trial day 43: the defense continues its case in chief #131

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I'm wondering if she was hoping for another outburst of laughter when she made her comment to Mr. Martinez or at least hoping to rile him up. Didn't work that way though, did it. She was admonished by the Judge, Wilma's jaw reportedly dropped to the ground and the jury wasn't pleased. She needs to learn to control herself.
I agree! It was reported by JC, the jury sat there very professional today, no smirks, no faces, nothing, during the outbursts of ALV. I was fuming and wouldn't have been able to contain myself. The jury deserves hazard pay for not reacting today. Maybe they should be getting paid the $300 per hour, instead of good ole Alyce.

JW was not happy today, neither was JA, which makes me very, very happy!
And incredibly frustrating. How about that one response today where she was trying to answer with a qualifier and both JM and the judge told her yes or no. So she finally answered with a yes, tried to expand and JM just cut her off and moved on. She looked over at the jury as if to say "can you believe this guy?" That was probably after her "time out" outburst so I guess she was more worried about the judge stepping in on that one. I wish the judge would have stepped in much more often and told her to answer the darn question instead of telling JM to ask a different question.

This Judge does not even belong on this case! What a Wuss, She acts afraid to inter-act on anything. Juan had to tell her what to do today and then she came alive. Why put a judge on this case when it is her First DP case? Why?What is up with that? Heard that on the news that it was her first DP case. Not good. They could have saved a lot of time and money with some judge more "seasoned". Duh!!!
:eek:fftobed: Night JJ

You guys crack me up. I'll be going to bed with a smile for Juan and a laugh from you all.
Now if I can only get gauntlet's picture out my brain, I'll sleep fine. lol
Good night peeps - see ya in the AM.
Now that I have exorcised my exasperation with Laviolette's behaviour, I can move on to Jodi.

Perhaps it is my relative inexperience in so closely following a criminal trial, but I am often left dumbfounded at how persistently Jodi prods Wilmott or whispers something to her during proceedings, seemingly making attempts at directing her own defense.

I can respect her right to a fair trial and I suppose that as a result of the defendant sitting directly adjacent to her counsel she might naturally feel compelled to intervene, but good grief, I couldn't imagine trying to adequately focus on proceedings with my client incessantly poking at me and hissing in my ear.

I did have to laugh then when I spotted what I could have sworn was Jodi suggesting to Wilmott that a Martinez question to Laviolette was argumentative, only to have Wilmott summarily dismiss her by saying that it wasn't. I haven't cared much for Wilmott's strategy, but I was glad to see her at least show a modicum of integrity in this instance.

See if I am interpreting things correctly. I believe it occurs around the 9:35 mark of the following video:

Jodi Arias Trial - Day 43 - Part 3 - YouTube

Don't forget that, unceasingly since she torture-murdered Travis, she has wanted every possible look at the evidence.

She even represented herself for a week or two early on in the case.

I believe she did this in order to re-experience and revel in the murderous details of her handiwork without having to ask permission.
Wow. Look at this

Thanks, now I'm going to be up all night.

I need a young priest and an old priest.

Oh man, this case is taking over my life. I'm transcribing a file right now and the guy is talking about his lawyer...called Legal Shield.


On a similar note.....I wrote a letter to Florida Prepaid College Plan today. But I first wrote Florida Prepaid Legal Plan ! Geesh. My grandsons have a trial-addicted grandmother. Sad. Very Sad !
And a wink for Travis. ;)

You guys crack me up. I'll be going to bed with a smile for Juan and a laugh from you all.
Now if I can only get gauntlet's picture out my brain, I'll sleep fine. lol
Good night peeps - see ya in the AM.
I understand that the jury has a ton of questions in the box now - so I think they're paying attention.
The problem with ALV is that she's an intuitive psycho-analyst and IMO, she lacks a balance of logic. That's where her training has let her down. Her approach is lop-sided. She's in for a rude awakening with regard to her methodology, and right here on the stand, in front of millions.

OMG. I can't imagine how she's going to answer the juror questions. That's going to take forever, and oh, boy, I hope they ask her something to make her want to put the whole box in "timeout."
According to some tweets today, ALV was back in chambers, ex-parte. When she came out, she seemed deflated. It could have been a follow up to the Samantha incident..I think Samantha was back there this morning, but the days are running together. Or, it could have been the judge admonishing her for her unbelievable comment to Mr. Martinez.

IMO - her demeanor was a little different in the afternoon. Not quite as snarky. The judge's tone was also very different. She didn't allow JW to approach a couple of times. Also, the DT and JA was not creeping on the jury today.

JMO and observations. Not factually released, except she was back in chambers ex-parte per the media.

Yes it was today. They probably let her have it on several things. Not answering quest., Sam's ordeal and talking back to Juan. I hope so.
@ JJ That link is unbelievable! I stopped listening as soon as she said it. Oh of course she thought that was a good idea.

Oh and all that giggling :furious:
Well, tomorrow a big day. Night all. Pray for the Prosecution. I always do.
According to some tweets today, ALV was back in chambers, ex-parte. When she came out, she seemed deflated. It could have been a follow up to the Samantha incident..I think Samantha was back there this morning, but the days are running together. Or, it could have been the judge admonishing her for her unbelievable comment to Mr. Martinez.

IMO - her demeanor was a little different in the afternoon. Not quite as snarky. The judge's tone was also very different. She didn't allow JW to approach a couple of times. Also, the DT and JA was not creeping on the jury today.

JMO and observations. Not factually released, except she was back in chambers ex-parte per the media.

Oh wow, thanks for this! I was able to watch until lunch started and then had to be out until Court was over. So I'm sad I missed the rest of the day! I think it's great that the Judge's tone changed and she started playing a little hard ball! Enough coddling of the DT and their witnesses!

I did notice at times during the AM session that ALV looked deflated. It seemed she was piecing things together and realizing she was buffaloed by the DT, but why won't she just admit that she was wrong because she wasn't given all the facts? Or at least just be cooperative. She's making this WAY worse on herself. Some can definitely be blamed on the DT, but she's responsible for her actions and conduct and she's sinking her own battleship!
Wow that was amazing to read thank you. I whole heartily agree with every word you said. I too have noticed the dramatic change in her face. Between her singing jail video to today she looks like a completely different person.

Juan truly has removed her mask for all to see. Regardless of how anyone feels Juan is presenting this case and handling the witnesses and experts on the stand I have faith that he knows what he is doing and we need to trust him to do his job.

Agree! At times she even LOOKS like a different person from one moment to the other. When she's pissed and glaring, she looks completely different than she does when she is just sitting and coloring or whatever she does. She is evil personified. I feel bad for those she has to share a cell with!
I agree! It was reported by JC, the jury sat there very professional today, no smirks, no faces, nothing, during the outbursts of ALV. I was fuming and wouldn't have been able to contain myself. The jury deserves hazard pay for not reacting today. Maybe they should be getting paid the $300 per hour, instead of good ole Alyce.

JW was not happy today, neither was JA, which makes me very, very happy!

I would be dismissed after that "timeout" comment. I mean, why do I get $12 per hour to be serious and impartial and she gets $300 to be biased and disrespectful?
OMG. I can't imagine how she's going to answer the juror questions. That's going to take forever, and oh, boy, I hope they ask her something to make her want to put the whole box in "timeout."

Are the jury questions after JM or after's been so long i forget.
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