trial day 45: the defense continues its case in chief #136

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Is the prison that houses deathrow female inmates in Pheonix? I am hoping it is not. Hopefully it will be in an area that she doesn't know anyone, and noone will want to have to travel hours to see her.

I don't think it will matter - the only people who will keep visiting her are the weirdos who come out of the woodwork in cases like this. And possibly her Mom once in a while.
she is already selling art next it will be a CD with her favorite jailhouse tunes...
ALV stated that if Jodi was a good liar she would have thought up a better lie.

This was the final straw for me with respect to this person

1. That answer that the DT elicited from Ms.L was obviously coached
and did not come over as sincere and spontaneous

2. It was so very insulting to the intelligence of the jury, the spectators
and mankind in general

3. Her narcissism is glaring and her entire testimony smacks of the same
kind of "mindset" as the defendant.

4. Her attempt to say a couple of .... hmmm ... "nice" things about TA
just left me feeling cold and just simply appauled and disgusted.

I think we will see an indication of how the jury is feeling (being insulted)
with their questions. Will be interesting if she is condescending with them
as she has been throughout her testimony.

Bring it on!!!!
Exactly and that is why ALV stating that the lies came only after she murdered TA is totally ridiculous.

And there would be no secondary gain ever would there?
I don't own any animals but all these pictures are really making me consider getting a dog

I do own a dog, a mutt named Chloe who is getting a little up there in age like her master.

I swore no more dogs, but dang if the pictures don't make it difficult to at least think about having a pup around again someday!

Beautiful pets!

I can't imagine what needs to be done in thirty minutes that could not have been done over the EXTENDED lunch break....

The inefficiencies of this court/judge are astounding!

I'm pretty sure any of us on here could consult with the judge for 10 minutes each trail day and help her with this stuff. Judging is her gig. Being efficient is not her strong suit.
We know the only side that would need more time would be the defense, so my guess is the questions favor prosecution. Did I hear Juan has evidence bags? Oh goody!!

Email jodiariasart@$$$$$$$ if you would like to make an offer on this art.


REALLY? Now she has her own art dealing website...very sad. Instead of saying things on here that I'm not sure I can say anymore (at this point from the warnings I'm not sure I can say I disagree with the defense on here anymore since that would be "intimidating" for some) I will just say my response is another donation to the Travis Alexander Memorial Fund

Maximum Custody Inmates
Maximum custody inmates shall be allowed to visit a maximum of one, 2 hour block per week with exception to Death Row inmates. Visitation
shall be by appointment only. All maximum custody inmate visitations shall be for one block, and is always non contact
regardless of what phase the inmate is in unless a court
order authorizes a contact visit and is approved by the Department’s Legal Services Division.
The defense team is the reason for the delay. Probably going over the questions.
Juan is in the court room says Beth meandering around. so it's obvious he is ready to go.

I think one of the main reasons ALV repels me is that I've heard women like her who berate other women for making their own choices. I have a Master's & I don't work and stay home with 3 kids.

So the "balance of power" favors my husband, according to ALV & I'm making a mistake by "throwing away" my education and intelligence and depending on a MAN. My mother is a woman much like ALV, so I've been criticized a lot about my choices.

I also don't appreciate someone who keeps stating her expertise is in domestic violience, yet gives talks about the error of teaching children that "God is masculine." She calls it a "mistake."

Um, if you are Christian, there's that guy called Jesus? He's male. I don't get it.

I thought feminists were supportive of all women's choices. It seems that to women like ALV, there are really some choices that are "right" and some that are "wrong."

A woman who speaks about the "Patriarchal Terrorism" that controls the minds and souls of women does not support women who choose to stay home with the children they have and to trust their husband.

I think that she's been in a small bubble too long and has lost her perspective on what is going on these days.

And how in the world can she keep referring to her "men's group?" She puts them in "time out?" She is emasculating.


You have one of the toughest jobs out there. Ask any mother, or father. Raising kids is not easy. You're at your job 24 hours a day. I say kudos to women who choose to stay home and parent. No degree or higher education can guide you in your every day life of raising children. I know so many women who would love to be able to stay home and raise their kids but financially it's not possible. Good for you for doing what you feel is right for your family. Just from reading your posts I have a feeling you're a pretty amazing mom.
I don't blame LotusPawprint for thinking that though. lol. Okay I don't want to get banned! :please:

I started to post something about a singer's former daughter and deleted it. It wasn't bad at all, but deleted it. Some have class.
Reminder: Trial is sch for tomorrow from 9:30-12:30 PST.
I am completely disgusted with what has taken place in this trial. This is supposed to be about an evil woman who SLAUGHTERED a man in his own bathroom. Not only did she murder him with an extreme amount of overkill, but she wadded him up and left him naked in the shower for others to find his lifeless nude decomposing body. She left him there for 5 days alone in that bathroom while she went and had a booty call with another guy and then went back to work and on with her life.

I don't care what kind of bedroom behavior they did, or if Travis should have never let her in because he should have been afraid of her. I don't care if she felt good bad or ugly. In fact I don't give 2 cents about how she felt.

It sickens me to think that if a man in your life, your son, your brother, your dad friend or coworker has the unfortunate luck to date a psychopath and that psychopath decides to BUTCHER him, that they will be drug through the mud publically for all the world to see. That he will be accused of such disgusting things that have no bearing on who he really was. NO ONE should be able to destroy someone's character to save their own butt, ESPECIALLY when they have not ONE SHRED OF EVIDENCE TO BACK THEIR CLAIM.

Sorry for the rant but this whole thing infuriates me to no end.:furious:

I've thought this before but hadn't commented until now. You pointed out the way JA staged the crime scene. Not only did she drag TA back into the shower, but he was posed to be completely exposed with his legs spread wide for additional shock value to his friends who would inevitably discover his corpse.

The most despicable murderers have done the same behavior after killing their victims and posing their corpses in sexually open and debasing postures.

:furious: Just another aspect of this case which shows a complete lack of empathy for all of the victims she has created by killing this one man. :furious:
Is it me or is that HLN TH, Dwayne , looking a lot like "Tanning Bed Mom"????

Just askin'
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