trial day 43: the defense continues its case in chief #131

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Any help would be appreciated!! Was there testimony or an interview by the prosecution with Bobby Juarez? TIA

Yes! Very important testimony. Juan showed a pattern of stalking, how JA kept going back to her ex's, doing things to try to get back into their lives. He proved this with Bobby, Matt, and Travis. JA couldn't and wouldn't LET GO of her ex's.

ETA: Oops - you were asking if there was testimony prior to trial from BJ. I was going on and on about Juan's brilliant cross today of ALV, connecting the pattern of stalking dots.
This "jealousy" conversation is making me crazy. Jodi couldn't even admit that she was jealous. Doesn't THAT mean something?
The thing I noticed most about this video is after the sidebar at 21:00-ish, Nurmi and JW come back to their table. JW pulls her chair closer to JA, and if Nurmi scooted any further from JW, he'd be sitting w/ Det. Flores. I think Nurmi is unhappy with how things are going. It makes me wonder if ALV was JW's hire... like if she picked her and Nurmi tried to veto her.

Hi SuperTmo,

That's an interesting analysis. I thought I had read somewhere that he had requested his own removal from the case at some point, so I can only imagine he hasn't always been terribly enthused about his part in these proceedings.

As for his seating, I am thinking of starting a collection to buy him a properly sized chair. Poor sod.
I think KN is checked out. He is not saying much or doing much any more. Nurmi probably feels that he can't eat lunch with them as AL would make him very uncomfortable. She has made herself known how she does not like men. I would feel for him in that area.

You know I can't understand why a man would even return to a lecture with their wives knowing that she is bashing men. I as a woman would be walking out. You don't attend marriage counseling learning how to bash your husband. You usually go to try and get help and heal your marriage , not end it. I think she would rather have women end it than try to help and heal both people.
Originally Posted by Sulamith
What makes you think JA was obsessed with TA? I guess everybody has a definition of "successful". TA worked for PPL, did not have a college education. Not sure if JA would have ever heard of the Mormon church had it not been for TA..HE was the one that told her of his Book of Mormon..HE baptized her. I don't see how JA used TA for religion for gain as you say.

Are YOU serious?? Have YOU been watching this trial? Bless your heart, of course I have been watching this trial, that is why I am posting my opinions. Just because I do not happen to agree with you does not mean I am not watching the trial!!

BBM. Well for one... her journals make me think she was obsessed with him. Every single page is about him in some way, shape or form. She admits that she peeked in his windows, entered his home while she knew he was on dates and then happened to fall asleep, admits having his passwords for everything, moved where he lived after they broke up! She WAS obsessed with him based upon what EVERYONE but JA and ALV say!

Nowhere is it written that you have to have a college education to be successful. Travis owned a home, lived like a grown man w/o his parents or grandparents providing the roof over his head, had a nice car (until JA destroyed it), and was able to travel FAR more than me. In the eyes of a high school drop out, Travis was successful... who cares that he worked for PPL? You say that like it's a bad thing, but it paid his way and afforded him what he wanted and needed. Heck, in the eyes of ME (a college graduate working on my Masters degree), Travis meets my own definition of successful.
The thing I noticed most about this video is after the sidebar at 21:00-ish, Nurmi and JW come back to their table. JW pulls her chair closer to JA, and if Nurmi scooted any further from JW, he'd be sitting w/ Det. Flores. I think Nurmi is unhappy with how things are going. It makes me wonder if ALV was JW's hire... like if she picked her and Nurmi tried to veto her.

Nurmi did pat Det. Flores on the back before court started today. I won't give him any credit whatsoever though...nope. He is after the jury and is hell bent on a mistrial. JMO
Agh, "what you're getting at." It's so aggravating. She needs to stop acting like every question is a trick question. If she's telling the truth about having made a solid conclusion, she won't have to worry about it. She can always elaborate in the redirect. She should know this if she's testified before. She's acting like this is her first time.

You hit the nail on the head. She's acting like she expects to be tripped up. She said something about JM attempting to trick her at one point. What surprises me the most (because we share similar professions, ALV and I) is how she is trying to guess where JM is going with respect to his questions. She keeps saying, "I don't know where you're going with this". WELL, SHE DOESN'T HAVE TO KNOW IF SHE JUST TELLS THE TRUTH! And, her mindset tells me that she is a very controlling person herself. It's the battle of wills between ALV and JM. But she's got her entourage and her circle of "professional" healers and they will embrace her and tell her it's not her fault, that big bad prosecutor victimized her. Just ridiculous. Or, if she's a really an honest and growing human being, and I think she probably is, she'll have a deep turning in the seat of her soul and take a long, honest look at herself, and maybe make some changes. It's possible. This is going to be a life-changing experience for ALV. I have no doubt.
Can NG stop acting like they are showing live footage? I feel embarrassed for her and the big act she puts on every night.
I am going to go and look back through the photos of JA from 2007 through to present day and see if I can see what SMOOTHOPERATOR is talking about. I know that I 'feel' that this woman is demonstrating a very scary energy and I would be extremely uncomfortable to be anywhere around it.
Anyone want to help by posting annual photos up to the cross examination period?
Do you want to spar with me? Is that what you want?

How does what the prosecutor does or doesn't believe with respect to an animated corpse who feeds on the blood of the living, or one who hunts that animated corpse, bear on your evaluation and testimony on behalf of a lying torture murderess?


And, Ladies and Gentleman of the thread,
the court reporter is huddled in a corner,
quietly sobbing.
Poor fella.
Obviously ALV knows more about the internet than she would like for some to think. She made sure to note while during cross that videos of her lectures are on Youtube. It honestly would not suprise me one bit for ALV to say, as she's leaving the witness stand for her final time, "Don't forget to check out my kiosk outside the courtroom doors! I have books and other merchandise for sale!".

ALV has done so much to ruin her own reputation and while I do not believe that she can completely repair it she could help by just stopping with the word games and zingers that she has the tendency to use and just answer Juan's questions honestly. Then again, maybe she has done to much damage to even fix it a little.

How can a professional not understand what "hypothetical" means?

"You asking me for a hypotthetical oif something I have no evidence of?"

Yes, of course! If you had evidence, it wouldn't be a hypothetical! :banghead:
I am going to go and look back through the photos of JA from 2007 through to present day and see if I can see what SMOOTHOPERATOR is talking about. I know that I 'feel' that this woman is demonstrating a very scary energy and I would be extremely uncomfortable to be anywhere around it.
Anyone want to help by posting annual photos up to the cross examination period?

No, but you can google images of Jodi Arias and find tons and tons. There are more photos of her on the internet spanning the last 10 years than Heidi Klum.
Wait a minute. I already admitted I was not even paying attention when all this past boyfriend stuff came up--but, is it true that Jodi started dating Matthew--Bobby's FRIEND?

I didn't realize that. But JM said Bobby moved to live with Matthew. Wow.
No, but you can google images of Jodi Arias and find tons and tons. There are more photos of her on the internet spanning the last 10 years than Heidi Klum.


Would that she had done a wee bit less 'spanning'...
Has anyone else noticed that the cameras do not pan over the victim's family area anymore? I think it is important the family is protected from public scrutiny, but by the same token, the rest of the gallery on that side is not being shown either, making it look like the only people there are those supporting JA.
How can a professional not understand what "hypothetical" means?

"You asking me for a hypotthetical oif something I have no evidence of?"

Yes, of course! If you had evidence, it wouldn't be a hypothetical! :banghead:

Yes, much like the hypothetical that Jodi wasn't jealous! :facepalm: Something ALV had no evidence of.

She's doing that to play to the jury and it's annoying as heck.
Is this JW? Has she ever tried a dp murder case? It was at the top of the list when I googled. tia I thought they needed experience, like 3 death penalty cases under their belt. I'm sure there's more but haven't searched farther.
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