trial day 42: the defense continues its case in chief #128

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Watching NG and I have to say I really like this Yale (his first name) attorney. He's the first defense attorney I've seen on her show be objective and say JM is doing a really good job!

O. J. Simpson's respect for him...moo
Watching NG and I have to say I really like this Yale (his first name) attorney. He's the first defense attorney I've seen on her show be objective and say JM is doing a really good job!

Not watching NG but it is probably Yale Galanter. He recently represented OJ IIRC.
Any legal experts want to weigh in on the closet shelf motion?

The state is attempting to place a detective on the stand to testify about weight threshold of the closet shelf.
IMO, no way ALV will do that. I saw her brief moments you mention, but IMO they were brief moments of "Ouch. Juan got me. How can i twist this one".

True, but those brief moments were quite telling, imo.

She basically admitted that she had a narrow range of data and was missing much of the backstory. And he pointed out that because of this she MIGHT have made some invalid assumptions. She did not strenuously object.

I need this case to end. I CANNOT stand ALV,she is such a smart a$$.
How could JA not stand up and yell "forget this I'd rather get the chair!!"

If I was JM I would throw myself on the floor and kick and scream until I passed out! Or sit at his desk and put his dead down and just say "FORGET THIS!"

I've taken 2 xanax today and they are NOT helping.

If this doesn't end the way it should I am going to go mental
Watching NG and I have to say I really like this Yale (his first name) attorney. He's the first defense attorney I've seen on her show be objective and say JM is doing a really good job!

Yale Galanter, he was OJ Simpson's attorney in the armed robbery case.
ITA! What's really scary is the amount of education she's had about how to murder someone and get away with it next time while in jail. :what::what:

She must never be released. Ever. She is one very dangerous psychopath - and if she is ever released she may get away with her next murders. :furious:

Even Yale Galanter commented on NG show that the defense is all about LWOP vs the DP, not guilt or innocence.

Watching NG and I have to say I really like this Yale (his first name) attorney. He's the first defense attorney I've seen on her show be objective and say JM is doing a really good job!

Yale Galanter was OJ's lawyer. :rolleyes:
Will katiecool be on dr drew he said someone that seen alyce talk tosamantha
If any member of the DT had any decency they would have told her to plead guilty and get it over with...

They tried that when she was going to plea to 2nd degree and Juan told them 'see ya in court.' They would never accept a plea...........she has nothing to offer the state.

So, did anybody else work on the Einstein test? I think I found the answer, but I don't know if I should post my answer or not.
Jodi's already delayed her trip to Perryville Pen for almost 5 years. A mistrial would let her put off the inevitable another year or two. I've never seen anything like the accomodations made for this monster.

Jodi may want the mistrial but not because of any kind of misconduct or other 'junk'... she enjoys the trial. I dont think she cares if she is found guilty, she just wants another chance to be on stage and go through the process. I believe she enjoys manipulating and as you said having accomodations made for her. She is probably writing her second manifesto...
What an excellent point. Hmmm, I wonder how those little details about false accusation and a fair trial got so mixed up in this motion? Perhaps it was prepared by an amateur after all.

Nah, you just aren't as smart as them der lawyers,:floorlaugh:
I know the motions for mistrial are irritating (as hell) but from what I understand from our lawyers on here is that they have to file such motions in order for them to become grounds for appeal should she get the DP. So try to take heart in the thought that they probably aren't expecting them to be granted but are just trying to preserve her options to appeal a death sentence.

The only upside of the DT throwing a Mistrial to the Court right after the day ended is that Court will only be 1 hour late tomorrow. Grrrrrrrrrr
Even Yale Galanter commented on NG show that the defense is all about LWOP vs the DP, not guilt or innocence.


And I think they are even worried about that now. They are worried she is going to not only be found guilty (Murder One) but the jury is going to give her death.

I think the Mit. Specialist told them the jury is turning on Jodi.
It has seemed to me that in the past in the case of a mistrial or a hung jury the state comes back with an even tighter and stronger case.
Watching NG and I have to say I really like this Yale (his first name) attorney. He's the first defense attorney I've seen on her show be objective and say JM is doing a really good job!

Saw that too.
Yale Galenter is a very prominent defense attorney ... And I've NEVER heard him agree with, much less COMPLIMENT, a prosecuting attorney.
For him to be saying Juan is doing a terrific job is something. (he may think that ... but never heard him compliment the prosecution on TV before).

Loved that he added the defense needs to know when to make their experts shut-up. (paraphrasing).
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