trial day 42: the defense continues its case in chief #128

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I thought is found not guilty, she walks? Is that correct? There is no LWOP.

It's pretty much death or free?


there is the possibility of
1)murder 1
2)felony murder

NO SECOND DEGREE THIS WAS COURT ORDERED (bolding only for emphasis)

if 1) lwop or dp
2) lwop or other term sentence

if the jury does not find her guilty of 1st degree or felony murder she could walk.
So yes, that is true. Second degree offer was negated by the prosecution. (as well it should be as they have the goods for their case imhoo)
I'm watching Dr. Drew now!! WTG KCL!!

Can't get the Smilies to work, margins keep blowing, Thanks button isn't working, Court was delayed and got in about a hour of trial before they stopped for lunch, this judge and DT are spending more time in chambers then in the courtroom.....I need chocolate:rocker::facepalm:

Night All:seeya:
There is really no evidence that they actually DID have sex that day. A bottle of KY next to a naked man is really nothing more than the appearance of having had sex. I've always thought the bottle placement was odd....staged.

The naked pics of Jodi are more believable than the pics of Travis. I mean the point of the pics is to look sexy, to be provocative. His pics are from off to the side (weird angle) almost like she was in that big chair and took pics of him. He doesn't seem engaged at all.

Based ONLY on how much she lies and twists things to suit her purpose (like how the phone sex sounded like a set up, as well), I don't believe these are sex pics.

Also, someone said the pics of Jodi are not time-stamped. Is that true? If so, it makes me question her pics even more.
Can anyone explain what a Death Penalty Expert is...I don't really know for sure what they're called but Jodi's sits behind her and the defense table. I thought she was an assistance for the defense, then I heard the term Death Penalty Expert.

How'd you like to explain that at a dinner party..:what:
I get where you are coming from, but I also think that relationships are fluid. I actually have a close female friend who dumped her guy for someone else and discussed (with me) whether or not he (#1) was a stalker. Then she dumped guy #2, and was back to the first. I actually told her to start keeping a record should she need it. Love is crazy.

well....I just find it hard to believe that she drove all those miles and they both got naked slept in the same bed together took pictures of them naked and not a darn thing happened.
So how does that work? Could she not be impeached with her testimony in THIS trial?

Not gonna happen, but just wondering.

Yes, they can compare the transcripts, but she can leave out a few things.
I disagree. Those pictures don't prove they had sex. :twocents:

There are other pictures that were not released. Someone posted a blown up pic taken from a screen shot of Flores flipping through his notebook during his interrogation of JA. They DID have sex that day.
It is only Jodi's word that they had sex that day. Personally, I don't necessarily think they did. :twocents:

What about the nude pictures? I can't get that whole scenario in my head. The photos were time-stamped from that day, right? Did she sneak in, planning to murder him, but pretend like she wanted to boink him and have a nude picture-taking session the just murder him? Why not get him, do the deed, then leave asap? Why the whole sex day?
Or was she premeditating murder only if he didn't take her back and agree to take her to Mexico?
I dunno- so weird to imagine all the planning she did, then to risk being seen there or him having received a call while she was there, telling whoever called she was with him.
Guilty they move to the penalty phase. Not guilty she walks. At this point in the trial.
And I think they are even worried about that now. They are worried she is going to not only be found guilty (Murder One) but the jury is going to give her death.

I think the Mit. Specialist told them the jury is turning on Jodi.


But what gave you that idea? :)please: you're right)
I'm pretty sure filing motions for a mistrial has been their only REAL game plan from the getgo. Seriously.:jail:

I agree. They are throwing everything against the courtroom walls and praying like hell. I only wish Travis' family could throw JA against the wall just to see if she'd stick :rocker:
BBM: From your mouth to God's ears!
Just ask the veteran trial watchers milling about. :biggrin: Mistrial motions are almost procedural in a death penalty case of this magnitude. And mistrial motions due to media bias, sensationalism, and the like stem back decades - long before televised trials and internet forums.

In reality, many of the pre-trial motions work against them now. The judge ruled not to sequester the jury, to allow cameras and media within the courtroom, etc. so really they're just chasing up things that have already been decided anyway.

Don't get me wrong, mistrials happen, but I believe the judge is going to do everything in her power to prevent such a ruling unless the offense truly is so egregious Jodi is precluded from obtaining a fair trial altogether. Every time anyone says mistrial though (or the defendant's in chambers so it's gotta be a plea deal) some peeps start to panic and understandably so. There are an awful lot of emotions wrapped up in this case for many of us.

The look on the judge's face during oral arguments for the last mistrial motion really said it all, in my opinion.
Bet nurmi and wilmott have people surfing the net for ammunition.
Who types up these motions?? Terrible grammar!

"Note should also be made of the fact that the conduct described above has
ramifications that effect (sic) the ability of Ms. Arias to present her defense as the public
response to this unprofessional conduct has involved berating witnesses via e-mail,
telephone and in various internet forums. Said action has not only caused personal
distress to these witnesses but has made it difficult for them to provide effective
testimony for Ms. Arias."

I was wondering the same thing when I read her plea offer. It was so poorly written I assumed it was a joke. But no! This is the kind of "stuff" the DT produces:

I think JA needs to start typing the legal documents. Oh, never mind. She may be already be doing it (I've seen her journal excerpts).
And I think they are even worried about that now. They are worried she is going to not only be found guilty (Murder One) but the jury is going to give her death.

I think the Mit. Specialist told them the jury is turning on Jodi.

I think the jury has turned against the entire DT including the mitigation specialist who appears to do nothing the entire day except chat with JA. When ALV made her inane 'Are you mad at me' comment, the mitigations specialist was in stitches laughing at how clever Alyce was.
I'm watching the testimony again and I swear it looks like Wilmott is going to have nervous breakdown. Juan makes her so crazy upset!
There are other pictures that were not released. Someone posted a blown up pic taken from a screen shot of Flores flipping through his notebook during his interrogation of JA. They DID have sex that day.

Do you have a link to that? I am curious to see any pics they haven't shown us.
Can anyone explain what a Death Penalty Expert is...I don't really know for sure what they're called but Jodi's sits behind her and the defense table. I thought she was an assistance for the defense, then I heard the term Death Penalty Expert.

How'd you like to explain that at a dinner party..:what:

A "mitigation expert" is there to, literally, mitigate the crime, to appeal to the jury that the defendant deserves a sentence less than death.
LWOP can happen if the jury decides to spare her life. Penalty phase, rather than straight guilt or innocence phase.

Can DT bring back witnesses during that phase?
Like ALV to state again that JA was abused etc.?
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