trial day 42: the defense continues its case in chief #128

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I have to agree with Laviolette that Travis wasn't afraid of Jodi. Had he been afraid of her, he wouldn't have had sex with her on that fateful day. What man can rise to the occasion with a woman whom he deems has the undoubtful potential to harm him?

I was also beginning to wonder if they did, maybe she terrorized him for a while at gunpoint.
Juan should point out Casey Anthony trial was a real circus and Baez did just fine.

If I'm not mistaken didn't JB have pictures with trial watchers outside the courthouse? Maybe the DT just needs a few "fans" out there at the end of the day asking for pics and autographs?
And I think they are even worried about that now. They are worried she is going to not only be found guilty (Murder One) but the jury is going to give her death.

I think the Mit. Specialist told them the jury is turning on Jodi.

Probably why they were so determined to have #5 removed. However, I do believe whoever of the remaining 17 are on the deliberating panel....the job will get done. There should be enough men who could relate to Travis, and women offended by the mockery of real DV/abuse victims.


First one has to believe Travis had a gun on the top shelf of the closet for the weight threshold of the shelves to even matter. I am curious how the testimony would be offered by the detective as it would seem this is something the manufacturer of the shelving would confirm. If the State does offer the detective's testimony, they should also have Dave Hall, Travis' friend who would testify Travis never owned a gun.


I believe Juan said he would call Dave if the DT played the video in court. Not sure if they're still going to play it. They may believe it to be a moot point if he's going to come right behind them and clean it up, but I haven't seen him back on HLN since the judge told him to stay away from the media and not to watch the trial so who knows?

As far as the evidence about the shelves.... I wouldn't surprised in the least if the judge doesn't allow it in. I think she should, but I'm not confident about it. Personally, I don't think it's necessary.
I have to agree with Laviolette that Travis wasn't afraid of Jodi. Had he been afraid of her, he wouldn't have had sex with her on that fateful day. What man can rise to the occasion with a woman whom he deems has the undoubtful potential to harm him?

It is only Jodi's word that they had sex that day. Personally, I don't necessarily think they did. :twocents:
1) I would like to know what part they think the defendant talking pointlessly about her sex life for 9 days played in the "circus atmosphere."

2) "Causing distress to the defense witnesses?" What about the distress the defense witness caused to the sister of the victim with her inappropriate and unwanted contact?
which parts stood out to you which make you feel this way?

There were a couple of opportunities he gave her today -- almost, for JM, an olive branch -- where she could have said that since she didn't know about JA, MM, Bianca, and Applebee's that this 'new information' might have affected her evaluation had it been available.

She could have saved face and simply admitted that she'd like to re-visit some aspects of her evaluation given this 'new information'.

But I think her loyalty to her 'Einsteinian' subject -- feelings for her, if you will -- coupled with JM's 'rude' treatment of her ["the way [you] come at me"] will render any thoughts of abandoning her untenable position most unlikely.

More's the pity.
I tell you what, Alyce is just about the lowest form of a woman I have ever seen. Being a Domestic Abuse Survivor myself, she repulses me that she could get up there on the MOST SACRED spots IMO, as I am a firm believer in the way our Founders set forth our legal system and to me that courtroom is the most sacred of all spaces when it comes to the longevity of our Democracy. We all have a responsibility to HONOR the courts and to TELL THE TRUTH. When Laviollette gets up there and LIES about this Murderer being abused when she HAS NEVER BEEN ABUSED IN HER LIFE is a offense to everything that is scared in an American Courtroom. She is offensive to me and to all the other women that have been VIOLENTLY ABUSED. She should NEVER be able to practice in this area again IMO. She has LOST all credibility.

She is offensive to me even though I have never been abused. I feel exactly like you do. I also wonder if her judgement and advice has caused some women to be killed by their abuser. I honestly can not believe she has ever truly helped an abused woman.
"...a trial that comports with the rights due Ms. Arias pursuant to the 5
Amendments to the United States Constitution and Art. 2, §§ 4, 15, 23, and 24 of the
Arizona Constitution into something that more closely resembles a modern day
equivalent to the Salem Witch Trials
which ended in 1693."


It's ironic. These two bullies in the defence team have a witch hunt on for Juan Martinez.

Moreover, they dare to complain that it's become a circus because of his behaviour. Meanwhile, LaViolette's cronies disrupt the court, mug, and blatantly cheerlead for her during her testimony. And yet, the judge allows this.
That's just so weak, and sounds like he's scraped the bottom of the last barrel for excuses.
MOO and stuff.

What's new! In this case, it's Juror Misconduct, Prosecutorial Misconduct, certainly not even the possibility of the fault being on the defense side. Just like their defendant has never done a wrong thing in her life either! :banghead:
Considering that Jodi Aris has an intellect comparable to Einstein, I have high hopes that 10 to 20 years on death row, before they give her the needle, will give her the time to put the final touches on the Grand Unified Theory.

That and colored pencil drawings of Frank Sinatra on a horse.

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Hows the scary motel gig working out for ya? Hope you get some rest tonight :)
Eiglarsh is annoying me lately. He keeps advising Juan how to go about trying this case.

For example tonight, he said Juan should just ask a few key questions and get out. REALLY?

Because I am pretty sure that if he had just gone to that stubborn, resistant, experienced expert, and just asked her a few questions, she would have had some well scripted answers ready for him. If he had ended it then, she would have been seen as the victor, imo.

These TH's are ignoring the process that he is going through--which is to confront her intensely and slowly break her down. And it is working well. He shook her up a few times and made her voice her own confusion and uncertainty. JMO
I think she is desperate for a do-over on the witness stand. She wants to get up there and try it again, but would not make some of the horrid mistakes she made. She will have some new revised scenarios for the next jury. :liar:

So how does that work? Could she not be impeached with her testimony in THIS trial?

Not gonna happen, but just wondering.
Instead of getting upset (if she really is) about what people post online, Alyce could act like an adult and use it as a chance for growth. Some people have been mean, but many are simply stating facts, and people in the mental health field seem concerned with what she's doing. What happens when a person refuses to examine themselves and ask questions?

How does a computer illiterate even know what's been posted online??? People are being mean? Then tell the truth and represent your profession in a manner that could be expected of any other reasonable professional in her field. It's simple really. ALV goes home to a psychotherapist every day. Maybe rather than hug and guffaw, they should examine ALV's agenda. :banghead:
Janine Driver is killin' it on DD tonight, saying ALV is condescending toward JM. YES! I've been saying this for days! So glad to finally hear someone in the media saying it.
Unlikely, dear friend. Only Jodi is smart enough is decipher her manifesto, dontcha know...which she probably won't do without the benefit of a plea agreement to 2nd degree murder. ;)

And only LaViolette is smart enough, in her head, to decipher the secret code within the texts.
Don't shoot, I'm just the messenger ~ all those book reviews and engagement cancellations might just be what this is about. DT doesn't care how they get a mistrial, just as long as they get it. :facepalm:

who wants to do this again: raise your hand

not me.

I have heard quite enough of arias.. and she can just sit still for the rest. I don't think I ever would rejoice her returning to the stand for any reason. I have no reason to listen to her. She is a proven liar. I do not believe a word she says. I hope this latest expert also figures this out. If she were as intelligent as the six or seven experts that refused to take this case we would not be here now.. oh guess I should correct that: we would be here with whomever the defense could pay to testify their premise.

Guess what.

When you open doors to all the other contacts and texts that travis had with friends you open the door to STALKING. you open the door to his FEAR (we have also heard this on hln interviews). Open the door and Juan is going to walk thru it and thank GOD for that. how could ne not walk thru that door? As Juan and Flores have constantly and consistently stated THEY ARE THE VOICE FOR TRAVIS.

so all this crap with arias sneaking looks over her shoulder at the gallery and the trying to smile at the entire jury panel: come on give it up: just let them do their jobs and maybe someday soon we can all voice just exactly what we feel about what you did to Travis Alexander.
They tried that when she was going to plea to 2nd degree and Juan told them 'see ya in court.' They would never accept a plea...........she has nothing to offer the state.


Would they have agreed to LWOP and no DP if she had pled guilty to first degree without the expense of a trial?
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