible at all. How ALV keeps standing by her word even though she has been proven wrong. :banghead:
If I were ALV right now I'd need some meds and a barf bag. She brought this stress on herself but it doesn't make me cringe any less and feel empathy for what she is going through. She made a huge error in judgment agreeing to testify in this case. She is what she is and it's being brought out on a thorough x-exam. I love it and I feel sick at the same time. Jodi was showing more emotion on this testimony than she ever did talking about killing Travis!!!!
I am in absolute awe of how Juan turns defense witness' to prosecution witness' so well.

Why can't ALV just say; "I evidently wasn't supplied with complete information, therefore I can't stand by my previous conclusions." She'd still get paid.

She is under the impression that someone is going to hire her after this. :floorlaugh:
What's really odd is that she believes that Jodi JUST STARTED lying after the slaughter.

Oh come on, you don't really believe that do you? I don't. She knows full well, that Jodi is and has been a liar. She just doesn't want to admit it!
I was thinking the same thing. I wonder if she is writing points for her attorney to look at then erasing them so there is no record of it? I have no idea I cant think like a socio/psychopath.

I was thinking maybe she was doing one of her e-bay doodles. It almost looks like someone got her a sketch book. A step up from cardboard and yellow legal pads :lol:.
If Jodi doesn't lie, why did she tell the man at Budget that she was going to drive the car locally? I think she lied about the break-in at her grandparents's house. I know she lied about the $30. What would ALV say about her taking Travis's phone when he was asleep or taking a shower and then pretending she was Travis and sending a text?
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