trial day 47: the defense continues its case in chief #144

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Oh, I know the best one:

"He is the great one."
-Kirk Nurmi on Juan Martinez

Yep, that one needs to go on the cloud cross stitch someone is making (I can see your avatar but don't want to screw up your nic - sorry!).
There were so many good lines today in that little slugfest between Juan and Nurmi. My favorite moment was when Nurmi said Juan assaulted ALV in the closed hearing and Juan responded with, "If she feels bad, she should."

My favorite, which I've added to my signature :), is "He [JM] is the great one."
wish the Judge would get so mad at Nurmi that she would threaten to hold Nurmi in contempt of court for wasting all of courts time filing for all of these mistrials
My guess...correspondence with Jodi she didn't admit too. Something about Jodi's journals confiscated in that recent cell search

I wonder too if it has something to do w/jodi's jail journals. Maybe she wrote something about ALV?
Then I'd expect to see some kind of physical damage to the camera. I have a bridge camera, they're not exactly tanks. The computer guy Melendez testified to finding no damage on the camera except for the shutter button that fell off during his handling of it, and as we can see from the last three pictures, the camera was in working condition when it found its way down the hallway.

disagree. i have a bridge camera that's been dropped and knocked around ad nauseum. not a scratch on it.
:fence:Can someone bring the photo over from the last thread, the one where Ari-as has the pencil stowed/jailbird like in her shoe today.
I sometimes think does all her craziness because she knows we're watching.
wish the Judge would get so mad at Nurmi that she would threaten to hold Nurmi in contempt of court for wasting all of courts time filing for all of these mistrials

I so wanted to say something today about his tie, but I sat on my hands until they were numb. :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:

ETA: Waves to BEE-BEE!!
Do transcripts of sealed hearings become unsealed after the trial?
I just think its funny that Nurmi got all big and tough today raising his newly found deep voice and acted all tough. I swear it was an imposter dressed as Nurmi!

The jabs going back and forth were comedy gold.....
Seriously, if the expert today couldn't find a gun with his state of the art fancy smansy equipment...what makes you think you can? Not trying to be rude...just trying to save you some time

I'm not being rude either. The minute this "junk" science is let into a court of law we all need to be worried. It is just like finding a cat in the clouds or Jesus on a piece of toast. It proves nothing except that there is something there. And that is proof of nothing at all. Amen.
OH MY! The stipulation! There goes my theory down the drain!

Premeditation may be off the table now!!!!


in fact completely not!:twocents::twocents::twocents:
OH MY! The stipulation! There goes my theory down the drain!

Premeditation may be off the table now!!!!

:waitasec: Why would premeditation be off the table???

Premeditation can be formed in the blink of an eye.
The time it takes the defendant to stop taking the photo with camera in hand to pick up the knife and start stabbing him is long enough.

Although we know it started in at the very least the end of May by stealing her grandfather's .25 caliber.
My take on the image in his eye - big whoop. For all we know, she took the picture with a flash to temporarily blind Travis while she pulled out the knife or gun from her pocket (depending on your theory) to start attacking him.

I'm with JM on the dog, though. I definitely saw a ***** - female dog in case the word I originally typed gets overwritten.
:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh: Good one, works either way!!!
Introspective says:

April 15, 2013 at 6:13 pm

Thank You ALL for contributing!!! What would I do without you all… lol (Also, I thought the BUTLER did it???) lol
BTW, was watching hln since I couldn’t turn the computer on for awhile (making dinner for kids) and strangely, they are kind of not so focussed on the JA trial, using the boston incident as an excuse – wondered if what is going on is not lookiing so good for the prosc side? They tend to blow off things in the trial when it doesnt look so good for them.

This is a copy of the actual post.
OH MY! The stipulation! There goes my theory down the drain!

Premeditation may be off the table now!!!!

What are you freaking out about-lol lol
pred-med is not lost here.It was a stipulation of a photo!
wish the Judge would get so mad at Nurmi that she would threaten to hold Nurmi in contempt of court for wasting all of courts time filing for all of these mistrials

Agree it is frustrating, however, this is a DP case and the Judge does NOT want any appellate issues.

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