trial day 45: the defense continues its case in chief #137

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When ALV rambles on about the abuse, stalking and violence that she "I am sorry I just don't see it with Jodi".....I would love it for JM to say "Ma'am....did you have your glasses??" LOL

LAV is very biased toward JA. She showed her belligerence just like JA when she told JM she would put him in time out. I seriously doubt any juror is going to think it is "ok" for teenagers to lie, hit and kick your parents. Those things alone would be enough for me to just disregard this witness.

I have been thinking about that comment the past few days. ALV had the NERVE to say that to JM, she normally counsels BATTERERS (men) and to compare JM to that group was totally uncalled for. She should have been held in CONTEMPT just for the meaning bubbling under the surface of that comment.

I am LIVID at most of her answers to jurors questions. She has an agenda and she's making sure she drags TA's name through the mud furthering it. She appears to actually be angry at TA, as evidenced by her trying to add little zingers during her testimony (ex. TA "hates *advertiser censored*", she said it twice).

She also seems to want to "neutralize" any bias the jury may have concerning her lifestyle by mentioning her children every chance she gets. JM objected to most of those comments, as they are totally irrelevant to the case.

I would like to see ALV go down in flames due to her "character assassination" of the VICTIM Travis Alexander, murdered in COLD BLOOD by Jodi Arias.
So after jurors questions JW is back up to follow up then JM again? What comes after that? Defense rest and Rebuttal?
I have been thinking about that comment the past few days. ALV had the NERVE to say that to JM, she normally counsels BATTERERS (men) and to compare JM to that group was totally uncalled for. She should have been held in CONTEMPT just for the meaning bubbling under the surface of that comment.

I am LIVID at most of her answers to jurors questions. She has an agenda and she's making sure she drags TA's name through the mud furthering it. She appears to actually be angry at TA, as evidenced by her trying to add little zingers during her testimony (ex. TA "hates *advertiser censored*", she said it twice).

She also seems to want to "neutralize" any bias the jury may have concerning her lifestyle by mentioning her children every chance she gets. JM objected to most of those comments, as they are totally irrelevant to the case.

I would like to see ALV go down in flames due to her "character assassination" of the VICTIM Travis Alexander, murdered in COLD BLOOD by Jodi Arias.

I don't even think it's an appropriate thing to say to someone in her group. You tell children to take time outs, not adults.
Morning everyone! :seeya: I am in the midst of a severe ice storm... :please: to the Hydro Gods today.
So after jurors questions JW is back up to follow up then JM again? What comes after that? Defense rest and Rebuttal?

from what I hear, DT has one more witness.....a computer expert....then defense rest and rebuttal
So after jurors questions JW is back up to follow up then JM again? What comes after that? Defense rest and Rebuttal?

No, I think the defense added another witness, the computer guy that verified the sex tape voices as being both JA and TA etc.

Then I am hoping we go on to resting and Rebuttal.

If I am incorrect someone will correct me I hope. I have to catch up every day so I miss some things spoken about.

So after jurors questions JW is back up to follow up then JM again? What comes after that? Defense rest and Rebuttal?

Unfortunately, it has been confirmed that the DT plans to call another witness, apparently a computer or video expert. The speculation is it will have to do with the video of Travis at a shooting range.
I don't even think it's an appropriate thing to say to someone in her group. You tell children to take time outs, not adults.

Yes, I agree. She was creating a power struggle where there was none.

I was just thinking about the cash flow to ALV.

44 hours of sitting with JA netted her $11,000.00. Hard to believe the State of AZ and the taxpayers are happy with the amount they spent. For what?

We haven't even got into the part where she researched and testified in court for $300 an hour. Wow.

Its too early for me to figure out how many hours she has been on the stand and in the judges chambers but my guess is ALV is close or better than 25k for just the trail at this point.


I also think it's incredible she didn't create any kind of written report. Nothing that can be questioned directly. All there is is her "big picture". How the heck do hold someone accountable for their "big picture"!! :banghead:
LAV is very biased toward JA. She showed her belligerence just like JA when she told JM she would put him in time out. I seriously doubt any juror is going to think it is "ok" for teenagers to lie, hit and kick your parents. Those things alone would be enough for me to just disregard this witness.

Imagine if she had evidence of TA kicking his parents...she would be using that as evidence that he was abusive. Such obvious bias and double standard. :what:
ALV referring back to prior relationships is ridiculous. It is one way to see if there were patterns of behavior but did you ever think, ALV, FOR ONE MOMENT, that Arias was obsessed with Travis and not the other guys in past relationships?????!!!!
I wish JM had reminded the jury AND ALV that Jodi had a fit and sent her Mom home after flying to Mesa to help her move. She certainly wasn't a teenager and that's at the very least manipulative.:twocents:
Imagine if she had evidence of TA kicking his parents...she would be using that as evidence that he was abusive. Such obvious bias and double standard. :what:
I am curious as to how JW is gonna handle that question about the kicking and hitting......when she speaks with ALV....think she will pass it on as it happened as a teen? I know JM is ready for it....can't wait :great:
I found some interesting links searching for "battered men" and "domestic abuse" which look like some people have twisted/adapted certain bio details and events to fit JA's story. Long and BBM

Abuse at the hands of a female partner is not uncommon, but it is still a carefully guarded skeleton in our social closet. To come out of this closet with a dirty little secret of this magnitude would be humiliating, not to mention emasculating. The male image has been too perfectly crafted to not show weakness and an admission of a flaw could be detrimental.

You might be experiencing domestic violence if your partner:
• Calls you names, insults you or puts you down
• Prevents you from going to work or school
• Stops you from seeing family members or friends
• Tries to control how you spend money, where you go or what you wear
• Acts jealous or possessive or constantly accuses you of being unfaithful
• Gets angry when drinking alcohol or using drugs
• Threatens you with violence or a weapon
• Hits, kicks, shoves, slaps, chokes or otherwise hurts you, your children or your pets
• Assaults you while you're sleeping, you've been drinking or you're not paying attention to make up for a difference in strength
• Forces you to have sex or engage in sexual acts against your will
• Blames you for his or her violent behavior or tells you that you deserve it
• Portrays the violence as mutual and consensual
(If you are supposed to be a virgin Mormon ??? I added this )(or...)If you're gay, bisexual or transgender, you might also be experiencing domestic violence if you're in a relationship with someone who:
• Threatens to tell friends, family, colleagues or community members your sexual orientation or gender identity
• Tells you that authorities won't help a gay, bisexual or transgender person
• Tells you that leaving the relationship means you're admitting that gay, bisexual or transgender relationships are deviant
• Justifies abuse by telling you that you're not "really" gay, bisexual or transgender
• Says that men are naturally violent

So her! How could ALV not be on the lookout for this ... Well she's biased. She just is. It's sad really, like being racist or something ... they just don't understand how much it damages their own ability to see things realistically because they're looking at the world through a distorted lens.
I wish JM had reminded the jury AND ALV that Jodi had a fit and sent her Mom home after flying to Mesa to help her move. She certainly wasn't a teenager and that's at the very least manipulative.:twocents:

Does anyone know what happened there? Its been part of the story I can't find much information on.

Other than there was a disagreement and mom said the heck with it she is going home?

Initially I was thinking that she sent her mom home because she was staying after all no matter what.

So after jurors questions JW is back up to follow up then JM again? What comes after that? Defense rest and Rebuttal?

JW was writing quite a bit during juror questions yesterday so be prepared for JW/ALV Travis bashing most or all of today. :banghead:
I wish JM had reminded the jury AND ALV that Jodi had a fit and sent her Mom home after flying to Mesa to help her move. She certainly wasn't a teenager and that's at the very least manipulative.:twocents:
oh not to worry, He will!!
I don't even think it's an appropriate thing to say to someone in her group. You tell children to take time outs, not adults.

Morning Shuby :seeya: ITA. Infantalizing an adult is shaming that adult. I am really questioning ALV's supposed credentials because she does not seem to be very professional IMO.
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