trial day 44: the defense continues its case in chief #132

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Things here in In Context are a bit shaken up. We seem to be having something of a major earthquake with serious aftershocks. Details as they become available.
HAHA so according to Alyce, TA wasn't being stalked, because he didn't "take action" against being stalked? And...this is a licensed professional who counsels people. Great.
I had a dream last nite that JA lunged at JW at the defense table and got zapped. :thud:

Hand to God, I really did. Wonder if it'll happen........
this is just terrible... she wants her continuum in on HER TERMS.

I also note that Arias' story matches all of the items in the abuse category.
people who are stalked take action - but women who are abused take no action.
Can someone explain in a sentence exactly why it's a huge deal that ALV finally said YES he was afraid of her because of the stalking behavior?
A behavior is not an act. Jealously isn't the same as having trouble letting go. :panic:

My heart, it palpitates, lol.

ALV: "people who are stalked generally take action".

I guess because Travis did not take police? action that he wasn't being stalked.
I can't believe this. What is the number to the court house? This is awful. Kick her to the curb JM.
If the dead man says he was extremely afraid of the being's stalking , then that's it. Gee she cannot decide for TA what he felt.
reviewed Ragen Housely and TA IM . . . . correct
was TA afraid of JA because of her stalking behavior . . .
he was
look @ continuum . . . moving to the Terrorism column stalking is mentioned in the continuum of abuse.
not a yes or no answer Mr. M
is that word stalking? Y or NO
you are not using the definition
Judge non-responsive

stalking appears @ right hand column
it appears in all three columns . . .it is usually at the bottom of the other columns

this is not your continuum
it is part of one someone copied
do you see stalking under abuse?
I don't believe yes or no answer . . . I can't answer truthfully yes/no

what is word? . . .abuse, sporadic . . . name calling, verbal abuse but not psychological, may be remorseful . . . aggression takes place . . .

see word stalking?
I see high conflict . . . does not solve problems well . . . may have remorse . . sporadic physical aggression and destruction of property
see word stalking there?
It was never there

battering monopolization of . . . jealousy, self absorbed, more generally violent
see word stalking in that column y/n
only under terrorist is stalking . . . involves a frightened response by the person being stalked
frightened behaviors . . . demonstrated in by the person . . . .people who are stalked take action and I saw no action taken.

in Ragen Housely . . .. TA was extremely afraid because stalking behavior by the defendant . . when you agreed you didn't mean to agree. . . y/n?
not y/o
extremely afraid . . .I agreed with his verbage

no . . judge may we approach?
you may
So, everyone who is stalked, if they don't "do something" about it....isn't being stalked in ALV's world. Nice.
I wish JM would tell ALV "that's right". TA took no action that we're aware of...and he was slaughtered!!!
She's so frustrating.
I wish the Judge would make this witness answer the question. JUST answer the question as it is asked of her.
She's digging a hole here. The only information she has on JA's fear is from her words.
Juan is not going to take AVL chit today. Oh No ha ha
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