trial day 43: the defense continues its case in chief #131

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Just finished catching up with today's proceedings. Wow. Where to begin?

It wasn't all that long ago that I made a point of commending Laviolette for what she had described as her life's work with victims and perpetrators of domestic violence.

Now, many days into her direct and cross examinations, I can't help but feel embarrassed for this woman.

I can't speak to her motive for taking on the case, be it monetary or otherwise, but the sheer extent to which her professional expertise and reputation have been tarnished surely cannot be worth it.

Whether she is stalling, stammering or evading her way through responses, making platituidinous pop culture references, or suggesting the prosecutor needs a timeout, neither Laviolette nor any of her testimony can be considered credible by the jury.

Someone please reassure me that the jury is seeing and hearing just how unconscionably absurd her testimony has been. Please?
I think Katiecoo said she talked to a friend of Bobby's when she went to watch the trial. He isevidentially alive, and hoping for a book deal.

Who's trying to cash in?

'Bobby' or the 'friend'?

"I'm not asking for myself, but I have this friend..."

Were you in the courtroom today, JJ?

ALV's coming undone.
Just finished catching up with today's proceedings. Wow. Where to begin?

It wasn't all that long ago that I made a point of commending Laviolette for what she had described as her life's work with victims and perpetrators of domestic violence.

Now, many days into her direct and cross examinations, I can't help but feel embarrassed for this woman.

I can't speak to her motive for taking on the case, be it monetary or otherwise, but the sheer extent to which her professional expertise and reputation have been tarnished surely cannot be worth it.

Whether she is stalling, stammering or evading her way through responses, making platituidinous pop culture references, or suggesting the prosecutor needs a timeout, neither Laviolette nor any of her testimony can be considered credible by the jury.

Someone please reassure me that the jury is seeing and hearing just how unconscionably absurd her testimony has been. Please?

This is what I'm thinking. She claims this isn't her first go-round, and she's testified in a murder trial before. So she's probably been rimmed by a prosecutor before, probably not so beautifully and more gently than JM, but she's gonna float like a cork to her next gig--unfortunately. But I feel sorry for the next man who gets diagnosed by her as abusive.
Truly unprofessional. She is ruining her credibility.

Acting like she was talking to a child! She is so out of bounds here and I think she is "Almost" ready to surrender. She is so "Cheeky".
The million $ question.

He's probably chilling in Mexico somewhere.

I wonder if she met up with him after the murder? There is something I am suspicious of. When Jodi was questioned by Det. Flores, she said, why would I hurt Travis? He did not rape me. Jodi is very transparent. Why would she say that? I think perhaps she may have recieved help after the murder by pretending to someone that Travis raped her.
Juan was getting to that today....Manipulation my Dear! See what he is getting at, in more ways than one? AHhaaaaaaa. :great:

Wait. Maybe we need to hear what "your" definition of Manipulation is....:facepalm: with that one, ALV was worse than Clinton with what the definition of "is" is.
I think Katiecoo said she talked to a friend of Bobby's when she went to watch the trial. He isevidentially alive, and hoping for a book deal.

Wonder why he wasn't called as a witness? DB was and MM would have been if he wasn't out there defending JA and telling people he'd lie for her. So what was the story as to why RJ wasn't called?
$100 for fetching her glasses alone.:furious:

I know!!!!!!!!! It's soooo rediculi that ANY so called expert called to the stand would not even think they may be asked to read court documents, at the very minimum?!?
Love the one eared cat pic!! Have cats too. She is a Boich and beyond. Hate how she tries looking over to the defense for support but now they are mad!!LOL :great:

Every single time she looks over at the defense for support she just shreds her own credibility as an 'expert witness'. In my:moo: of course.

When she initially got up there she testified that she has experience as a witness in IIRC over 60 cases.

SIXTY cases and A). She doesn't collect data any better than this.

AND B). She doesn't know any better than to hitch her wagon to the defense table and suck on the coat strings of an ADMITTED MURDERER.

HOW can anyone look at those photos and not get the creeps sitting next to JA? Or even looking over at that table.

And for that matter, holy crap that defense lawyer needs to get a grip and stop acting like she and JA are BFF's. I live a thousand miles away and watch this on the computer and can see that. :banghead::banghead:
And incredibly frustrating. How about that one response today where she was trying to answer with a qualifier and both JM and the judge told her yes or no. So she finally answered with a yes, tried to expand and JM just cut her off and moved on. She looked over at the jury as if to say "can you believe this guy?" That was probably after her "time out" outburst so I guess she was more worried about the judge stepping in on that one. I wish the judge would have stepped in much more often and told her to answer the darn question instead of telling JM to ask a different question.

That exchange should not have happened, and it's J Stephen's fault for letting it go on.
on David's videos, number 10, about 7:35 or so, I just heard ALV refer to Jodi Arias as "Jodi." Has she been doing that the whole time?
Do you want to spar with me? Is that what you want?

How does what the prosecutor does or doesn't believe with respect to an animated corpse who feeds on the blood of the living, or one who hunts that animated corpse, bear on your evaluation and testimony on behalf of a lying torture murderess?


:floorlaugh: I giv up u iz smartere dan me :floorlaugh:
Just finished catching up with today's proceedings. Wow. Where to begin?

It wasn't all that long ago that I made a point of commending Laviolette for what she had described as her life's work with victims and perpetrators of domestic violence.

Now, many days into her direct and cross examinations, I can't help but feel embarrassed for this woman.

I can't speak to her motive for taking on the case, be it monetary or otherwise, but the sheer extent to which her professional expertise and reputation have been tarnished surely cannot be worth it.

Whether she is stalling, stammering or evading her way through responses, making platituidinous pop culture references, or suggesting the prosecutor needs a timeout, neither Laviolette nor any of her testimony can be considered credible by the jury.

Someone please reassure me that the jury is seeing and hearing just how unconscionably absurd her testimony has been. Please?

After watching her today I wouldn't be surprised if some of the cases she has testified in get RE-EXAMINED!! :what:

Someone please reassure me that the jury is seeing and hearing just how unconscionably absurd her testimony has been. Please?

Approach, yes the jury is seeing and hearing all of the above, of course with a qualifier, honest,they are, you wont be dissapointed :blushing:
I'm behind, as usual. What was the BBM part about?

According to some tweets today, ALV was back in chambers, ex-parte. When she came out, she seemed deflated. It could have been a follow up to the Samantha incident..I think Samantha was back there this morning, but the days are running together. Or, it could have been the judge admonishing her for her unbelievable comment to Mr. Martinez.

IMO - her demeanor was a little different in the afternoon. Not quite as snarky. The judge's tone was also very different. She didn't allow JW to approach a couple of times. Also, the DT and JA was not creeping on the jury today.

JMO and observations. Not factually released, except she was back in chambers ex-parte per the media.
Just finished catching up with today's proceedings. Wow. Where to begin?

It wasn't all that long ago that I made a point of commending Laviolette for what she had described as her life's work with victims and perpetrators of domestic violence.

Now, many days into her direct and cross examinations, I can't help but feel embarrassed for this woman.

I can't speak to her motive for taking on the case, be it monetary or otherwise, but the sheer extent to which her professional expertise and reputation have been tarnished surely cannot be worth it.

Whether she is stalling, stammering or evading her way through responses, making platituidinous pop culture references, or suggesting the prosecutor needs a timeout, neither Laviolette nor any of her testimony can be considered credible by the jury.

Someone please reassure me that the jury is seeing and hearing just how unconscionably absurd her testimony has been. Please?

I understand that the jury has a ton of questions in the box now - so I think they're paying attention.
The problem with ALV is that she's an intuitive psycho-analyst and IMO, she lacks a balance of logic. That's where her training has let her down. Her approach is lop-sided. She's in for a rude awakening with regard to her methodology, and right here on the stand, in front of millions.
Goodnight, sleuthers, don't let the :dracula: bite.
I finally have a few minutes where I can type out a post regarding what IMO has got to be the most drastic transformation in a record breaking amount of a very short amount of time..

It is Jodi's actual physical transformation, more specifically speaking of her face.. I really started truly taking note of this several weeks ago and was initially way off in my time frame from which I was working with, as in I was looking at the transformation having taken place over the course of the long 5 years from the time of the murder and subsequent arrest all the way til present.. And with my looking at it in that large time frame I wasn't that surprised at the very real and pronounced changes that are present.. Again I am focusing on her face, and not anything else.. It makes perfect sense what 5 long years can do and the toll that it takes on anyone. That as I said is no real shocker, nor did it come as a surprise..

It was just a couple weeks Ago in my watching Arias' American Idol for Jailbirds video that I truly began to recognize that the time frame was MUCH SHORTER for which the drastic, and I do mean really drastic change had occurred regarding Jodi Arias' face. You look at Arias In her Jailbird Idol glory and IMO you still very much can see a quite youthful Jodi.. The very much softer, more attractive Jodi was absolutely still alive and well at that point in time.. This meaning that the transformation did not occur over a long 5 year span of time and this meaning that the transformation is not at all due to the toll of the 5 long years in jail that I'd first attributed the change to..

At that point I really began looking, specifically looking for photos of Jodi from just the start of trial, beginning 2013.. I then focused more on video as IMO it is the video footage that really can tell the tale, so to speak, much more accurately than photos only capturing just one specific millisecond in time.. *And that is when it really, really hit me.. It was only in my just trekking back the ultra short amount of time to the beginning of this year, 2013 and to video footage of Jodi Arias at the start of this trial.. And what I found is literally startling and I do mean startling because IMO the transformation of Jodi Arias' face JUST WITHIN THE SPAN OF MERELY WEEKS IS ABSOLUTELY DEFYING OF TRULY ALL LOGIC.. It's not at all just a mere transforming via a defense team tactic ala the Casey Anthony trial and her school marm facade that was portrayed day after day in that Orlando courtroom..*

IMO this that I am speaking of wrt Jodi Arias is actual change to structure and actual facial is something much, much different.. Altogether different from Casey Anthony and truly cannot even be used as a comparison with what I have seen here with my own eyes with Jodi Arias..

This is not just a face that is intentionally presented free of make up to give the facade of plain Jane, young, or fresh faced youthfulness.. While I fully believe without doubt that is the exact motive and facade that this defense team were going for in presenting youthful innocence of a plain Jane girl with low self esteem.. But IMO that is not what is responsible for this drastic transformation that I am speaking of..*
Go back and look at the jailbird Idol footage and IMO you'll see that makeup-LESS face of Arias that does give that look of fresh faced youthfulness.. BUT WHAT WE SEE NOW IN THIS MAKEUP-LESS FACE OF ARIAS IS NOTHING AT ALL RESEMBLING YOUTHFULNESS.. IMO THE STARK CONTRAST IS THAT OF NIGHT TO DAY, BLACK TO WHITE..

Jodi Arias IMO has absolutely right before our very eyes transformed into something that is so ugly, so evil, even so deformed in some very real ways.. And be not mistaken here I am not speaking of petty slurs about Jodi's looks.. That is not at all what I am speaking about.. I am speaking about this unnatural morphing that has occurred rapidly where IMO her facial features have taken on a true distorted, abnormal look to them.. I am being very serious and am not making some type of crude petty joke about this individuals looks at all!!

I Am speaking of very literal drastic distortions that IMO I can clearly see having taken place in just the short period of time of literal weeks.. Am I the only one who is noticing this very literal physical change that has occurred wrt Jodi's face specifically???..

I dare say I am not the only one whose taken note of this specific transformation, tho, I fully realize that we have so much more important issues at hand that we discuss, study, and ponder over.. But IMO this transformation is not as shallow or petty as some may initially think that it is.. IMO there is reason for it and any who've read some of my earlier long winded posts about what I believe Is pure evil personified in Jodi, and my belief that the guise for which she was able to hide in plain sight all of those years prior to the murder amongst the masses.. My very real belief that once that mask was lifted in unleashing the evil on Travis that day I felt that there was a very real consequence to that mask being lifted in that Jodi had not been able to easily remask that which she had so successfully hidden her entire life prior to that day..*

And I am still somewhat of that similar mindset in that I just now believe what has transpired and taken place over the course of these last weeks and months was Jodi not at all diligent in attempting to keep any part of what was left of the mask of "normalcy".. Jodi completely lost sight of the great importance of keeping that mask in place.. Instead throughout cross exam on that stand she became so focused on and obsessed with sparring a war with Juan that she didn't even see that the mask was sliding off her face literally as she spoke on that stand before those jurors.. IMO now in my looking back at that video footage of that cross exam testimony, IMO I can very literally see the proverbial mask slipping away as she spoke.. Very literally exposing that underneath which is very drastic when looked at in comparison.. IMO Juan Martinez fully Un masked Jodi Arias literally right before the eyes of each and everyone of those jurors.. And IMO he did it without the monster ever even noticing.. The monster was so focused on showing she could battle this prosecutor and hold her own.. She became so truly engulfed within that psychopathic, narcissistic need for control wrt Juan's cross exam that she completely lost sight of ensuring to keep that mask in place. IMO Juan Martinez masterfully slipped that mask from her face revealing the ugly, evil that lied beneath without her even knowing or realizing what it was that was his goal, intent, and the entire reason for the way in which he allowed her to "spar" with him in that courtroom.. He was allowing her, herself to reveal her true self by her all consumed in winning the spar and forgetting to keep that damn mask in place..

Many people were frustrated with Juan and repeatedly questioned why is this prosecutor ALLOWING this defendant to behave and speak this way on the stand.. Why was this prosecutor not asking the judge to admonish the defendant and demand that she stick to just answering the questions from the Prosecutor.. Well, IMO just as with all the actions of this Prosecutor while engaging in trial before a court of law there is very much reason, motive, and intent behind everything Juan Martinez does or allows while Prosecuting a defendant such as Arias.. So, too was there very much reason, motive, and intent behind why Juan Martinez "allowed" such behavior from the defendant, Jodi Arias while on the stand under his cross exam..

Jmo Juan Martinez is a mile ahead in the way he thinks, the way he works, and the way he prosecutes successfully cold blooded evil murderers just like Jodi Arias..and IMO the proof positive of this is the way in which Jodi Arias is fully, completely, and without even so much as thin veil left.. She is exposed in all her ugly, evil glory and just taking a look back at the drastic transformation just over the course of this trial that has happened wrt Jodi Arias' face.. IMO there is literally zero doubt about what Juan has successfully unmasked for the world to see.. But most importantly he has unmasked for this jury to see what truly lied beneath the guise of "Jodi" and that's exactly who/what is not only fully capable of the evil horrific slaughter of this victim, a young, healthy, full of life man.. It is exactly who/what plotted, planned, and not only executed that horrific plan of murder, but she delighted in it just as she to this day delights in seeing and inflicting continued horror and pain on Travis via his beautifully strong loved ones who sit in that courtroom every single day!

My apologies for this being one of those really, really overly long winded posts, but IMO this transformation that we've literally watched happen before our eyes is IMO not by accident.. IMO its just further proof of what it is that Juan does so superbly within those courtrooms while very much battling modern day good against evil.. And his demanding that good will win In the end..

Of course nothing more than jmo, tho!

Wow that was amazing to read thank you. I whole heartily agree with every word you said. I too have noticed the dramatic change in her face. Between her singing jail video to today she looks like a completely different person.

Juan truly has removed her mask for all to see. Regardless of how anyone feels Juan is presenting this case and handling the witnesses and experts on the stand I have faith that he knows what he is doing and we need to trust him to do his job.
The ironic thing is that if Travis did become hers she wouldn't want him any more. I really think the reason she wanted him so much is because she couldn't have him. He may have been the first man to ever reject her (emotionally and maybe in the end physically, too).

Kind of like Daryl....all domesticated, living together, trying to help him raise a son he had partial custody of. Daryl might have married that dingbat. But she wanted what she couldn't have.
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