trial day 45: the defense continues its case in chief #135

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She's very well known in academic circles here and very well respected. My mom saw her lecture back in the 90's. But she remembered a question she asked Ms. Laviolette that I think is telling. My mom asked her if she has ever seen a male victim of domestic violence. ALV said its rare and my mom went on to describe a male client of hers who had been severely abused.

The very fact that my little, feminist, liberal mother asked that question and brought up that client tells me something. I do believe this lady is a radical second wave feminist and I think that has caused her to be biased when it comes to male and female roles and who victims are and who perps can be. It's called confirmation bias.

Laviolette represents an important past in feminist history and academia. I think radical feminists were necessary to get things like the equal pay act of 1963. But I think we have moved past patriarchy as the sole framework for any issue and ALV has been left behind.

I think this case could become as pivotal as the burning bed case but this time, instead of highlighting the serious issue of battered women, it will highlight the serious issue of men who are stalked and murdered by female Intimate partners.

ALV unfortunately, is going to be on the wrong side of history when it comes to this. She may sense that and thus she's bucking her role with extreme defensiveness and a refusal to be objective.

But people who attack her, threaten her and unfairly smear her past work will only delay her possible acceptance of the possibility that she may be wrong here. All that will do is make her more entrenched in the idea that our patriarchal society conspires to prevent victims like jodi from surviving or standing up to their abusers. Gag. But that's what all the rage is doing.

Thanks, G! This is exactly what I was thinking this morning. With each query into her professional beliefs/practices, ALV steels her will even more.

That's where the ego and vanity come into play. It's an affront to her professionally, and sadly, personally. She cannot/will not be objective.
It will be very interesting to hear the Jury questions for ALV.

But seriously, my abuser's co-workers and friends thought he was just a great guy, and had absolutely no idea what an evil he was at home. I think this is often the case.

Travis lived with Deanna for 6 years. If there was abuse she would have been on the defendants list of witnesses.
Perversion is a strong term. Many people have varied preferences in the bedroom.
Jinkasauraus lost me for good the day she said that TA was pervert, out loud, on national television.
To each his own and different strokes for different folks. TA was not a pervert and wasn't perverted, IMO.
So lemme get this straight.... According to ALV Abusers who abuse at home don't abuse at work ... so then I can assume the people who don't abuse me at work are kicking their dogs at home? HUH

And beating their wives/SO's too. :what:
Are any sites providing a split screen option today?




It's ONE pool camera provided from InSession, the feeds are all the same.
Travis had some perverted stuff, from what I've heard (what's actually documented as coming from him directly - not going to repeat it, as it's gross), but that doesn't mean he doesn't deserve justice!

Define perverted for a 30 year old single man.

I have had male coworkers for years and let me tell you I have heard a lot of perversion but it doesn't make them "perverts".

ETA and the women I work with are no better LOL
*Everyone Breathe!*​

Rules today are no different than they were yesterday, the day before that and the day before that and so on. We've always had the same rules on Websleuths. We do not allow name calling or name variations on our site. It's nothing new.

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As stated above, today is no different from yesterday. The rules remain the same.

Thank you.
:what: basically, ALV believed JA because she thought her lie wasn't good enough?

Alrighty then...
That convinces me....

But seriously, my abuser's co-workers and friends thought he was just a great guy, and had absolutely no idea what an evil he was at home. I think this is often the case.

I understand. I know crazy people wear a mask in public. It just felt to me like ALV and JW were using TA's likeability as a marker to decide he was the opposite in private. KWIM?
Travis had some perverted stuff, from what I've heard (what's actually documented as coming from him directly - not going to repeat it, as it's gross), but that doesn't mean he doesn't deserve justice!

can you tell us alittle more if you know something?

But seriously, my abuser's co-workers and friends thought he was just a great guy, and had absolutely no idea what an evil he was at home. I think this is often the case.
Ditto. He charmed everyone...

But if you looked closely he had a very deep disrespect and contempt for women it was difficult for him to mask for any length of time. When his control slipped, because it did, they just viewed him as a jerk having a temper tantrum rather than being an abuser.
What was Jodi looking at with that death like stare over near the jury??? I see her immediately speaking to JM when the jury was leaving and the two of them looking towards the jury box. So anyone think she will try and have another juror removed????
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