trial day 44: the defense continues its case in chief #132

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I have always given ALV the benefit of the doubt, but this is beyond the pale. She is too caught up in wanting to be right, to admit to obvious truths. Just because TA continued to have a relationship with JA after she was exhibiting stalking behaviors doesn't mean he wasn't afraid. How many of her female victims have probably been spied on by abusive boyfriends, had boyfriends who have followed them, yet kept a relationship with them? Wasn't that what her book was about? Why abuse victims don't leave?

Great point!
I wonder how many men from her groups will be calling her tonight.
isn't this two fold then? how can we believe Jodi was abused if she took no action because of the abuse?

she didn't call police
she didn't seek medical care
she didn't stop seeing travis
she didn't tell anyone
she continues sleeping with travis

she took NO action to stop it, how can we believe she was abused? her word is obviously NOT sufficient

That sums it up PERFECTLY! Ya can't have it both ways! :goodpost:

Jumping off your post:

I got pretty bug-eyed reading comments saying that no "red-blooded man" is going to turn down sex just handed to him, even if he is in fear of the woman.

I don't think Travis would have continued sleeping with JA had he feared her to the point where he thought it wasn't something he could "handle".

Men are taught to deal with things on their own and in our culture, seeking help for being stalked by a woman is often called "wimpy" or "weak". To the point that, IMO, Travis tried to convince himself that as creepy as JA was, nothing REALLY awful would happen.

I think even "red-blooded men" can turn down free sex from a nutjob they fear will kill them. :(. Men may be more sexually motivated than women (or maybe not) but they aren't lower life forms, enslaved by their penises.

ALV seems to think that there ought to be two sets of rules for men and women and that kind of garbage chaps my hiney. :(. And that kind of thinking may be why Travis didn't sense how much danger he was really in.

End of rant. Sorry.
So now she is 'blaming' the person being stalked for not calling the police, when she said it is common to blame victims. Like when their car is broken into because they didn't roll up the window..... ALV JUST DID THE SAME THING!!
I think they have to be emotionally castrated before they are allowed to join her group. Otherwise, she will do it herself.
I must admit that in my 26 years of being married to a wonderful husband, I have said some rotten things in my fits of anger. Not often, but I said them. Does this make me abusive? According to ALV it does and now I am really upset. I feel horrible.
Something just dawned on me as I'm trying to figure out why TA would have told JA he loved her..

What does everyone think about maybe there is some truth to a pamplet being given and asking to get some help but instead of it being JA giving Travis information on getting help for being a pedo. it was Travis giving JA information on getting help for her controlling crazy behavior ?????????????

By jove Davia, I think you've hit the nail on the head! I think she has twisted everything she did into "this is what Travis did" and everything Travis did out of love, into "this is what I did".

There is some truth woven into all of's unraveling it that's difficult. A true sociopath she is. :yes:
Whoa, I have been gona and HLN said JM has blown a gaping hole through LAV's testimony!
Had company and missed the first of the trial. DND sign up now! GRRR
I never thought it possible to dislike a person so much it's almost physical. But this woman - and I use the term loosely - is a liar for greed and a bane for women. Even if she had PROOF that Jodi stalked Travis she would STILL somehow blame Travis because THAT is how a woman like her thinks. I am certain that MANY men left her "office" infuriated because this quack-a-mole just belittled and emasculated them, and they didn't deserve it. Humiliating someone is NOT the way to "help" them - at all!

Alyce I hope you are humiliated & disgraced and removed from any future speaking engagements by the DV community - who cares about ALL victims of DV - not just the ones who are female.

Your little man hating cheerleaders can tell you how wonderfully you "got over" on the prosecutor (which, by the way, would be a L I E), but the rest of us see you for what you are.

I am literally sickened.
JW: Objection judge, it's not a yes or no question.
Judge: Overruled, you may answer.
ALV (to judge): Yes or no?
Judge: Yes, yes or no.
ALV: What I did was I...blah, blah, blah.

Her listening skills are awesome.


You would think someone in her position/profession would excel in this
Well, the State certainly had a good opportunity to communicate some very clear stalking behaviors today, that's for sure.

We are still waiting for recess to end. Everyone is done playing.
It is time for Alyce in Wonderland to go bye-bye. I know Juan is trying to prove a point and he is right but I am so sick of her.

There's so much more to discredit her and Jodi with. I Don't think he should leave a 'pebble' unturned. Remember how many days we had to listen to Jodi spew?
TH on HLN: "What's a terrorist? A murderer with a manifesto...Juan is scoring VERY big!"

:seeya: ALV!
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