trial day 43: the defense continues its case in chief #131

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I liked AVL at first, I thought she was professional, direct, and competent. But the longer Juan is in action, the more I feel a dislike toward her. Today when she said, "Stalking implies fear," I felt like I was going to jump out of my skin. Some cases of stalking start as benign, seemingly nonthreatening contact, but escalate to violence. Is she saying victims shouldn't act until there's an escalation that causes them to fear for their safety? IMO, that's horrible advice to have floating around when you're supposed to be a champion for victims of DV. It's particularly baffling because if you step out of the Jodi Zone, she's had these behaviors for a long time and it did escalate to the point of murder.

I can totally understand the stress she's under and I have felt Juan was a bit too aggressive here and there, but this is a woman who's a champion for abuse victims. I would expect that her experience with abusers and testifying in court as an expert, that she should be able to handle herself professionally and assertively. I don't feel like she's doing that. She's defensive, snarky, and is constantly looking for signals to help her from the DT. She does not want to give an inch here and an inch there because she knows Juan will eventually have a mile. I know it probably feels personal for her, but it's kind of what she signed up for. Direct is a cakewalk and cross is ten miles uphill both ways in a blizzard.

I get that she wants to focus on the BIG picture, but if those small elements that make up the big picture are one-sided, incomplete, or inaccurate, why doesn't she even pause for consideration? Even when Juan is telling her the hypothetical evidence he wants her to consider, she says she doesn't have evidence of that instead of thinking about how it effects her diagnosis. I just want to shake her and tell her it's okay to be wrong, that she's not the first one taken in by Jodi, but it's not okay to be stubborn when a person with a lifelong problem with lying, manipulating, and stalking with blood on his or her hands to go free and potentially re-offend.

And, lastly, I'm not sure if anyone else feels this way, but I have to get it out, I feel like her testimony is ironically sexist. It's as if she feels only men can be abusers, stalkers, and manipulators. Sure, Jodi did do things on the crazy stalker list, but she's a woman and there wasn't fear in Travis because he's a man and should know as a woman Jodi is inherently weaker and just has a hard time letting go. By minimizing behavior that should be a huge red flag, she's only hurting her cause. I wanted to see her empower women, but instead I feel like I should lock myself in a tower somewhere and wait for a white knight to rescue me when the coast is clear because I'm just too darn delicate.
ALaV reminds me of Barbara Wodehouse, calling "Walkies", ect. Lord knows she has the shoes for it. LOL

P. S. Miss Wodehouse was the original dog maven. She had a British accent and was made fun of by SNL by screaming "walkies" in a big booming British accent.:floorlaugh:

Awww! I miss her - the first 'dog whisperer'.
still not sure whether to include Orgasm Expert on my resume... may just leave it at Body Language Expert.. thoughts? :floorlaugh:
I took a screen shot of the continuum that JM put up on the screen at the end of the day. I am assuming that JM is going to go point by point the items he listed under Terrorism. We should hear about the dog incident by the looks of the continuum.

As well as the "Well thought out threat to kill..."

Can't wait :)
Is it just me, or did anyone else catch AVL'S response to JM yesterday when he started questioning her about Bobby Juarez...and the fact that JA couldn't let go of him i.e., leaving groceries on his front door step, etc. ALV testified that she didn't know who Bobby was and knew nothing about JA's relationship with him. Evidentally, she never watched JA's testimony during the trial. There was quite a bit of time devoted to BObby. Since JA allegedly only had 4 boyfriends....I find it astounding that ALV knew nothing about the person JA ran away from home to be with when she was 17. Do I have this right, or was I dreaming it all up last night, lol!

You have it right.

Ms. LaViolette's answer would be she was only retained to determine if there was DV at the time of the murder, er killing. That is irrelevant.

In other words, she could find nothing to support anything good about Ms. Arias so therefore it was not worthy of consideration.
...Or alternatively,

"I have many glasses, Mr. Martinez, that I have used throughout my evaluation. I didn't use just one pair. I think what you are trying to do is make me say that I used these particular glasses in coming to my opinion in this case, but I have used horned-rimmed ones, these Truman Capote style ones, as well as many others in my investigation. I just don't know what you're trying to get at, Mr. Martinez. Is this a hypothetical? If so, I go along with you. If you are asking whether or not I have the ones I have been using in trial, then sure,ok, I have them...oh, wait...can I go get them?"

:lol: The eyeglasses that Ms. LaViolette used in forming her opinion about Jodi were obviously of the rose-colored variety. ;)
And don't forget the sex tape. Hard to listen to that and then buy in to her saint Jodi persona who only did those sex acts to please and placate TA.

This was one of the most bizarre moves (imo) by the DT. After hearing that, I had ZERO doubt that JA was not only a willing participant, but the instigator.

I can't imagine what they were thinking having the jury listen to it. They were like...what, banking on people being offended? Even if they were, that call was absolutely a two-way street. All this time later, I'm still at a loss.

Incompetent or crazy, I really can't decide.
I was thinking the same, she seems to be totally unconcerned with what's going on around her. She seems to have morphed into JW's assistant helping her to save this poor misunderstood woman who has been so wrongly accused of first degree murder. I hope that when the verdict comes down that she will be shocked into the reality that it is HER that this is all about and it's HER that has just been sentenced to death!

LOL, no kidding! It is like she is oblvious. I remember reading about John Gacy and they said that is what he was like in the courtroom. Like he was watching someone else's trial.
What I noticed by watching the tape of Travis talking about his robbery experience, with JA laying in lap (awkward much?), is two of the things he said while telling that story, she used in her story/murder.

1. He had a gun pointed to his temple when he was robbed. The same side that she shot him.

2. In his telling of the robbery story, he mentions that he wondered if he would be all tough against the attacker or if he would be all, "Please don't shoot me!! I have a wife and eight kids!" in a girly voice. When telling Det. Flores about the ninjas, JA said something along the lines of "he wasn't crying like a girl or anything".

I think she used parts of his story in her story. She listened and heard everything. Very very perceptive and these things stuck in her head. It's creepy.
She can't even admit Travis, who had no idea in the world that ANYone would ever hear or read his words, had no motive to fabricate compared to Jodi facing the death penalty.

The other thing I can't fathom is why the Judge can't say "YOU are the one who needs a time out, Ms. ALV. Please answer yes or no and stop anything else that wants to come out of your mouth before it reaches your tongue."

Hopefully at least one juror question for her will be "is there ANYthing that could convince you Jodi lied to you?"

Truly unbelievable! Interestingly, I just rewatched that, and Juan has had much more loud/aggressive questioning at other times.

Makes me wonder if she just had a stack of pre-planned, canned retorts for when she gets flummoxed.

I think ALV is done as an expert witness. Her bias is glaringly obvious, thank you Juan, you are a hero.
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