trial day 42: the defense continues its case in chief #128

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Beth K was fired up tonight on DD...good for her!! Love her!!! She really seems to understand what we are seeing as well...

I enjoyed her unbridled candor...she was sincere. Moo.
A mistrial gets them off this case. I believe both KN and JW have tried to withdraw before. Also, under the circumstances, a mistrial would look like a victory for them.

That's my point I guess. They don't care about the fact that they are defending a dangerous individual, they just don't want a loss on their resume. This has become a trial about the attorneys. Travis and his murderer have been pushed to the side.

And the longer until a case reaches trial, the more witnesses are unavailable, memories are fuzzy, people pass away...

Not to mention a different jury, a different judge and quite possibly a more cohesive, believable defense strategy. There are a lot of 'wins' with a mistrial motion being granted...I just don't believe it'll happen.

BBM: From your mouth to God's ears!
Why does Mark E. think he can do a better job than Juan? Juan is a seasoned prosecutor, who is IN the courtroom on a daily basis, and has lived this case. Mr. Martinez knows what he is doing!

I really get sick of all the crybabies...poor Juan is yelling at the combative, lying, non-responsive, manipulating witnesses. (JA, RS and ALV).

Why does Mark E. think he can do a better job than Juan? Juan is a seasoned prosecutor, who is IN the courtroom on a daily basis, and has lived this case. Mr. Martinez knows what he is doing!

I really get sick of all the crybabies...poor Juan is yelling at the combative, lying, non-responsive, manipulating witnesses. (JA, RS and ALV).


I wonder if they would compare win records?
#JodiArias PS: Einstein would have taken the memory card out of the camera

My new mantra! Thanks to 3trees!!! ;)

I can't get over how much I love this post!!! I may put it on a t-shirt! Okay, 3trees? :D

Websleuths: merchandising? Raise money for victims and advocates?
Why does Mark E. think he can do a better job than Juan? Juan is a seasoned prosecutor, who is IN the courtroom on a daily basis, and has lived this case. Mr. Martinez knows what he is doing!

I really get sick of all the crybabies...poor Juan is yelling at the combative, lying, non-responsive, manipulating witnesses. (JA, RS and ALV).


Mark has never been a fan of Juan's. I've heard him compliment him twice, I think.
Considering that Jodi Aris has an intellect comparable to Einstein, I have high hopes that 10 to 20 years on death row, before they give her the needle, will give her the time to put the final touches on the Grand Unified Theory.

That and colored pencil drawings of Frank Sinatra on a horse.

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I'm offended that Nurmi characterized us as "so-called fans."

I am a 100% Fan of Juan Martinez, Nurmi. He's the man, and you're throwing a temper tantrum because you just can't out-lawyer him.

Yeah he needs to get it right. We ARE Juan's fans. Shows such pettiness and immaturity.

I guess he is going to blame Juan for all the backlash ALV has received on the social media sites. I guess he forgot it started when she was on direct with JW had her on direct. Ridiculous.

Jodi may want the mistrial but not because of any kind of misconduct or other 'junk'... she enjoys the trial. I dont think she cares if she is found guilty, she just wants another chance to be on stage and go through the process. I believe she enjoys manipulating and as you said having accomodations made for her. She is probably writing her second manifesto...

I think she is desperate for a do-over on the witness stand. She wants to get up there and try it again, but would not make some of the horrid mistakes she made. She will have some new revised scenarios for the next jury. :liar:
Instead of getting upset (if she really is) about what people post online, Alyce could act like an adult and use it as a chance for growth. Some people have been mean, but many are simply stating facts, and people in the mental health field seem concerned with what she's doing. What happens when a person refuses to examine themselves and ask questions?
I'm halfway through the afternoon session and I'm not sure I can take much more of this! Dear god, ALV can't answer a yes or no question for the life of her.

I *LOVED* when Juan cornered her about why she believed in the texts or IM's that (??? the female in the convo) she was anorexic because "it was written there" but she didn't believe TA was fearful of Jodi and her stalking behaviors even thought he spelled it out and wrote it there too. Umm biased much?! And blaming him for writing down the name wrong in the IM or texts instead of what Jodi telling her being wrong!
Any legal experts want to weigh in on the closet shelf motion?

The state is attempting to place a detective on the stand to testify about weight threshold of the closet shelf.

First one has to believe Travis had a gun on the top shelf of the closet for the weight threshold of the shelves to even matter. I am curious how the testimony would be offered by the detective as it would seem this is something the manufacturer of the shelving would confirm. If the State does offer the detective's testimony, they should also have Dave Hall, Travis' friend who would testify Travis never owned a gun.

Has Jodi's manifesto been found yet?
I have to agree with Laviolette that Travis wasn't afraid of Jodi. Had he been afraid of her, he wouldn't have had sex with her on that fateful day. What man can rise to the occasion with a woman whom he deems has the undoubtful potential to harm him?
I tell you what, Alyce is just about the lowest form of a woman I have ever seen. Being a Domestic Abuse Survivor myself, she repulses me that she could get up there on the MOST SACRED spots IMO, as I am a firm believer in the way our Founders set forth our legal system and to me that courtroom is the most sacred of all spaces when it comes to the longevity of our Democracy. We all have a responsibility to HONOR the courts and to TELL THE TRUTH. When Laviollette gets up there and LIES about this Murderer being abused when she HAS NEVER BEEN ABUSED IN HER LIFE is a offense to everything that is scared in an American Courtroom. She is offensive to me and to all the other women that have been VIOLENTLY ABUSED. She should NEVER be able to practice in this area again IMO. She has LOST all credibility.
I wonder if Nurmi received the proof from Tesoro and Walmart that JM was telling the truth about the 3rd gas can and that their client lied to them - and they don't know what to do other than ask for a mistrial.
First one has to believe Travis had a gun on the top shelf of the closet for the weight threshold of the shelves to even matter. I am curious how the testimony would be offered by the detective as it would seem this is something the manufacturer of the shelving would confirm. If the State does offer the detective's testimony, they should also have Dave Hall, Travis' friend who would testify Travis never owned a gun.


David Hall is on the rebuttal list. That's why he is no longer allowed to attend the trial or talk about it. Nurmi objected to him being called as a witness but the judge sided with prosecution. Expect him to testify.
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