trial day 42: the defense continues its case in chief #128

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the biggest thing i got from that tape was he was gossiping and she kept trying to draw him into sex conversation, iirc she started with him hitting her in the butt or something like that, saying how she liked it. she led him into the sex, the guy was dead tired and groggy. i love how they claim she 'faked it'. lol.

exactly and great point here: she was the aggressor. Umm.. I think LAV may have missed that "context"
I just wanted to say that I am still picking up pieces of the mug I dropped when I heard ALV say that the only person she sees here as a liar is Travis...
did i hear someone refer to the camera as a sony h7 that cost $1500? i don't believe that model ever cost that much. it's not a dslr. it's merely a point and shoot with decent zoom on it. so if i heard correctly, somebody's fudging.
This is the part that gets to me. LaViolette doesn't seem remotely self-reflective.

Maybe not self-reflective, but JM has jarred her quite a bit. As the day wore on into afternoon, her answers got longer and longer. The were a number of times that she copped a 'tude which could not be ignored. She qualified things constantly. Interrupted Juan, spoke over objections. The judge admonished her at least six times. This has to have some impact with the jury.

JM scored big points this morning on the theme of relying on JAs lies, but IMO was struggling on the bias angle after the lunch break. Most of this was due to ALV being unwilling to answer his questions, so that he had to keep rephrasing things and circle back. It reminded me of when he questioned JA about the sequence of events to show her scenario was impossible with the time stamps on the pictures. He never got the aha moment from either JA or ALV, but with the lines of questioning, his points were made to the jury.

IIRC, with JA, his next line of questioning was about filling the gas cans in SLC and the Perry Mason moment of the bank statement.

With ALV, we get the jaw dropping manifesto. DT def not happy about this. They shouldn't be happy with ALV either and should tell her to keep her answers short and to the point and not try to be evasive.

"Do you want to spar with me?"
Only implied by people who want to believe that. Jodi has lied about everything in this case...EVERYTHING. Why would we believe they had sex when there was NO proof of it? I can tell you absolutely that these photos do not prove that they had sex that day. And, if anyone can prove that they DID have sex because of these photos, I'd love to hear/see it.

No offence, but Arias hasn't lied about everything. She has bits of truth to make her testimony sound believable, but she hasn't lied about everything.

There is a lot more proof to say they had a sexual encounter that day vs. that this was staged to look like it. Physical evidence in terms of the photos and the visible fluids in them, the gynaecologist report, the fact the the photos taken were attempted to be deleted permanently, they confirmed through the phone tape that they had sex before, and there were other photos that did show them in compromising positions but they were ruled inadmissible, most likely due to being too prejudicial.

I'll just leave it here. Because I think this issue just boils down to a matter of perspective, and that won't change, seeing as everyone just appears to be taking the same evidence of proof of their own respective opinions.
As far as if they had sex that day....I thought I read the defense keep out 2 photos of jodi nude....there were 6 of her and 2 of him...
We had so much testimony today, apologies, manifesto, lying CV, fake text messages, defense not giving all information to ALV, Travis the only known "Liar" :furious::furious::furious:,new mistrial much to discuss. Yet everyday, the topic seems to go back to whether JA and Travis had sex that day. :sad: I don't give a rats azz whether they had sex or not that day, and I'm so sick of this debate. :twocents:

I'm sick of a lot of things in this case. However, I think that although it is agreed that it doesn't matter, we can still debate it. People are free to scroll past. :D

Oh, and this debate was going on when I came in here. So, I just decided to join in.
I THOUGHT THE JUDGE SAID SOMETHING REALLY ODD---When she opened court today, she asked the jury if juror #5 had CONTACTED any of them. Who put that bug in her ear? Nurmi, I bet.
This HLN After Dark is really creepy to me. I'm having flashes of such movies as "Running Man" and "The Hunger Games" It seems like they are just making a mockery of this trial. When will the bookies start taking bets?
We both see photos. They are both naked. They are never seen naked at the same time. Yet, just because you see naked photos, you assume that sex was involved. I don't. I am an ex-investigator/LE and that is not the way you look at cases. You don't take the evidence and try to get it to fit your opinion/idea. You take the evidence at face value and build from there.

I can't leap from seeing two naked people to the fact that they had sex.

As I said previously, it doesn't really matter. It just bothers me when people take evidence and twist it into their version of the story. That's all. Carry on. :)

Except for the fact that BOTH Juan Martinez and Detective Flores have stated they DID have sex that day, and they are privy to ALL of the photos, including those we haven't seen yet. I will trust their views, since they have more information than any of us do.
I know! I'm trying to wrap my head around why it's so important, for some, to believe that they didn't have sex that day.

Is it all about protecting Travis' reputation?

I'd just like to know how much of that day is a lie. What time did she really show up? Why didn't the roommate know she was there? Did She stalk around the house while Travis was sleeping that day? Go in the doggy door and go on his computer? Go through his phone? His wallet? Was the first time he saw her when it appeared he woke up and threw the KY bottle at her? There is no proof that he knew she was there prior to those two photos of him naked and laying on top of his bed, one of which looked like he was sleeping. Did he wake up, see her there naked in his room and freak out? Throw her out. Did she creep back in hours later in her ninja outfit and take those pics in the shower without his knowledge until you see the first one where he looks towards the camera? Was she holding a gun at the time?

I just don't believe most of what she says about that day I suppose. I think there are possible other sneaky and stalkerish explanations for things.

she lost control of content.. but you know what: she has the discovery and has also deppod this witness.

This arias team knows they are fighting an uphill battle and after SIX TURN DOWNS they find an paid for hire expert to testify for arias. So what to expect then? Do we think this person can turn it all around? Of course not. The truth always comes out. So let us all delay the inevitable, put the jury, the state, the world watching, thru hell and just keep on keeping on with sidebars coming out of the ears.

So now the latest is Juan was mean.. Juan threw his pen at me.. Juan called me names.

okay let us ALL MOVE ON. as that is just wrong. really? And furthermore I cannot WAIT to hear more about juror 5. I am SURE that Arias the spy with the shock belt had something to do with it. I saw her toady and she was staring right at the audience and pointing and telling something to her mitigation assistant. She is a tattle tale among her other qualities.

they are praying for a mistrial and they will not get it. there adversary (THE STATE WHICH REPRESENTS THE VICTIM HERE) will not let this happen.

sorry for this all over the place post.. I am just so pissed at what is allowed on arias side of the aisle. I do realize that we all see it. Who couldn't?

BBM: I swear I get less complaints from the kindergarteners I teach...for pete's sake!
Good evening everyone!


NG on now...more from ALV.

ALV admits JA may have lied to her all along


If I were in her shoes, making that realization, I would wet my bloomers when that thought really sank in. Oh my, imagine the feeling of no longer being sure of anything. At least that would be my feeling. I wonder if this has happened to her before. I'm thinking not, or she's a slow learner. If she had checked around just a little with some of TA's friends, as we all have been screaming all along, she might have begun to have some doubt. And ALV, IMO, seemed so adamant that men could not really & truly be abused...

I also think that by now, few of us have any compassion left for her, but ol' Jodi put the act on her in a big way, as she did so many, Travis being at the top of that list, bless him.

We all tend to believe what we want to believe.

Now what will she do?
I agree! I'll bet she cycled several times between should-I? and shouldn't I? and that's why she spent so many hours with him.

I've also always thought that, even with planning, there WAS a trigger. And, the fight/sex in the office seems likely. The planning, the rage, could've been there for days, weeks, possibly months--but an immediate trigger would still be important--it would help her to follow-through, to make it a reality.


For clarification- You are taking the defendant's word that they had sex and/or a fight in the office?
I don't understand what the heck ALV is doing in this case. She read a series of text messages from Travis to other young women, and without interviewing either party, she passes JUDGMENT over text messages and then feels free to characterize them as whatever she pleases.

Why is this relevant? Every word that comes out of her mouth is based on what Jodi Arias told her, and what she projected onto a bunch of text messages & emails. ????

How in the world can she "diagnose" domestic violence? I'm not being sarcastic--I'm truly at a loss to figure out why this sort of witness is allowed to translate, explain and project her own personal meanings onto correspondence between people she has never interviewed.

Garbage in=Garbage out
This HLN After Dark is really creepy to me. I'm having flashes of such movies as "Running Man" and "The Hunger Games" It seems like they are just making a mockery of this trial. When will the bookies start taking bets?

When jury deliberations start.
I feel like they are giving AVL a pass because she is an older woman. She really goes on and on, wasting time. I feel like they are giving her too much leeway. There has to be some decorum for the way a witness should be able to speak to the prosecution.

I agree with you completely. AVL's behavior is totally unbecoming to a grown woman of any age. It appears that she sees herself as a great entertainer and plays to her groupies while spewing her unbelievable "testimony" about St. Jodi.

Since I'm not an expert in psychology - I won't attempt to give her behavior a name - but, I do believe she has some issues, too. All moo.
No offence, but Arias hasn't lied about everything. She has bits of truth to make her testimony sound believable, but she hasn't lied about everything.

There is a lot more proof to say they had a sexual encounter that day vs. that this was staged to look like it. Physical evidence in terms of the photos and the visible fluids in them, the gynaecologist report, the fact the the photos taken were attempted to be deleted permanently, they confirmed through the phone tape that they had sex before, and there were other photos that did show them in compromising positions but they were ruled inadmissible, most likely due to being too prejudicial.

I'll just leave it here. Because I think this issue just boils down to a matter of perspective, and that won't change, seeing as everyone just appears to be taking the same evidence of proof of their own respective opinions.

Is that a fact that there were other photos deemed inadmissable?
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