trial day 43: the defense continues its case in chief #131

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Now that I have exorcised my exasperation with Laviolette's behaviour, I can move on to Jodi.

Perhaps it is my relative inexperience in so closely following a criminal trial, but I am often left dumbfounded at how persistently Jodi prods Wilmott or whispers something to her during proceedings, seemingly making attempts at directing her own defense.

I can respect her right to a fair trial and I suppose that as a result of the defendant sitting directly adjacent to her counsel she might naturally feel compelled to intervene, but good grief, I couldn't imagine trying to adequately focus on proceedings with my client incessantly poking at me and hissing in my ear.

I did have to laugh then when I spotted what I could have sworn was Jodi suggesting to Wilmott that a Martinez question to Laviolette was argumentative, only to have Wilmott summarily dismiss her by saying that it wasn't. I haven't cared much for Wilmott's strategy, but I was glad to see her at least show a modicum of integrity in this instance.

See if I am interpreting things correctly. I believe it occurs around the 9:35 mark of the following video:

[ame=""]Jodi Arias Trial - Day 43 - Part 3 - YouTube[/ame]
She was headed to Monterrey with the gun in the rental.

I'm quite certain MM lived(s)? in Monterrey in the summer of '08.

I bet they were gonna pull an OJ/Scott Peterson.

I wonder if she met up with him after the murder? There is something I am suspicious of. When Jodi was questioned by Det. Flores, she said, why would I hurt Travis? He did not rape me. Jodi is very transparent. Why would she say that? I think perhaps she may have recieved help after the murder by pretending to someone that Travis raped her.

I can just hear her thinking " Hmmm, I do believe I am screwed here"

Thanks for the link JJ!
Yes, one of the shrinks on the Dr. Drew show this evening said that ALV was "enchanted" by Jodi - lol, Dr. Drew said, oh, so we're back in a fairy tale! - paraphrase. But he's right, she's a charmer - that's what gets her by.

Think about that soft spoken syrupy interview she did with 48hrs. That's the JA that ALV was dealing with when she showed up in 2010. Remember that the Hughes originally wondered if she could possibly be that sweet and nice. Now they came to figure out the real JA eventually but apparently ALV didn't after her limited 44 hours with her in a jail environment.

on David's videos, number 10, about 7:35 or so, I just heard ALV refer to Jodi Arias as "Jodi." Has she been doing that the whole time?
It's been on and off with both ALV and JW.
Sometimes Ms Arias, but usually "Jodi".
Originally Posted by Sulamith
What makes you think JA was obsessed with TA? I guess everybody has a definition of "successful". TA worked for PPL, did not have a college education. Not sure if JA would have ever heard of the Mormon church had it not been for TA..HE was the one that told her of his Book of Mormon..HE baptized her. I don't see how JA used TA for religion for gain as you say.


Are you serious? Have you been watching this trial?

Are YOU serious?? Have YOU been watching this trial? Bless your heart, of course I have been watching this trial, that is why I am posting my opinions. Just because I do not happen to agree with you does not mean I am not watching the trial!!
Now that I have exorcised my exasperation with Laviolette's behaviour, I can move on to Jodi.

Perhaps it is my relative inexperience in so closely following a criminal trial, but I am often left dumbfounded at how persistently Jodi prods Wilmott or whispers something to her during proceedings, seemingly making attempts at directing her own defense.

I can respect her right to a fair trial and I suppose that as a result of the defendant sitting directly adjacent to her counsel she might naturally feel compelled to intervene, but good grief, I couldn't imagine trying to adequately focus on proceedings with my client incessantly poking at me and hissing in my ear.

I did have to laugh then when I spotted what I could have sworn was Jodi suggesting to Wilmott that a Martinez question to Laviolette was argumentative, only to have Wilmott summarily dismiss her by saying that it wasn't. I haven't cared much for Wilmott's strategy, but I was glad to see her at least show a modicum of integrity in this instance.

See if I am interpreting things correctly. I believe it occurs around the 9:35 mark of the following video:

Jodi Arias Trial - Day 43 - Part 3 - YouTube
Ha ha - good catch.
According to some tweets today, ALV was back in chambers, ex-parte. When she came out, she seemed deflated. It could have been a follow up to the Samantha incident..I think Samantha was back there this morning, but the days are running together. Or, it could have been the judge admonishing her for her unbelievable comment to Mr. Martinez.

IMO - her demeanor was a little different in the afternoon. Not quite as snarky. The judge's tone was also very different. She didn't allow JW to approach a couple of times. Also, the DT and JA was not creeping on the jury today.

JMO and observations. Not factually released, except she was back in chambers ex-parte per the media.

I'm wondering if she was hoping for another outburst of laughter when she made her comment to Mr. Martinez or at least hoping to rile him up. Didn't work that way though, did it. She was admonished by the Judge, Wilma's jaw reportedly dropped to the ground and the jury wasn't pleased. She needs to learn to control herself.
Wait. Maybe we need to hear what "your" definition of Manipulation is....:facepalm: with that one, ALV was worse than Clinton with what the definition of "is" is.

Perfect answer! LOL :rocker:
This is what I'm thinking. She claims this isn't her first go-round, and she's testified in a murder trial before. So she's probably been rimmed by a prosecutor before, probably not so beautifully and more gently than JM, but she's gonna float like a cork to her next gig--unfortunately. But I feel sorry for the next man who gets diagnosed by her as abusive.

Not so sure how she is gonna be floating like a cork since she mentioned Snow White ...DISNEY'S Cartoon Snow White being a battered woman in her seminars and now in a huge murder Trial. Trust me Disney is not gonna let her float.
This is what I'm thinking. She claims this isn't her first go-round, and she's testified in a murder trial before. So she's probably been rimmed by a prosecutor before, probably not so beautifully and more gently than JM, but she's gonna float like a cork to her next gig--unfortunately. But I feel sorry for the next man who gets diagnosed by her as abusive.

Well when JM asked her about how many times she'd testifed in a criminal trial she couldn't remember anything and was digging back about 29 years to the last one wasn't she? At which time she was likely testifying for an actual victim. So perhaps the only trials she's testified at since then were in family court. Which makes me feel bad for any men that were wrongly accused of abuse and she was the "expert" that was brought in by their ex's attorney.

I am pretty convinced this being the 10th or so Domestic Violence Expert the team attempted to hire, by this time they decided to make her "big picture" very little.

Instead of showing the person so much they ran screaming from the Jail, i saw glimpses of evidence that they did not show her much of anything, in fact a very narrow "scope" if you will.

I believe she was either told or discouraged from contacting the players in the case. Probably fed a line of bologna like "If you call them, then it opens up a whole pandora's box of that person, be it Ryan Burns, or Darryl, having to return to the stand to rebut something you talked about. Instead, here, read this, this is Jodi's diary. And this informative 90 second snippet of the Detective Flores Interrogation.

If you need anything else at all, call us first, tell us what the problem is, why you can't seem to the work with all the numerous documents we gave you. Oh, and yes, you may visit our dear Jodi. Fly down and talk to her.. Ok you are hired!

On the stand when they he asked her COULD you have called Ryan (or whatever guy) she started to say "yes but I was told..." (I'm paraphrasing..)

So her wings were clipped? I can usually spot a liar. When she answers most things the times she actually answers, she does not sound like she is lying. I think she really believes her and likes her (in a way, not in a creepy way)

The one time he went through the hypothetical and it was about finding out she was lied to .. she said something like "IF i found out I was lied to?" I saw fire in her eyes. I think she would be pretty pissed as a Witness or as a Therapist.. She sounds genuine.

She might just be as old fashioned as I think and much of this overly sexual theme was just a bit much to dive into. I don't give anyone a pass, I just try to understand them.

Thank you. I agree, she clearly wasn't 'briefed' properly by the defence, she has been used.
Man, I try not to comment on that kind of thing, but I'm with you. I have had enough of the slumber party. I keep waiting for one of them to throw their hands up in glee and giggle. And that super close nonsense of JA where she looks like she's gonna smooch JM.... oh momma, makes my skin crawl....:facepalm:

Every time she whispers or talks close to someone in order to be discrete, I think she's going to (or wants to) kiss them. WHen she was whispering in JW's ear this AM, she totally had this duck lips/kiss face expression on her face. She's so weird and inappropriate!
Now that I have exorcised my exasperation with Laviolette's behaviour, I can move on to Jodi.

Perhaps it is my relative inexperience in so closely following a criminal trial, but I am often left dumbfounded at how persistently Jodi prods Wilmott or whispers something to her during proceedings, seemingly making attempts at directing her own defense.

I can respect her right to a fair trial and I suppose that as a result of the defendant sitting directly adjacent to her counsel she might naturally feel compelled to intervene, but good grief, I couldn't imagine trying to adequately focus on proceedings with my client incessantly poking at me and hissing in my ear.

I did have to laugh then when I spotted what I could have sworn was Jodi suggesting to Wilmott that a Martinez question to Laviolette was argumentative, only to have Wilmott summarily dismiss her by saying that it wasn't. I haven't cared much for Wilmott's strategy, but I was glad to see her at least show a modicum of integrity in this instance.

See if I am interpreting things correctly. I believe it occurs around the 9:35 mark of the following video:

Jodi Arias Trial - Day 43 - Part 3 - YouTube

What I saw was: ja- that's argumentative too. JW- no it isn't.

Good catch!!
You guys crack me up. I'll be going to bed with a smile for Juan and a laugh from you all.
Now if I can only get gauntlet's picture out my brain, I'll sleep fine. lol
Good night peeps - see ya in the AM.
After watching her today I wouldn't be surprised if some of the cases she has testified in get RE-EXAMINED!! :what:

Yeah, especially the "family court" cases.. Wonder how many men were labeled as "abusive" and had the rights to their children taken away.. During a nasty divorce where the mother claims abuse for her own advantage... I sure hope the innocent ones are watching Alices performance on stand...
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