trial day 43: the defense continues its case in chief #131

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O/T - I have decided, every single time JW says "approach", I will do 10 squats or leg lifts (not from my computer chair). My arse is getting big, still hasn't recovered from the FCA trial. I will be toned before summer!

Sleep well all! Off to watch serial killers docs. :rocker:

I have a feeling tomorrow is going to be a great day ...
Any help would be appreciated!! Was there testimony or an interview by the prosecution with Bobby Juarez? TIA
I finally have a few minutes where I can type out a post regarding what IMO has got to be the most drastic transformation in a record breaking amount of a very short amount of time..

It is Jodi's actual physical transformation, more specifically speaking of her face.. I really started truly taking note of this several weeks ago and was initially way off in my time frame from which I was working with, as in I was looking at the transformation having taken place over the course of the long 5 years from the time of the murder and subsequent arrest all the way til present.. And with my looking at it in that large time frame I wasn't that surprised at the very real and pronounced changes that are present.. Again I am focusing on her face, and not anything else.. It makes perfect sense what 5 long years can do and the toll that it takes on anyone. That as I said is no real shocker, nor did it come as a surprise..

It was just a couple weeks Ago in my watching Arias' American Idol for Jailbirds video that I truly began to recognize that the time frame was MUCH SHORTER for which the drastic, and I do mean really drastic change had occurred regarding Jodi Arias' face. You look at Arias In her Jailbird Idol glory and IMO you still very much can see a quite youthful Jodi.. The very much softer, more attractive Jodi was absolutely still alive and well at that point in time.. This meaning that the transformation did not occur over a long 5 year span of time and this meaning that the transformation is not at all due to the toll of the 5 long years in jail that I'd first attributed the change to..

At that point I really began looking, specifically looking for photos of Jodi from just the start of trial, beginning 2013.. I then focused more on video as IMO it is the video footage that really can tell the tale, so to speak, much more accurately than photos only capturing just one specific millisecond in time.. *And that is when it really, really hit me.. It was only in my just trekking back the ultra short amount of time to the beginning of this year, 2013 and to video footage of Jodi Arias at the start of this trial.. And what I found is literally startling and I do mean startling because IMO the transformation of Jodi Arias' face JUST WITHIN THE SPAN OF MERELY WEEKS IS ABSOLUTELY DEFYING OF TRULY ALL LOGIC.. It's not at all just a mere transforming via a defense team tactic ala the Casey Anthony trial and her school marm facade that was portrayed day after day in that Orlando courtroom..*

IMO this that I am speaking of wrt Jodi Arias is actual change to structure and actual facial is something much, much different.. Altogether different from Casey Anthony and truly cannot even be used as a comparison with what I have seen here with my own eyes with Jodi Arias..

This is not just a face that is intentionally presented free of make up to give the facade of plain Jane, young, or fresh faced youthfulness.. While I fully believe without doubt that is the exact motive and facade that this defense team were going for in presenting youthful innocence of a plain Jane girl with low self esteem.. But IMO that is not what is responsible for this drastic transformation that I am speaking of..*
Go back and look at the jailbird Idol footage and IMO you'll see that makeup-LESS face of Arias that does give that look of fresh faced youthfulness.. BUT WHAT WE SEE NOW IN THIS MAKEUP-LESS FACE OF ARIAS IS NOTHING AT ALL RESEMBLING YOUTHFULNESS.. IMO THE STARK CONTRAST IS THAT OF NIGHT TO DAY, BLACK TO WHITE..

Jodi Arias IMO has absolutely right before our very eyes transformed into something that is so ugly, so evil, even so deformed in some very real ways.. And be not mistaken here I am not speaking of petty slurs about Jodi's looks.. That is not at all what I am speaking about.. I am speaking about this unnatural morphing that has occurred rapidly where IMO her facial features have taken on a true distorted, abnormal look to them.. I am being very serious and am not making some type of crude petty joke about this individuals looks at all!!

I Am speaking of very literal drastic distortions that IMO I can clearly see having taken place in just the short period of time of literal weeks.. Am I the only one who is noticing this very literal physical change that has occurred wrt Jodi's face specifically???..

I dare say I am not the only one whose taken note of this specific transformation, tho, I fully realize that we have so much more important issues at hand that we discuss, study, and ponder over.. But IMO this transformation is not as shallow or petty as some may initially think that it is.. IMO there is reason for it and any who've read some of my earlier long winded posts about what I believe Is pure evil personified in Jodi, and my belief that the guise for which she was able to hide in plain sight all of those years prior to the murder amongst the masses.. My very real belief that once that mask was lifted in unleashing the evil on Travis that day I felt that there was a very real consequence to that mask being lifted in that Jodi had not been able to easily remask that which she had so successfully hidden her entire life prior to that day..*

And I am still somewhat of that similar mindset in that I just now believe what has transpired and taken place over the course of these last weeks and months was Jodi not at all diligent in attempting to keep any part of what was left of the mask of "normalcy".. Jodi completely lost sight of the great importance of keeping that mask in place.. Instead throughout cross exam on that stand she became so focused on and obsessed with sparring a war with Juan that she didn't even see that the mask was sliding off her face literally as she spoke on that stand before those jurors.. IMO now in my looking back at that video footage of that cross exam testimony, IMO I can very literally see the proverbial mask slipping away as she spoke.. Very literally exposing that underneath which is very drastic when looked at in comparison.. IMO Juan Martinez fully Un masked Jodi Arias literally right before the eyes of each and everyone of those jurors.. And IMO he did it without the monster ever even noticing.. The monster was so focused on showing she could battle this prosecutor and hold her own.. She became so truly engulfed within that psychopathic, narcissistic need for control wrt Juan's cross exam that she completely lost sight of ensuring to keep that mask in place. IMO Juan Martinez masterfully slipped that mask from her face revealing the ugly, evil that lied beneath without her even knowing or realizing what it was that was his goal, intent, and the entire reason for the way in which he allowed her to "spar" with him in that courtroom.. He was allowing her, herself to reveal her true self by her all consumed in winning the spar and forgetting to keep that damn mask in place..

Many people were frustrated with Juan and repeatedly questioned why is this prosecutor ALLOWING this defendant to behave and speak this way on the stand.. Why was this prosecutor not asking the judge to admonish the defendant and demand that she stick to just answering the questions from the Prosecutor.. Well, IMO just as with all the actions of this Prosecutor while engaging in trial before a court of law there is very much reason, motive, and intent behind everything Juan Martinez does or allows while Prosecuting a defendant such as Arias.. So, too was there very much reason, motive, and intent behind why Juan Martinez "allowed" such behavior from the defendant, Jodi Arias while on the stand under his cross exam..

Jmo Juan Martinez is a mile ahead in the way he thinks, the way he works, and the way he prosecutes successfully cold blooded evil murderers just like Jodi Arias..and IMO the proof positive of this is the way in which Jodi Arias is fully, completely, and without even so much as thin veil left.. She is exposed in all her ugly, evil glory and just taking a look back at the drastic transformation just over the course of this trial that has happened wrt Jodi Arias' face.. IMO there is literally zero doubt about what Juan has successfully unmasked for the world to see.. But most importantly he has unmasked for this jury to see what truly lied beneath the guise of "Jodi" and that's exactly who/what is not only fully capable of the evil horrific slaughter of this victim, a young, healthy, full of life man.. It is exactly who/what plotted, planned, and not only executed that horrific plan of murder, but she delighted in it just as she to this day delights in seeing and inflicting continued horror and pain on Travis via his beautifully strong loved ones who sit in that courtroom every single day!

My apologies for this being one of those really, really overly long winded posts, but IMO this transformation that we've literally watched happen before our eyes is IMO not by accident.. IMO its just further proof of what it is that Juan does so superbly within those courtrooms while very much battling modern day good against evil.. And his demanding that good will win In the end..

Of course nothing more than jmo, tho!

Great post! We're on the same wavelength. I actually wrote to Juan during the cross-exam and thanked him for performing a miracle - the unmasking of Jodi Arias. It was mesmerizing! The evil in this woman's soul-less body is unlike anything I have ever seen. Her black, beady eyes are not unlike a hooded cobra waiting to strike its victim. Venom oozes out of every pore in her body. Amazingly, the evil never, ever leaves her!. I have watched for any sign of humanity in her countenance - it's just not there. There's always a volcano inside of her....waiting to erupt.

Now that Juan has unmasked satan's spawn, she must never be allowed to join the human race again. She is a weapon of mass destruction. There is no doubt in my mind that she would kill again. She was just getting warmed up after Travis's murder. The Glock she purchased was not for protection - it was to kill anyone who tried to get in her way after she started to go on the run. Thank God...Det. Flores caught her just in time!

There will be justice for Travis!
Yeah, there was testimony about Bobby. But I will be honest....Jodi introduced it, and it was near the beginning of her testimony, and I frankly found nothing about it relevant to how she stabbed Travis, so I wasn't listening too hard.
OMG. I can't imagine how she's going to answer the juror questions. That's going to take forever, and oh, boy, I hope they ask her something to make her want to put the whole box in "timeout."

Oh man, she takes this much too personally, we might see a complete meltdown. She'll probably chalk up the mean questions to be from the men and get all alpha school marm on them.
I finally have a few minutes where I can type out a post regarding what IMO has got to be the most drastic transformation in a record breaking amount of a very short amount of time..

It is Jodi's actual physical transformation, more specifically speaking of her face.. I really started truly taking note of this several weeks ago and was initially way off in my time frame from which I was working with, as in I was looking at the transformation having taken place over the course of the long 5 years from the time of the murder and subsequent arrest all the way til present.. And with my looking at it in that large time frame I wasn't that surprised at the very real and pronounced changes that are present.. Again I am focusing on her face, and not anything else.. It makes perfect sense what 5 long years can do and the toll that it takes on anyone. That as I said is no real shocker, nor did it come as a surprise..

It was just a couple weeks Ago in my watching Arias' American Idol for Jailbirds video that I truly began to recognize that the time frame was MUCH SHORTER for which the drastic, and I do mean really drastic change had occurred regarding Jodi Arias' face. You look at Arias In her Jailbird Idol glory and IMO you still very much can see a quite youthful Jodi.. The very much softer, more attractive Jodi was absolutely still alive and well at that point in time.. This meaning that the transformation did not occur over a long 5 year span of time and this meaning that the transformation is not at all due to the toll of the 5 long years in jail that I'd first attributed the change to..

At that point I really began looking, specifically looking for photos of Jodi from just the start of trial, beginning 2013.. I then focused more on video as IMO it is the video footage that really can tell the tale, so to speak, much more accurately than photos only capturing just one specific millisecond in time.. *And that is when it really, really hit me.. It was only in my just trekking back the ultra short amount of time to the beginning of this year, 2013 and to video footage of Jodi Arias at the start of this trial.. And what I found is literally startling and I do mean startling because IMO the transformation of Jodi Arias' face JUST WITHIN THE SPAN OF MERELY WEEKS IS ABSOLUTELY DEFYING OF TRULY ALL LOGIC.. It's not at all just a mere transforming via a defense team tactic ala the Casey Anthony trial and her school marm facade that was portrayed day after day in that Orlando courtroom..*

IMO this that I am speaking of wrt Jodi Arias is actual change to structure and actual facial is something much, much different.. Altogether different from Casey Anthony and truly cannot even be used as a comparison with what I have seen here with my own eyes with Jodi Arias..

This is not just a face that is intentionally presented free of make up to give the facade of plain Jane, young, or fresh faced youthfulness.. While I fully believe without doubt that is the exact motive and facade that this defense team were going for in presenting youthful innocence of a plain Jane girl with low self esteem.. But IMO that is not what is responsible for this drastic transformation that I am speaking of..*
Go back and look at the jailbird Idol footage and IMO you'll see that makeup-LESS face of Arias that does give that look of fresh faced youthfulness.. BUT WHAT WE SEE NOW IN THIS MAKEUP-LESS FACE OF ARIAS IS NOTHING AT ALL RESEMBLING YOUTHFULNESS.. IMO THE STARK CONTRAST IS THAT OF NIGHT TO DAY, BLACK TO WHITE..

Jodi Arias IMO has absolutely right before our very eyes transformed into something that is so ugly, so evil, even so deformed in some very real ways.. And be not mistaken here I am not speaking of petty slurs about Jodi's looks.. That is not at all what I am speaking about.. I am speaking about this unnatural morphing that has occurred rapidly where IMO her facial features have taken on a true distorted, abnormal look to them.. I am being very serious and am not making some type of crude petty joke about this individuals looks at all!!

I Am speaking of very literal drastic distortions that IMO I can clearly see having taken place in just the short period of time of literal weeks.. Am I the only one who is noticing this very literal physical change that has occurred wrt Jodi's face specifically???..

I dare say I am not the only one whose taken note of this specific transformation, tho, I fully realize that we have so much more important issues at hand that we discuss, study, and ponder over.. But IMO this transformation is not as shallow or petty as some may initially think that it is.. IMO there is reason for it and any who've read some of my earlier long winded posts about what I believe Is pure evil personified in Jodi, and my belief that the guise for which she was able to hide in plain sight all of those years prior to the murder amongst the masses.. My very real belief that once that mask was lifted in unleashing the evil on Travis that day I felt that there was a very real consequence to that mask being lifted in that Jodi had not been able to easily remask that which she had so successfully hidden her entire life prior to that day..*

And I am still somewhat of that similar mindset in that I just now believe what has transpired and taken place over the course of these last weeks and months was Jodi not at all diligent in attempting to keep any part of what was left of the mask of "normalcy".. Jodi completely lost sight of the great importance of keeping that mask in place.. Instead throughout cross exam on that stand she became so focused on and obsessed with sparring a war with Juan that she didn't even see that the mask was sliding off her face literally as she spoke on that stand before those jurors.. IMO now in my looking back at that video footage of that cross exam testimony, IMO I can very literally see the proverbial mask slipping away as she spoke.. Very literally exposing that underneath which is very drastic when looked at in comparison.. IMO Juan Martinez fully Un masked Jodi Arias literally right before the eyes of each and everyone of those jurors.. And IMO he did it without the monster ever even noticing.. The monster was so focused on showing she could battle this prosecutor and hold her own.. She became so truly engulfed within that psychopathic, narcissistic need for control wrt Juan's cross exam that she completely lost sight of ensuring to keep that mask in place. IMO Juan Martinez masterfully slipped that mask from her face revealing the ugly, evil that lied beneath without her even knowing or realizing what it was that was his goal, intent, and the entire reason for the way in which he allowed her to "spar" with him in that courtroom.. He was allowing her, herself to reveal her true self by her all consumed in winning the spar and forgetting to keep that damn mask in place..

Many people were frustrated with Juan and repeatedly questioned why is this prosecutor ALLOWING this defendant to behave and speak this way on the stand.. Why was this prosecutor not asking the judge to admonish the defendant and demand that she stick to just answering the questions from the Prosecutor.. Well, IMO just as with all the actions of this Prosecutor while engaging in trial before a court of law there is very much reason, motive, and intent behind everything Juan Martinez does or allows while Prosecuting a defendant such as Arias.. So, too was there very much reason, motive, and intent behind why Juan Martinez "allowed" such behavior from the defendant, Jodi Arias while on the stand under his cross exam..

Jmo Juan Martinez is a mile ahead in the way he thinks, the way he works, and the way he prosecutes successfully cold blooded evil murderers just like Jodi Arias..and IMO the proof positive of this is the way in which Jodi Arias is fully, completely, and without even so much as thin veil left.. She is exposed in all her ugly, evil glory and just taking a look back at the drastic transformation just over the course of this trial that has happened wrt Jodi Arias' face.. IMO there is literally zero doubt about what Juan has successfully unmasked for the world to see.. But most importantly he has unmasked for this jury to see what truly lied beneath the guise of "Jodi" and that's exactly who/what is not only fully capable of the evil horrific slaughter of this victim, a young, healthy, full of life man.. It is exactly who/what plotted, planned, and not only executed that horrific plan of murder, but she delighted in it just as she to this day delights in seeing and inflicting continued horror and pain on Travis via his beautifully strong loved ones who sit in that courtroom every single day!

My apologies for this being one of those really, really overly long winded posts, but IMO this transformation that we've literally watched happen before our eyes is IMO not by accident.. IMO its just further proof of what it is that Juan does so superbly within those courtrooms while very much battling modern day good against evil.. And his demanding that good will win In the end..

Of course nothing more than jmo, tho!

There is a deep dark issue with Jodi, and for some it may be down right scary. I have seen it for a long time. It doesn't surprise me at all.
Thank you. I agree, she clearly wasn't 'briefed' properly by the defence, she has been used.

I think she's sloppy and unprofessional, even if she wasn't briefed properly by the defense. Her use of language from the beginning of JW's examination was completely unprofessional for a forensic witness. She should have been much more precise. She made a lot of language mistakes with respect to how she presented the material she was given to assess. I'm surprised she didn't get more objections from JM because of it. But I'm sure that's why he's grilling her as severely as he is now. She presented the material as if she had a first hand account, as if she was a eye-witness to JA's account. Bad mistake and incredibly unprofessional for an expert witness who is suppose to be impartial.

"Tell me my nose IS NOT growing!"

I seriously think she was making fun of Mr. Martinez :furious:
Oh man, she takes this much too personally, we might see a complete meltdown. She'll probably chalk up the mean questions to be from the men and get all alpha school marm on them.

JW had better be out to dinner with ALV and grooming the heck out of her to keep her under control because I believe if they don't, she's bound to disrespect one of the jurors or alienate one of them by trying to narrate how the questions are being posed and what a juror "might be getting at."
Oh wow, thanks for this! I was able to watch until lunch started and then had to be out until Court was over. So I'm sad I missed the rest of the day! I think it's great that the Judge's tone changed and she started playing a little hard ball! Enough coddling of the DT and their witnesses!

I did notice at times during the AM session that ALV looked deflated. It seemed she was piecing things together and realizing she was buffaloed by the DT, but why won't she just admit that she was wrong because she wasn't given all the facts? Or at least just be cooperative. She's making this WAY worse on herself. Some can definitely be blamed on the DT, but she's responsible for her actions and conduct and she's sinking her own battleship!

BBM: I can think of $50,000 plus reasons! Plus, her EGO! IMO - she is SO full of herself and can't/won't EVER admit she is wrong, especially to a male.

At least she got one thing right today, this was a MURDER! Although she tried to retract it, she had an oops moment.
I think she's sloppy and unprofessional, even if she wasn't briefed properly by the defense. Her use of language from the beginning of JW's examination was completely unprofessional for a forensic witness. She should have been much more precise. She made a lot of language mistakes with respect to how she presented the material she was given to assess. I'm surprised she didn't get more objections from JM because of it. But I'm sure that's why he's grilling her as severely as he is now. She presented the material as if she had a first hand account, as if she was a eye-witness to JA's account. Bad mistake and incredibly unprofessional for an expert witness who is suppose to be impartial.


Considering that ALV didn't even know she was a Forensic witness.....
Yeah, there was testimony about Bobby. But I will be honest....Jodi introduced it, and it was near the beginning of her testimony, and I frankly found nothing about it relevant to how she stabbed Travis, so I wasn't listening too hard.

You know I kept wondering about a lot of the questioning throughout but you got to consider that they've been over this and had exchanges with the PT about some stuff too, so they were trying to make points that would come into play or beat the other side to the punch. Only later on did a lot of the testimony make sense. I feel sorry for the jurors who wouldn't know what they should have been taking notes on. We can just go back and youtube it.

Bobby was brought up by the DT I thought mostly because he allegedly abused her, but it also works for the PT on the stalking pattern.
O/T - I have decided, every single time JW says "approach", I will do 10 squats or leg lifts (not from my computer chair). My arse is getting big, still hasn't recovered from the FCA trial. I will be toned before summer!

Now that I have exorcised my exasperation with Laviolette's behaviour, I can move on to Jodi.

Perhaps it is my relative inexperience in so closely following a criminal trial, but I am often left dumbfounded at how persistently Jodi prods Wilmott or whispers something to her during proceedings, seemingly making attempts at directing her own defense.

I can respect her right to a fair trial and I suppose that as a result of the defendant sitting directly adjacent to her counsel she might naturally feel compelled to intervene, but good grief, I couldn't imagine trying to adequately focus on proceedings with my client incessantly poking at me and hissing in my ear.

I did have to laugh then when I spotted what I could have sworn was Jodi suggesting to Wilmott that a Martinez question to Laviolette was argumentative, only to have Wilmott summarily dismiss her by saying that it wasn't. I haven't cared much for Wilmott's strategy, but I was glad to see her at least show a modicum of integrity in this instance.

See if I am interpreting things correctly. I believe it occurs around the 9:35 mark of the following video:

Jodi Arias Trial - Day 43 - Part 3 - YouTube

The thing I noticed most about this video is after the sidebar at 21:00-ish, Nurmi and JW come back to their table. JW pulls her chair closer to JA, and if Nurmi scooted any further from JW, he'd be sitting w/ Det. Flores. I think Nurmi is unhappy with how things are going. It makes me wonder if ALV was JW's hire... like if she picked her and Nurmi tried to veto her.
JW had better be out to dinner with ALV and grooming the heck out of her to keep her under control because I believe if they don't, she's bound to disrespect one of the jurors or alienate one of them by trying to narrate how the questions are being posed and what a juror "might be getting at."

Agh, "what you're getting at." It's so aggravating. She needs to stop acting like every question is a trick question. If she's telling the truth about having made a solid conclusion, she won't have to worry about it. She can always elaborate in the redirect. She should know this if she's testified before. She's acting like this is her first time.
The thing I noticed most about this video is after the sidebar at 21:00-ish, Nurmi and JW come back to their table. JW pulls her chair closer to JA, and if Nurmi scooted any further from JW, he'd be sitting w/ Det. Flores.

Respecfully snipped. I'd actually like to see that happen! JW's head would really spin at that point.

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