trial day 46: the defense continues its case in chief #138

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I want the DP in this case, so Jodi will be restricted. She's already showing her colors VIA Twitter from behind bars...AS I type.

IF she gets LWOP, she will be the Einstein in prison. YES, I begrudge her the very air she breathes and having skin that would be better utilized for burn victims. MOO

Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't Einstein "Bipolar"?

Best caption for this picture wins free pop rocks and tootsie rolls :)

I've got three I like equally:

C'mon guys, don't you know that snow white was a battered woman...?? Hey, It Could Happen to Anyone you know!!

Why don't Arizona men EVER believe me??

Scratch tweeting anything smart@ss tonight... *sighs*

Other than that, that specific picture and the look that is on JA's face screams "Please don't choose to kill me.... Please!!!"
Johnny Carson was the BEST comedian EVER!! :)

Too many funny bits come to mind, but a fav was Johnny asking Frank Sinatra whose music he used for lovemaking. Youngun's won't get the joke, since they probably aren't familiar with Frank Sinatra either.
meanwhile, while the attorneys are again at the sidebar, ALV stepped down....??????????
Lies of omission are some of the worst lies, "foggy and playing dumb" lies included.
if this doesn't act as a deterrence to all people who may even think about committing murder in that state, then nothing ever will.
Whatever this is, it's BIG! I don't believe Juan would fight this hard over something insignificant...
as much as I don't want the Alexander family to have to view those photos again, I do think JM should put them up so she can see the degree of JA's violence

Well the door was open with the jury question, (Paraphrasing) "if Arias stabbed Travis 29 times, slit his throat and shot him in the head vs Travis expressing one time verbal outrage words, do you think Arias is the perpetrator? ALV said no.

I boiled in anger when she answered "No". I sent so many angel prayers for the Alexander family when that occurred. How dare she. Just how dare she.

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So glad you showed up today! We were missing you this morning. Thanks for making me smile, it's always at the moment when I need it the most. I think you have saved many of us from that special camp during the past few days. :blowkiss:
I don't want my children or grandchildren to watch this and hear some lies are OK. I've taught them a lie is a lie is a lie.. no matter how big or small.
Buy a watermelon and stab it 29 times, and then slice it half. See how long it takes you. Travis was ALIVE when she did this to him, and he was DEAD afterwards.

Why should she get to enjoy ANY quality of life after doing that? Why should she get to breathe and have friends and sing in talent shows and write and dream? She took that away from Travis.

Willmott looks like she's up there begging to the judge at this side bar.
Desperation is showing.
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