trial day 45: the defense continues its case in chief #135

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Even if they role played something like school girl and master, it doesn't mean he'd actually want to have sex with a school girl. It's just absolutely silly. These were two consenting adults, and it was clear Travis loved sex with Arias-- not something you'd expect from a pedophile, one who has a neurological predilection for young kids; especially young boys.

It's disgusting. I'm sure the jury sees this convoluted story of JAs as ridiculous.
She's reaching, reaching,
WTF? If she was a really good liar, she would have come up with one good lie? And she didn't? What does that mean?


And this is where she loses the jury. Jodi did have a good lie. The lie was "I was on the road to Utah". Jodi didn't plan on leaving a bloody fingerprint or the photographs being recovered. She came up with the best lie she could dream up on the spot when presented with those photographs. Her original plan could have very likely been successful had she not messed up with the print and the camera.

I would LOVE to hear ALV come up with a better lie than Jodi came up with to explain those photographs.
Careful, JW. In eliciting that TA had so much to lose if his secret life were discovered, the other side of that coin is also exposed. It gave JA something to use as blackmail against TA - a means of controlling and threatening him, keeping him from being able to completely break free of her. That would explain why he might have had anything to do with her when he otherwise wouldn't - fear that she would ruin him.
i hope everyone on this jury had a fair share of sleeping around and sees this for the carp that it is

I agree -- I don't even think it takes that much "sleeping around" to understand that there was nothing abnormal or shocking about JA & TA's sex life, especially in this modern age.

I was raised in a conservative Christian home, went to a Christian college, was committed to abstinence before marriage, and am proud to say that the only man I've ever had sex with is my equally-conservative and mild-mannered husband of 10+ years. That being said, schoolgirl? Shaving? Experimenting with rope? All of the kinds of sex that others have described as "kinky"? We've been there, done that, and there was nothing weird, debasing, or abusive about any of it. If someone from as "sheltered" a background as I've had finds nothing about JA and TA's sex life shocking or repugnant, hopefully the jurors won't either.

I should also add that we don't go around telling people about our bedroom activities either (uh, except for strangers on trial message boards, but that doesn't count now, does it, LOL?) -- does that mean we're living a double life?
Why does JA get to stall and keep the bailiff waiting? Narcissistic much?
Ok I have to vent...

Im so emotionally involved in this case i'm actually shedding tears...

I feel like Travis was my best friend or my brother..

hearing him getting slaughtered all over again by Jodi, Nurmi Wilmott and ALV, breaks my heart I want to just scream out LIAR! or HOW DARE YOU! tarnish this poor mans rep when theres nothing he can do about it. With Miss ALV, you make me sick selling your soul for $$$. If you could give an unbiased take on this case I'd see you as a credible witness... but to you and your clouded cant admit to yourself that you were duped by JA..for shame for shame Miss Laviolete

Travis was not perfect but HIGHLY doubt he IS NOTHING what they are portraying him to be.. :(


Spot on here. Just because Travis was murdered, he doesn't automatically turn into a saint. I'm sure he was an average type person...funny, witty, loving, caring as well as grumpy and pissy at times, and not liked by others.

I think there are many that have created a false sense of who he was as a person in their minds, because they did not know him but do know the intimate details of aspects of his life and death.

Still, this DT's approach of making him out to be such a perverted monster who abused women is reprehensible.
I think they did address that already. I think they might be talking to her about her crying yesterday. :mad:

But it's ok for the defense and ALV's fan club to laugh at the persecutor? I see they did not get kicked out...
So if your man wants you to dress up in a sexy fantasy costume he's pervert? Well let me call my pervert and tell him that he's abusive and a pedophile. With all of the costumes people wear in the bedroom that= pedophile?

Please don't tell my hubby that! I don't want him to change! :floorlaugh:
With all due respect, back me up - if your mom was like my mom she would have laughed right in your face! :wink: BBM

The thing is, ALV could have told my mom that it was all HER fault that I tried to skip class or whatever. My wouldn't have bought it, but it would have made me feel better! :floorlaugh:
Jodi is a bad liar. Therefore Jodi must be telling the truth. It's not even noon and I need a drink.
I almost felt sorry when I read that article about ALV getting trashed in cyberspace and getting negative reviews on Amazon. But after what I just witnessed, after seeing the garbage she just spewed, I am hoping things get worse for her.

Quite so. I too felt a twinge of compassion for her plight, even going so far as to defend her against the "witch hunters" pursuing her so egregiously. I fear I now see the error of my ways, and must recant my earlier support. Man the cannons, say I!
Could be they NEVER HAD SEX!!!
And she got all mad about it???

NUDIE pix does not mean they actually had sex....
I think I just OD'd on my Blue Bunny Chunky Chocolate Chip.
Even if they role played something like school girl and master, it doesn't mean he'd actually want to have sex with a school girl. It's just absolutely silly. These were two consenting adults, and it was clear Travis loved sex with Arias-- not something you'd expect from a pedophile, one who has a neurological predilection for young kids; especially young boys.

It's disgusting. I'm sure the jury sees this convoluted story of JAs as ridiculous.
She's reaching, reaching,
This is truly heartbreaking what is being done to Travis in his death.
I see JA being one of those people who tries to get a hit on TA's family, she is very evil and it scares me that she walks on the same planet as me JMO

She did say this would happen if she did not get a plea deal... As i sit on my hands and say no more.
Oh PPPPLLLLEEEASSSEEE - don't they know they're flogging a dead horse!??? How much more can they keep on with this?

ALV Summation

All hail St. Jodi of Arias, long may she live; may her victims be many and may they be vanquished and insulted in death.

I am now as thoroughly disgusted as I have been at any point in this Cirque Du Moqueri of 'justice'.

The attorneys and the judge were all very animated up at the bench. And kept looking back.

It also appeared when Jodi "conferring" with Wilmott as the jury left she looked toward the same area she was having a stare-down earlier and made some snarky complaint.
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