trial day 48: REBUTTAL #146

DNA Solves
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she has a wide range of experience for her young age - good for her - and good for US!!
Way behind on HLN and haven't seen too much but in short, Janeen is amazing!
She is concise, well-spoken, and very intelligent, even though she didn't liken herself to Einstein. =) She doesn't seem like she will be intimidated by anyone. Good luck with that, JW!!
Catching up so sorry if this has been asked and answered:

Will defense have opportunity to question this witness?
Oh wow, domestic violence clinic, worked in a prison... hang it up, defense team. She's about perfect, and didn't buy your client's poopoo then or now.
janeen is one stop shopping for JM. she's knocking out RS and ALV both!
She even brought her CV !!!

Experts should always bring their CV. Their CVs are routinely used as exhibits in trials. Sometimes their expert reports are also admitted as exhibits.
I'll bet Dr. D has a pair of glasses handy, even if she doesn't wear them.... because she's just that prepared.
Now JW is writing with the stubby little pencil???? Whoa, what's going on?
She's worked with many children, women and MEN who have been abused...
This young woman makes the DT look like dirty dogs. Sneeky, snarky, outright lies.
Experts should always bring their CV. Their CVs are routinely used as exhibits in trials. Sometimes their expert reports are also admitted as exhibits.

Yes...but ALV ...conveniently did not have hers at times...
I bet ALV is horrified right now....Dr. De is a PhD and a DV clinician? Bwaaaaa
Bayliss Behavioral solutions with lots of children and adults exposed to DV

Continues to work to this day in private practice with some frequency conducting 8 to 16 evals a minimum of half of those pertain to DV

Battered women's syndrome diagnostic indicators?

No not in the DSI

Lenore Walker coined the phrase
I have a feeling the DT cross is going to be endless on this witness. Willmott looks like she's filled an entire legal pad with endless notes. I predict it will be painful. :facepalm:
Is JM debunking the "continum" or am I just lost here?

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