trial day 49: REBUTTAL; #149

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Was there any other info that came out about Samuels and the possible Discovery Issue where he did not provide a test of JA's to the State???

Good question.
Dr DeMarte did say that shortly prior to the break.
Willmott asked Dr D about some test result of Dr Samuels ... And Dr D said she never received that information from Samuels/defense team.


I LOVE it!!! Fantastic pic! :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
But has JA shown ANY sign of remorse? Mentioned, even once, that she was was sorry for what she did? I don't recall anything like this, she seems to want to forget all about it, & thinks everyone else will forget about it, & just let her go on her way...such hubris...

NO. Part of remorse would include confessing that she lied about the pedaphile allegations, confess that Travis never physically abused her and finally tell the truth about what occurred when she murdered Travis, IMO.
OK to all of you wonderful watchers...I have an admission to make. I missed 95% of yesterday and today. I have relatives coming in tonight from California, so have had to actually do stuff. LOL!! And now with what's going on in Boston, my attention is split.

I have done a good lot of reading here, and from what I can tell I haven't really missed anything groundbreaking - besides Wilmott making herself look silly (my words based on what I have heard/read)

Is that an accurate assumption or do I really need to watch something specific?

What, if anything, has been revealed about Jodi or the crime itself?

Jodi is still a cold blooded killer. JW still having trouble crossing Dr. D. and now JA has a boo boo or a headache or she finally gets the fact she's on trial for murder in the First and can't stand that fact. Her Fog is verrrry bad today.
Since DT delays seem to be an ongoing tactic, I think one of things the judge can do is use Fridays to make up hours missed during the week. Another thing she could enforce is to make up hours by starting earlier or staying late. If the consequence is going to be dragging your butt in there early, then perhaps the shenanigans will stop. If no consequences are applied, then nothing will change. I also think the jury should be told each and every time just who is wasting their valuable time. :twocents:
I agree...except can't stay later cause JA will miss her bus :) Why not just an hour for lunch?
If I had one teensy weensy suspicion that JA had one teensy weensy bit of remorse, I'd want to see her get some help. But I'm alert, oriented and aware of my surroundings. I'm not deluded. This girl will kill again. I was going to type that she will kill again if she is freed. That is not accurate. I think that if she is given the chance, and spends enough time incarcerated, she will kill again. She is defective and not in a repairable way. And it will be someone else's fault, she'll say.
I also wondered if she would be a candidate for segregation once she is sent to prison. Many prisoners with little to lose would love to go down in history as the one who 'got' her.
I think JA did this to give JW some time to research Dimarte's (sp) testimony so she can try to impeach her. She knows the cross is not going well and this is her last hope. I would be willing to bet JW will not finish with Dimarte Thursday. If she doesn't, this will give the defense 4 days to investigate what she has testified to so far since they won't be back until Tuesday. If they had moved forward today then JW would probably finish with her tomorrow. Now she won't. IMO they shouldn't delay court unless JA has a life threatening illness.

That's exactly what I think...they want to arm themselves a little better.

I doubt they'll find much more than a water balloon.
JW has made a big deal about calling Dr. S DOCTOR because it is "disrespectful not to. I was just listening to testimony from earlier in cross of Dr. D and JW called her Dr. DeMarTAY which is a mispronouncation of he rename DeMartee ( spelling if DeMarte). Nothing more disrespectful than mispronouncing someone's name...
Just curious did anybody hear if JW called Dr D a "bad name" under her breath during testimony today??
I can almost assure you that she is not experiencing a migraine. She would not be sitting that long scribbling, drawing, or whatever else she might be doing. I have migraines that I am prescribed medication for, and before I had tests to see if my symptoms warranted a diagnosis of them, I could not stand light, noise, and had to be in bed in a dark room with ice packs on my head. I would squeeze my head to try to alleviate the pounding. Sometimes they were so bad I would have to go to the ER for pain shots. So, I call BS on her little headaches when things aren't going her way.

Me too, I get migraines with the same symptoms as you and haven't believed Jodi's claims of migraines either...

This time, again, I was just about to call BS on her migraine, but right before I decided to google to see if anger could be a trigger...and I found out it is!

I so wish that JM could point out that when Jodi is on the verge of rage outbursts she gets migraines trying told hold them back... He could use it to work against her and prove how volatile and dangerous she really is.
Oh my gosh, how can you listen to JW again? I admire your tenacity! :)

Last night I woke up on the couch with the TV still on HLN. I heard JW's shrill voice, thank goodness I live alone with my cats, because the first thing out of my mouth was "STFU Jennifer and sit the F down!". I yelled it, and turned the TV to Soapnet. Thank DirecTV for Soapnet, my sanity. :great:

I live in an apartment and you can't hear the next apartment, but you can hear things from apartments in the hallway. Anyway, I'm pretty sure my neighbors think I'm nuts by now considering how many times I've shouted things at the DT during this trial. My former neighbor told me he heard me laughing hysterically one night inside my apartment from the hallway one night...I was watching the Daily Show with Jon Stewart :floorlaugh:
Agreed. Everything.

I was taking issue with the malicious gloating over failure which is, at least in part, due to a very serious disorder. Never said there wasn't choice involved, never said responsibility and justice isn't due, because that's beside my point. What I'm hearing a lot of is that it's OK to make fun of mental illness and a failed life, so long as we agree that the target deserves it.

I'm one who reads a lot into things. I swear I could find subtext in the Pope's speech. Ok, exaggeration for emphasis. lol I don't read anyone making fun of mental illness here.

Her failed life ... she made those choices in order for it to be a failed life so she can accept whatever shots she has coming to her. She spent a LOT of time and effort and money on her physical appearance and the appearance of wealth. Those were her choices. So when she ran out of money, it suddenly became someone else's problem.

Nuh huh. She doesn't get a free ride on that.

The gloating over where she is now. Her personality disorder did not cause her to commit this heinous crime. Her intolerance for rejection and her childish need to have what she wants RIGHT NOW is what brought her here.

So we don't agree on those points.

There are many, many, many, many people out there with personality disorders who manage to live their lives without bringing the circus to town.
All inmates are pasty and green looking and have oily hair. Jail always ruins that year round tan.... aka Hispanic heritage.

It is the green shirt she is wearing. She is of a complexion that when she wears green that color is reflected to her face and neck making her look putrid. If I wear green my skin color will look green.
Hi Everyone, newbie poster but have been following the forum threads related to the JA trial for quite some time. First of all, thank you all for sharing your observations and insights. Very interesting!

As far as JA constantly drawing, that may relate to her likely BPD as "arrested development" is a feature seen in those with the disorder. It is believed that the age displayed during these times are closely associated with the age when the core psychological wound leading to the personality disorder occurred. JA reminds me of a child who is tuning out and coloring during a Parent/Teacher conference as if the meeting has nothing to do with them. BTW, I don't mean any disrespect to those who suffer from or as a result of BPD.

She does not have BP
I loved it yesterday and I'll tell you why. We have spent weeks watching the utter anguish of Travis' loved ones having to hear their beloved, slaughtered brother, nephew, friend, be trashed in the most disgusting, horrific ways - murdered twice in a sense - in one of the nastiest defenses I've heard in a long time. We have sat here for weeks and watched that murderer smirk and laugh and smile and toss her hair while she attempts to destroy the memory of a man who can no longer defend himself. We have sat for weeks watching jodi arias enjoy every last moment of it and every last moment of the pain it is causing Travis' family.

The cruelty of that, the inhumanity of that is something I will not forget. It causes anger and it causes a desire to see the source of the pain pay for what she has done, or at least to see her come to the realization that the ugly, putrid life of hers that she felt was so superior to Travis' and to all who loved him, that she had the right to butcher him like a Christmas hog, is really meaningless and laughable and wasted and will remain so until she dies and goes to hell.

I value compassion and empathy. Ask those who know me: I am one of the biggest bleeding hearts around. My heart hurts for other for the smallest things - things sometimes they don't even know may be pitiable by others.

But a heart can only take so much and those of us vested in this case and watching the unceasing suffering this monster has caused, well, I think we have a good excuse for feeling a bit of glee at the thought that the monster before us may feel an ounce of what she dished out.

I hope that's clear.

I agree. I love all of ya'll but JM did not say a bad word. A professional of her caliber - that's right, she's an attorney in a death penalty trial and she has been around the block a time or two- has vastly more self-control than that. No way in H. E. double hockey sticks would such a word ever slip from her mouth before the court.

I'm new here, don't say much, but love the forum. Great post gitana1! Well said, my feelings exactly! Jodi and Company were certainly 'gleeful' when they got Juror #5 dismissed, and I saw many 'gleeful' moments from her when she got things her way....It is what it is, unfortunately, none of us are here to gloat - we are here for Travis and his family, to see justice done. We would not be here if it weren't for her actions. What is karma? laws of attraction? How ironic?
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