trial day 45: the defense continues its case in chief #137

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I have no sympathy for LaViolette, she is being paid by the defense. She has been coached as to what to say, instead of saying- the day Travis was murdered, she will say the day Travis was attacked. It is heartbreaking to hear her defend Jodi. She is the type of arrogant, manipulative person and thinks her breath doesn't stink. She is the kind of person that smiles while stabbing you in the back. I hope karma comes quickly for her.

me too. great post:seeya:
Testifying to the truth and being objective is one thing. Lying, being biased, and completely assassinating a dead man's character by telling lies about him being an abuser is illegal.

There is a reason NUMEROUS other experts turned down this case. If she had ethics she wouldn't have been bought.

We live in an age of social media...this is a highly publicized case. People are entitled to their opinions. We live in a country where the 1st amendment allows us to voice our opinions.

Her decision to take on a high profile case makes her a target. She's a big girl and with 35 years of enough to know what comes with that. If Jodi were a sympathetic defendant and there was ample evidence to show she was indeed a "battered woman", this woman's career might have benefited. She has to take the bad with the good.

I applaud people for calling her out. It's their right, and as long as they are not doing anything illegal, who cares?

It's not a right to harass people we don't like, by calling them ugly names, pretend we have read a book they published and then give it a bad review, demand that event planners remove them as speakers at events we do not plan on attending, and threaten them.

Apparently, that's what's been happening to Laviolette.

Being an expert in a high profile case does not give others a license to act like jerks. Should she have predicted intense interest in this case? Yes. But how about intense disgust at her expert opinion? Well, I think she was too biased to realize how her opinion would be received. She seems downright shocked by it. In any event, she is certainly open for criticism and she has made herself so. Her opinions are controversial and downright repellant to many, like me. And people do have a right to voice their opinion.

But when they childishly vent their rage on her via anonymous name-calling, vitriol, threats and the like, they cross the line.

Yes, it was her own continuum ---that's what makes it so hard to believe that she wouldn't acknowledge what was right there on display.

Ugh. That made me want to pull my hair out. She knew exactly what she was doing. She acted like a petulant child with her response to that, IMO. Stubborn, defensive and lacking any credibility.

I believe that there are hundreds of people right here on this very website that could sit in that witness stand and act as a better expert witness than what I've been watching here.

For this 'expert' to sit there and use these generalizations to form her own opinion and BIAS towards this case amazes me and sickens me as I watch.

She claims that because JA had two previous long term relationships, and maintained friendships with those men, that she then saw no evidence that JA could have been violent in this relationship.

She is WRONG. Wrong, wrong, wrong.

Mental health is not a static state. People can accumulate experiences that change the way they react in certain situations.

This is well studied in the realm of PTSD.

There are many documented cases of serial killers having steady girlfriends and/or wives and going out and killing women.

A lifelong friend of mine met a 'Christian' man on a dating site, he became obsessed with her. She moved to another state and he got in his truck one night and drove all through the night to arrive at her home and shoot her to death and them kill himself.

I spoke with his ex-fiance on the phone and she said he had NEVER done anything like this in his life, that he was a kind and generous person.

Generalizations should be left to teaching a basic class on DV 101 and NOT for expert court testimony.

Thank you! Something else that struck me about her testimony was when she said she found jodi believable because jodi did not see herself as a victim at first. Yeah, lady, of course she didn't - until you and Samuels and her attorneys coached her to! Once she began to realize the narrative she needed to adopt in order to possibly escape justice, she quickly realized what a true "victim' she was, right?

And let me say that the way the defense team coaches jodi is probably not totally straight forward. I had the same opinion about casey anthony. They spend hours and hours asking questions that amount to suggestions and over time, the defendant realizes how they are supposed to respond.

I think in Laviolette's case, much of her "suggesting" and coaching was subconscious. As repellant as i found her behavior in court and her "expert" opinion, I don't think she is as shady as that. Instead, i think she met jodi with a mindset easily amenable to seeing jodi as a victim and since she was paid to do just that, found herself asking leading questions that clued jodi in to what she was supposed to say to Laviolette.

It's very transparent and sad to me.

I have a question for the good folks here. Why do you think she went so psycho on this one man? She definitely exhibited stalker-like behavior with previous boyfriends, and crossed boundaries, but what drove her to slaughter Travis Alexander to the extent that she did? What was different about this relationship compared to her previous BF's? I can't quite wrap my mind around that question. Psychopath? Sociopath? Maybe so, but why did it manifest itself when it did?

Princess I wonder the same. 2 of my posts below are my lame attempt at trying to find a WHY, but we really will never know.

Travis' only mistake, except meeting her, was that he didn't tell her NO and stick to it. God forbid if he was so kind as to feed her, help her PPL wise, give her a place to sleep when she needed one and in his own way, love her. Travis was paid back with rage, bullets and stabs. ...No good deed goes unpunished. I hate her so much.

Travis was HER perfect storm. None of us is ever going to know exactly why JA was so obsessed but for starters... HE was successful, smart, handsome, religious and everybody liked him. SHE was not successful, thought she was smart, was pretty on the outside but so ugly on the inside and used religion for gain, as in gain Travis. God, Travis never saw her coming and when he actually did see the real her it was too damn late. She is Pure Evil.

Travis was white, handsome, well-liked, on the track to riches, had his own home and was without the baggage of children or an ex spouse. jodi was becoming more and more desperate to snag a man like him as she approached 30 so she could trap him with a family. This was her best shot at the kind of life she wanted and at having a man she felt many women would envy her having. It was too much when this one found her to be too slutty for marriage.

I think Travis let jodi back in because she is a master manipulator and can convince people that she means no harm. Unless you have known a sociopath, it is incredibly hard to realize how good they are at what they do. Think of all the major cult leaders like David Koresh and Jim Jones. They were able to convince people to follow them to horrible environments and to stay even when they made those environments unbearable by overwork, lack of sleep, lack of food, denial of family or sex and with beatings. They were sociopaths very good at what they did.

I think it's pretty simple. Travis had fears. jodi managed to sneak her way in and get him vulnerable by apologizing over and over again, insisting there had just been a series of mistakes, and repeating that she just needed one last favor from him, or to talk to him one last time, or that she had to pay him something she owed or she had to pick up one last item she forgot.

Once in, she used her sexual abilities to appeal to his sexual desires - desires he likely had trouble satisfying in his community - and to his and lack of restraint and thus his desires tragically overcame his fears.
When Laviolette first took the stand, I liked her, and then I think I posted something about thinking she was fair and professional.

I'm embarrassed for myself.

Nom nom nom...a big plate of crow.
And Travis went to the morgue with a bullet in his brain, 27 stab wounds and a slashed neck. I greatly resent the DT and their cohorts for trying to make people forget who the real victim is here.

How far will she go to cause a mistrial or save what may be left of her career. IF she really has anxiety it's because she is A SELLOUT. Jmo
I have no sympathy for LaViolette, she is being paid by the defense. She has been coached as to what to say, instead of saying- the day Travis was murdered, she will say the day Travis was attacked. It is heartbreaking to hear her defend Jodi. She is the type of arrogant, manipulative person and thinks her breath doesn't stink. She is the kind of person that smiles while stabbing you in the back. I hope karma comes quickly for her.

Neither Laviolette nor any other witness, nor attorney in this case can use the word "murder" during testimony. That's because the word "murder" is a legal conclusion that cannot be made until all the evidence is in. It's the rules of evidence.
I guess the strain on ALV is too much and she went to the ER over the weekend with palps and anxiety. Just heard this.

I think it's cognitive dissonance that's causing her to freak. She simply cannot handle the conflict between what she believes and what reality is showing her to be true. That's what happens to cult members who steadfastly adhere to an idea that is clearly bizarre - like Harold Camping's followers who were certain the world was ending May 21, 2011 - and who have likely invested a lot into that idea.

The more that comes out that evidences how very wrong Laviolette is, the harder she will cling to her opinion, the more viciously she will defend it and the blinder she will become.

It is very frustrating and even infuriating.
Moderator, I hit a red triangle by mistake. I dont even know whos. I have a small screen.
First of all, I doubt ANY of the defendant's "artwork" has truly been sold. There were many, many people who just bid the heck out of them as a joke. Not that I would ever do such a thing, but that was the rumor. If you look at the bidding history, people were messing with the Seller. :floorlaugh: Nothing sold. JMO.

(Respectfully snipped)

I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if their ebay account was terminated for different reasons, than what has been stated by JA and her 'publicist/agent'. Ebay probably yanked their selling account due to faux bidding and fake wins done by Donovin and JA's posse.

They probably listed the 'art' and had friends/shills bid on them to drive up the value, so her future work can be listed at a higher starting bid. Ebay probably caught on and booted them. All MOO

Remember who we are talking about here! JA is all about perception (the percieved value, or status of 'things')

OH! One more thing....

Isn't JAs mother and aunt staying with Donovan, while in Phoenix?

Who else thought it strange that Donovan said they've known each other for
6 years, " we met in 2007 when JA first came to phoenix?" (I wasn't sure if D added "jail" at the end, as she was cut off)

Yes, JA did first come to Phoenix in 2007, but didn't they meet in jail?
How far will she go to cause a mistrial or save what may be left of her career. IF she really has anxiety it's because she is A SELLOUT. Jmo
She would then be known as the DV expert that caused a $2 million (costs will have increased) mistrial. No experts want that tag on their head, not least in a trial where the murderer has acknowledged she did commit a crime.
I hate to be a spoil sport here, but isn't Jodi in jail because she could not meet $2 MILLION bail? Until convicted of the crime she committed, she can legally profit off anything that's legal.

Back in January I posted Jodi would be tiring of this trial 'game' soon and we'd be seeing the real psycho come out. Jodi the caged animal is totally creeping out the past few days. She's bored. Thinks she's in charge.
(Respectfully snipped)

I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if their ebay account was terminated for different reasons, than what has been stated by JA and her 'publicist/agent'. Ebay probably yanked their selling account due to faux bidding and fake wins done by Donovin and JA's posse.

They probably listed the 'art' and had friends/shills bid on them to drive up the value, so her future work can be listed at a higher starting bid. Ebay probably caught on and booted them. All MOO

Remember who we are talking about here! JA is all about perception (the percieved value, or status of 'things')

OH! One more thing....

Isn't JAs mother and aunt staying with Donovan, while in Phoenix?

Who else thought it strange that Donovan said they've known each other for
6 years, " we met in 2007 when JA first came to phoenix?" (I wasn't sure if D added "jail" at the end, as she was cut off)

Yes, JA did first come to Phoenix in 2007, but didn't they meet in jail?

I don't want to infuriate anyone on this fine Friday morning, but I paid a visit to her new site (which I won't link out of respect). But after reading this quote, I had to lift my jaw off the floor. It really shows her Sociopathy.

Rather than focus on all that I could and would do differently if I could hop a train to the past, I remember the lessons and carry what I’ve learned into the future.” -Jodi Arias

So the murderess wouldn't even think about going back in time and not killing Travis Alexander. Instead she will carry that with her into the future.

What a sick sick human being. I pray to all that is holy that she sits alone in a 5x10 cell until she is escorted to the death chamber.


I hate to be a spoil sport here, but isn't Jodi in jail because she could not meet $2 MILLION bail? Until convicted of the crime she committed, she can legally profit off anything that's legal.

Back in January I posted Jodi would be tiring of this trial 'game' soon and we'd be seeing the real psycho come out. Jodi the caged animal is totally creeping out the past few days. She's bored. Thinks she's in charge.

- you are correct about the bail.

- you are correct, she can profit off her artwork until convicted

- I already see her psycho coming out in the way of her tweets via donovan and her new website. It won't be long before she loses it in the courtroom (IMHO). Just wait until she hears the world Guilty! Then the sentence. Oh the tears, the tears! It will be a glorious day.


Casting for a "Lifetime" movie of Arias trial underway:

Anyone thinking Lindsay Lohan? (Someone we already love to hate.) :rocker:

After the verdict (Sentencing Possibilities) :
Anything less than 1st degree will be a big disappointment for me. :jail:

BBM. If she gets 2nd degree, I will blow an artery - I swear!

Second-degree murder

If the jury rejects first-degree murder, but finds her guilty of the lesser charge of second-degree murder, the judge will sentence Arias to no less than 10 years and no more than 22 years in prison.

Arias will get credit for the four and a half years she has been incarcerated awaiting trial.

She WILL kill again if she is let out of prison. She has shown no remorse, and is absolutely worthless to society (IMHO).


BBM. If she gets 2nd degree, I will blow an artery - I swear!

Second-degree murder

If the jury rejects first-degree murder, but finds her guilty of the lesser charge of second-degree murder, the judge will sentence Arias to no less than 10 years and no more than 22 years in prison.

Arias will get credit for the four and a half years she has been incarcerated awaiting trial.

She WILL kill again if she is let out of prison. She has shown no remorse, and is absolutely worthless to society (IMHO).



BBM: What scares me is the possibility of a juror deliberately hanging the jury so they can sell their story to a tabloid. :furious: (And yes…I'm that cynical!)
Our lovely David Lohr opened a new You Tube page. Here is a link to the Juror Questions from today.

Thanks David!!

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